Sunday, August 19, 2012

Lazy Day!

I slept so good last night....too good....I got up at 7 a.m. and took my pills, and went back to bed for what I thought was about an hour, but didn't wake up till 9:34.  Bonnie was supposed to pick me up at 10:10 to take me to church, so I called her and told her I would be ready in time...and then laid down on the couch and dosed in between watching HGTV and talking to Annie on the phone.  I read some of the paper, and all of a sudden remembered I hadn't written my blog.  Crazy!!
Bonnie is picking me up at 2:20 and we are going to see "Hope Springs" with Lois Bjerke.  I think we will probably go out to eat after that.  So think I will have a great day if I finally get my butt in gear.
Yesterday after going to the farmers market and each of us brought home a bag of goodies, mine included a couple of zucchini and a butternut squash as well as a loaf of that great bread I always buy.  I got a loaf of cranberry pecan.  I don't know what the others bought, but we all had a couple of bags.
When we got back home it was almost time for lunch so we had everything in the fridge that was left overs from the weeks meals, plus some sliced cukes and tomatoes, some of the great new bread and a salad.  Part of the left overs was some of that corn we bought and only ate 6 ears the first night.  They were just as good for our lunch on Saturday.
After lunch we began getting packed and cleaning up and washing several loads of laundry, one of them being my personal clothes, sheets and towels from the bathrooms and the kitchen.  But we got it all done and were out of there by 2:30....getting me home by 3:45 or so.  Really hated leaving the cabin, but it was nice to be home too.  Didn't do a lot last night, but I did get to watch TV and the news, which we couldn't do all week at the cabin.
Well, I need to get moving here, or Bonnie will be here to pick me up and I'll still be in my PJs.  Will write earlier tomorrow.  Love and Prayers, m

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