That's Kathleen's husband. He's reminded me twice this week that it is his birthday today, so I couldn't post this without wishing him a great sunshiney day! Although, it's not a sun shiney day here. Mostly cloudy! But I guess parts of the State really need the rain.
Yesterday was the no pain day, and I finally figured out why. When I took my night pills, I mistakenly took the 4 oclock pills for Wednesday (on Tues. night) and when I pack that 4 oclock case, I always put in my 7 p.m. 12 hour pain pill in it. So I was pain free due to double pain pills for about 8 hours of the time. whoops!!! It did feel good, and it made my whole day.
Nicole came and picked me up to get my pump unplugged and when we returned she stayed and helped me with the laundry and remaking my bed with clean sheets. Got that done, and then she took me to Jan's to have my hair done, so I can look beautiful for Saturday. Of course I now have beautifully colored bed head. Sleeping on it didn't help the beauty.
I also finished up making arrangements for 4 of us (Bonnie, Lois, Judy and I) to go to the North Shore for 3 nights in September. 9th-13th. I'm really excited about that, and my goal is to see Gene's bench I had placed on the shore of Lake Superior in Gooseberry Falls State Park in memory of Gene. I've not seen the bench in five years, so finally I will. We are staying only about a mile from the park at Grand Superior Shores, and have always driven by and wanted to stay there, so this is my chance for that too.
Got sad news this morning, Gene's buddy Joe Neis passed away this morning, so say some prayers for his family, but we are all thankful he is no longer suffering. He too died of lung cancer, and I remember years ago when they were both trying to quit smoking, but both lost the battle....well at least in the end they both died of lung cancer....I think Joe did stop smoking.
So far I'm feeling pretty good this morning....not as great as yesterday....but good!
Looking forward to seeing my sister-in-law Carol, I believe she arrives today for a couple of weeks and going to the reunion on Saturday.
That's all for the day, Love and Prayers, m
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