You know I always feel so much better when the sun is shining, and that is true today!! A little bird at my feeder helps too!
Yesterday the sun was shining when I left at 8:15, but quickly went out when I walked into HHH clinic and was told I was 15 minutes early. So I had to wait 15 minutes till they called me in for my port to be accessed and my blood work done. Well then they couldn't get a blood return so walked me back to Dr. Londer's office without it, saying it could be worked on when I got back to chemo. So now I was about 5 minutes early for my 8:45 appointment. Well I got there and sat, and waited, and sat, and waited and sat, and waited some more. By 9:15 I was in such pain form sitting in that office not finding a comfortable position to get the weight off my tailbone, that I finally went out and asked if Dr. Londer had forgotten me, and they said that he had been double booked and wouldn't be long, but I was already in tears and they decided to take me back to the chemo room where the nurse could draw my blood and get the ball rolling....well that didn't exactly happen either. He was busy with another patient, and finally Dr. Londer came over to see me, and I wasn't in very good shape....and asked if I had taken a breakout pill, and I said I had at 9:15, but it hadn't taken effect yet. He said he would have the nurse draw my blood and they would get the ball rolling. Well that still didn't happen for another 10 minutes, and when he came in, I asked what the hell was going on here today? He said well one of his patients was late and that through his schedule off, well I was now 45 minutes late and he still didn't have a blood return, so he finally did that, so they could get my counts to make sure I could get chemo today. My blood pressure was great 124/70 which they got when I walked in back at 8:30 and all the other vitals were good as well it was just the blood we were waiting on....that finally came through and they could order the chemo drugs from the pharmacy, and by 10:15 or so they finally hooked me up to the first drugs....luckily they had hooked me up to the pre-med infusion before this, so by 2:15 p.m. I was done.
I had asked for Dr. Londer to give me permission for a Handicapp sign for my car, and then had to wait another fifteen minutes for him to sign that before we could get out of there. Then Judy stopped at the Anoka County License Center for me, so I could put in the application. I walked out of there about 1/2 hour later with a temporary permit in hand, and promise that 2 hangers would come in the mail within the month. So a great end to a frustrating day.
To top off the frustrations, Judy beat me 3 out of 4 times in cribbage. I almost won 2 of the times, and was within five pegs once and she came from being 24 spaces and beat me by counting first with a great hand and great cut. The other time we were both close and she again counted first and won.....the last time when I finally won she was in the stink hole and I got to count first and finally won!!!
I had a few episodes of cold reaction and one chewing episode of pain which I had two years ago, but I haven't had any since before dinner. I have been warming my water for drinking and washing my hands just in case.
I didn't get to tell you about Sunday, but I overslept for church, and then went to an early movie with Bonnie and Lois and then out or dinner after. The move was "Hope Springs" and we all loved it. I highly recommend it for anyone who has been married for more than 20 years or so. It was hilarious.
That's it for now. Love and Prayers, m
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