Have had lots of bird watching this morning, and has distracted me from writing my blog.
The red bellied woodpecker has reappeared and eating at the grape jelly feeder, but the orioles don't like him hogging "their" food, and were trying to chase him away. I also saw a brief appearance of the huge Raven that was around this spring. But he didn't come down to the ground to eat. Many nuthatch, sparrow and chickadee's and a single chipmunk have been grazing all morning. June, Len and I all slept a little later than usual....well I did get up and put the coffee on and took my meds and went back to bed for an extra hour.
I slept really well last night and I was told that June and Len did too. We all must had been really tired from the days trip to the funeral we took. That is a story in itself!!!
We left at 8:20 about 10 minutes earlier that we thought we had to leave, armed with mapquest directions to Belle Plaine. But we got up to Cty Rd 3 and headed toward's Annandale and almost got all the way there before I realized we were supposed to be going toward Cokato. Then when we got as far as Norwood/Young America we found a McDonalds and had a quick egg mcmuffin for breakfast and then preceeded to find a county road that mapquest had told us to drive on, but didn't actually exist. We didn't know that at the time, but finally took out a map and started looking for a road that would take us south to Belle Plaine. We took one that took us back southwest to exactly where we were supposed to be. Got there only about 10 minutes later than plan, but in plenty of time for the reviewal and beautiful service.
Annie and Judy both looked like there were doing well, and both of her boys and grandkids were there, and also Janet and Jeannie along with us as family to support her. The chapel was filled to overflowing, and they kept bringing more chairs and more chairs to sit on. Mike (Judy's oldest) did the eulogy and did a great job on that....had us all laughing and crying. His daughter Jessie also did a solo piece on the piano prior to the service, and did a great job on that as well. The lunch after was in the building that Annie and Roger were living in, and the room was much too small for all the people. I think they didn't expect such a crowd. They ended up putting tables out in the hall (where we sat) in the middle of all the traffic.
The trip home was as eventful as the trip down. We tried to do a reverse of what we were supposed to do on the way down, but that ended up on us somehow getting lost in Winsted where a cty road changed names and we drove out of town east about 5 miles before we realized we were supposed to be going north on cty 6 and not east on cty 6. We had to turn around and go back to Winsted to find were we made the wrong turn. (The road we were on that was wrong had buffalo and llama's so that was interesting.) Any way by this time I was really tired and we wanted to stop and buy some vegetables to put with chicken in the pressure cooker for dinner, and when Lanto's in French Lake right on the way, didn't have any....I had them take me back home to the cabin for a nap while they went to Annandale to get them.
The evening wasn't as eventful....we played 2 games of domino's and Len won the first and June the second, and then we switched and played 3 games of cut throat with each of us winning one. So atleast I won once all evening.
Now we are off to town to get some more critter food and some screws to fix my dining room table (well for Len to fix the dining room table.) So must get going....Love and Prayers, m
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