Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Sun is Shining and So Am I

Sorry I am so late in writing this morning, I've been interrupted by phone, Olympics, sleep etc.  I woke up late and didn't get my 12 hour med I'm supposed to be taking at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. till 8:15 this morning.  Then I laid down on the couch to let it take effect and didn't wake up till after 9 a.m. Feeling good and then I got a phone call out of the blue from Mary Christy who I haven't heard from since my dad died about 12 years ago.  So we set up lunch for Friday, and we'll get caught up on each others lives.  I am so happy about that.
I got a call from Jimbo, and they are coming just after noon, and they will pick up my prescriptions I have at HealthPartners, and pick me up some lunch on the way as well.  After that I got a call from Janet to see how I was doing on the FluFox, as she was with me the first day of chemo I had back in 2010, when the chemo effected my touching anything cold, or drinking or eating anything cold.  Last time within 1 hour it was effecting me.  This time I only noticed the cold when I toke a drink of Ensure that was in the fridge....so had to let it warm up to room temperature before I could drink it.  Later in the evening when taking a pill, I used tap water and it also was a little colder than room temp, so I will have to pay more attention to that when I am taking pills.
Other than those two incidents, I have come through the first day well, and am feeling good today as well.
Annie came and spent the evening with me last night, watching the Olympics and she couldn't sit still for long, and ended up dusting the whole living room...and throwing in a load of clothes in the washer and dryer. She brought more things for me to eat and took care of my every need.  I don't know what I'll do when she has to go back to school in a few weeks.
Speaking of that, I am not able to drive now (as I am on so many drugs, if I got in an accident, they would give me a DUI) so I have a few things I need a ride to. Lunch for the Retirees on Monday, and then the drinks on the veranda at Patty's on Monday afternoon.  I also have a 4 p.m. appointment in South Mpls. on this Thursday, that I will cancel if I don't get a driver.  If anyone is willing to drive me, let me know.  Love and prayers are being felt totally.  Love and prayers, m

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