Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Miraculous Day

I am so happy that I was able to handle the drive to the cabin....without pain!  I also was able to fill all of my bird-feeders  and this morning a beautiful Oriole and his partner the female came to eat at my feeder.  Can't get better than that.
We got here yesterday by noon, and had lunch and sat on the deck (Lenard brought me up a lounge from the lower deck so I could lie on it) for a while just enjoying the afternoon.  Then Len decided he wanted to get his boat on the lake, so I went with so they could find the boat launch.  June and I came back and resumed our restful afternoon on the deck while we waited for Len to find his way back.  He had some trouble doing that, but eventually he did make his way back.....after exploring every nook and cranny along the way.  With a 10 hp motor that takes a long time.
I fixed BBQ ribs of sort in the pressure cooker, and they were so fantastic....thanks Gary for the lessons!!!
We also had fresh corn on the cob that I bought on the way up at a little stand near Monticello that I always buy corn from.  It also was fantastic....the best corn we all had had this year.
After dinner and a short nap, we went down to the lower level to watch the Twins game on TV, but couldn't get the thing to work, so we played Domino's Train instead.  They brought a double 15 set of domino's with them, and I've never seen one that large....but even with that we got stuck a couple of times and all ran out of places to play.  We did each manage to win one though...I think.  We only played 5 games, and by then it was after 10 p.m. and we all came back upstairs and played on our computers for a little while before going to bed.
I slept pretty well, infact I overslept which is a bad thing, cause when I got out of bed near 8:30 I was late in taking my meds and my right hip was killing me.  I took my meds and June sent me back to bed, after I showed her how to make coffee.  By the time the coffee was done and I slept for about 15 minutes more, I was able to get out of bed and come and enjoy watching the birds.
Today we might go to Kimball to Knaus's Meat Market to buy some sausage...other than that I am having a long-distance phone Qigong session at 3 p.m. and that is it for plans.  I do want to get a shower in before Kimball, so I better get moving here.  Love and Prayers, m

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