Saturday, August 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Presley!!!

It's also Presley's Grandpa's happy birthday John Kays!!
It's Saturday morning, and that means it's Farmer's Market in Annandale.  We thought we would all get up early and go into town.  However, when Len's alarm went off at 8 a.m. I had been sound a sleep since 5:15.  Totally slept right through my 7 a.m. pills.  Luckily I took that break-out pain pill at 5:15 a.m.  A good thing and a bad thing.  I did wake sorta up sometime in that period, but it was because of a night sweat, and my pj top was all was my skin, but I just through off the blanket and kept the damp sheet to cover me and went right back to sleep.  Anyway it's a beautiful morning, most of us have showered, and we're washing sheets and almost ready to go to the farmers market and it's only 9 a.m.
Yesterday was a beautiful day, we did a little shopping in the morning for some more bird food and some screws for Lenard to fix the kitchen table leg and tighten up the top of the table too!  It isn't completely stable, but it's a whole lot better, and makes a lot less noise when you lean on it. Then we stopped at the store to get some things to fill in for lunch (like bread), and came back to the cabin for lunch, and then Lenard went fishing to see if he could come up with a few more for dinner, cause we found out that Judy was coming up later in the afternoon.
Judy did arrive at about 4:30 p.m. and we fried up a big pan of fish, and boiled some more of the corn we bought earlier in the week.  Great dinner!!  Thanks Lenard.
We wanted to watch at least the first quarter or two of the Vikings game and we couldn't get the TV here to work, we went to LaLa's in South Haven to watch.  After the half we came back and played Domino's....I won two games and June won two, but Judy and Len didn't win any. But at LaLa's we played Cut Throat and Judy won that game and poor Lenard didn't win all day.
We need to get moving here, so that's it for the day. Hope Presley has a great day too!  Love and Prayers, m

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