Sunday, August 12, 2012

Cloudy Day, but not Inside!!

The Son is shining in here....even though I'm not up to going to church, I've said my prayers at home.
I spent almost all of yesterday on the couch....watching the Olympics as usual...don't know what I'll do tomorrow, oh yeah, I guess I have plenty to do tomorrow, with lunch and evening engagements.  On Tuesday I may be taken to the cabin by cousin June and her husband Len.  Looking forward to that....I haven't been to the cabin in a month.
No big plans for today other than the Olympics closing ceremony....right now watching the
men's basketball team and it's frustrating....we better pull this out!!
Walgreens has a coupon today for their photo books, so I will order my copy of the book Janet put together for Debbie's Birthday present.  It's a great picture and recipe book of all the aunts and uncles.  I can't wait to get mine.
No other news of interest.  Love and Prayers, m

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