Monday, August 27, 2012

Rise and Shine

Beautiful morning, but a funeral to go moving a little quicker than usual.  Pat Tkach is picking me up at 10:30.  Yesterday I got two volunteers to take me to the funeral, and even heard that my son-in-law would have taken off work and taken me if need be.  I'm so lucky to have such good friends as all of you.
The picnic yesterday went well.  Lots of good food, and a lot more talking.  On Saturday their were so many people you couldn't talk to anyone for too long, but yesterday there were only about 18 total, so those that were there you got to talk too more.  Although there were still a few I didn't get to do any one-on-one talk with.  Had some great one-on-one with a couple.  I brought a high school scrapbook, that had my acceptance letter and the bills for tuition, books and uniforms (school and gym).  We had this ugly green romper that buttoned up the front and had a pointed collar that looked like a blouse tucked into a bleated short, but it was a one-piece.  The shorts came down to your knees...making sure nothing showed and had some built in cotton undies with elastic around the leg.  Someone made the comment they would make a great Halloween costume.  I had mine for awhile, but at some point through it a way along with the uniform, sweater, shoes (Herberts Happy Hiker's we bought at Schuler Shoes) and blouses.
I did get to visit with Kathy Leighton Mchoney, who took piano lessons like me, and sang in the glee club, which ended up being her life long career.  For many years sang at piano bars around town, and  for the last 17 years has been the music director at St. John the Baptist Catholic church in Excelsior.  But other than being the piano player, her latest claim to fame is being the mother of Tim Mchoney (Tim Mchoney and the Meenies Band).  He appeared on "The Voice" last year.  So had a fun conversation with her and even got a CD of Tim's.
Carol and I also got some great one-on-one, as we browsed some photo albums and my scrapbook before we left yesterday for the picnic, and of course in the car driving back and forth.  We haven't had so much time to really talk to each other one-on-one in years.  Living in Florida and me here doesn't help either.  So all in all it was a great visit.
After Carol brought me home, I went across the street to the neighbor's 70th birthday party, and really enjoyed seeing a couple of neighbors who moved away and those that are still here, that you don't get to talk to much.  I spent so much time in the front yard visiting with the neighbors, that I didn't even get to greet the birthday boy till we all left.  I found out that several actually read this blog, and keep up with me to my surprise.
Well, I better get in the shower or I won't be ready when Patty comes at 10:30 a.m.  Many of the classmates need prayers, I'm not the only one with cancer and such, so please include them in your prayers too!
Love and Prayers, m

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