Monday, August 13, 2012

Sunny Day to Begin the Week!

Good day yesterday and good night last night....I think I'm ready for a busy day.
Mary Brue will pick me up for lunch today, and then Sandi Hitch will pick me up to have drinks on the Tkach's Veranda. (A Boston Reunion)  It should be a beautiful day to top it off.
Some sadness this weekend.  First got word that Joe Neis was put in Hospice.  Gene and Joe worked together 50 years ago at Midwest Printing when Gene was an apprentice, and we got married.  So been friends for lots of years.  Then in the obituary yesterday Maureen Buth died, and her husband Ray also was a printer, and they lived in Blaine and went to St. Tim's and Gene carpooled with him for many years when their schedules matched.
Then yesterday cousin Judy's brother-in-law died.  He had Alzheimer's Disease and was in Hospice for the last couple of weeks.  Judy think's the memorial service will be on Thursday, but we'll see.  June (her sister) and her husband Len were going to take me to the cabin tomorrow, but now I don't know what we will be doing....but Judy won't be joining us if we do.
Please pray for them and their families.
My friend Bonnie Sass, emailed yesterday that her high school friend that lives in Sedona, and I have met and hiked with while I was there, has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that has spread to her liver.  Lot's of prayers there too!
Hoping today will bring lots of love and laughter to offset all these sad happenings.
Love and Prayers, m

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