Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Sun Has Returned!

The sun is shining and I always feel so much better when the sun is shining.  Strange thing is yesterday even though the sun wasn't shining, I felt good when I got out of bed  (I changed the setting on my sleep number bed) and continued to be pretty productive.  I got some Vegas pictures uploaded to my Facebook site, and I also set up a new group on Facebook called "SMA Class of 1962" and then entered all the email addresses that I found in the memory book onto my email address book, and made a group so I can send out emails to all that I have email addresses for.  This took several hours of working at the computer sitting up, and that hasn't happened in weeks.
Nicole, my granddaughter came and mowed the lawn, and we talked about going to the lake tomorrow with Carol, Carrie and her two little ones.  I didn't want to get up early and get going by 8 a.m., so I suggested to Nicole that we go this evening, and stay over night.  That way I can sleep in to my regular schedule and also have to drive in the car on two different days, and give my back a break.  I may not do my blog till later in the day tomorrow, as I don't think I'll lug my computer up for less than 24 hours.  I'll take my Nook, and maybe just make a short entry in the morning, and update later when I get home.  We plan on coming back early in the afternoon, cause Nicole and Carrie both have plans for the evening.
I plan on doing some more work on the SMA group in facebook today, and then I need to pack for the night.  Think I'll have Nicole stop and I can pick up some stuff for lunch when we get to Annandale. Hope you all have a great day.  Love and Prayers, m

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