Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Sun has Come Out

I have had Annie typing for me the last couple of I forgot that I had to do my blog today!!  I have been up since 7 a.m. as usual....I have to take my meds at 7 a.m. so it is a must to get up then.  I usually go right back to bed at that time or the the meds can take effect.  I have been trying to get up during commercials to stretch and I don't get too stiff.  The druggist suggested that I walk during each one, but there are so many, I only do about every other one.  The new med is helping with the pain, but it also knocks me out for about an hour.  I'm trying to do some things around the house, and cleaned the toilet this morning, and worked on paying some bills and answering some emails.  Will do some filling this afternoon, and get the kitchen table cleared off.
My computer keyboard is acting up this week, and not typing H's so I'll have to go back and find all the missing H's and fix.
I have heard that Lottie Virnig got a great report from her doctors appointment this week, and that Joe Neis and family need lots of prayers, and the family of MaeBeth McCann (Zimmer) as she has been placed in Hospice this week.
Thats all for now. Love and Prayers, m

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