Sunday, September 30, 2012

Happy 7th Birthday Matthew!!

I can't believe my youngest grandson is already 7.  He's growing so tall, and takes after his dad.  A great looking young man....his dad is a young man too!  Hope he has a great day and can celebrate in the sun or maybe the ice rink playing hockey!!
I had a good day again yesterday.  I did more cleaning of drawers, but am in the craft area now, so pulling out drawers and sorting what is in each drawer, has now made a bigger mess....but it's getting much more organized.  I found at least a dozen rolls of tape....6 bottles of glue all in different spots, glue sticks, hot glue sticks and more adhesives.  All of this was spread out in different spots.  Now each one has it's own spot.  I also sorted two or three boxes of rolls of ribbon with beads, spangles, buttons and other amenities for gift wrapping and craft decor.  Needless to say, now I have a lot a things organized and setting around the room in separate boxes till I figures out where to put it.
I said yesterday that I had inspired some and not others, Lois is the one who said she was in need of that inspiration, but hadn't caught it yet. No Mary it wasn't you....I know you caught it!!  It really feels good to be able to let go of some of this stuff.
I got a call from my sister just before noon, and she told me she was at the hospital with Gary.  She had taken him to the ER on Friday night after he had been in pain for almost 2 weeks before letting her take him in.  They kept him over night and at 5:30 in the morning he was again in chest pain, and so they did a bunch of tests and later in the afternoon, they did an angiogram, and thus found 2 areas that he previously had stints put in with 90% occlusion   They then did an angioplasty and put in two new stints, and he was back in his room sleeping peacefully when I called her at about 6 pm., after I got out of church.  During the afternoon, I spent a lot of time contacting my kids and others by phone, email and Facebook letting them know what was going on and asking for prayers.  I guess the prayers worked, as they are letting him go home today shortly after noon.
Carol and Del took me to church, and plan on taking me each week with them.  They have agreed to let me pay my own way, when we go out to eat after church, which makes me happy.  I hate taking advantage of people, especially when they are already picking me up and taking me to church.  Next week we will go on Sunday morning at 10 a.m. as the Viking don't play till 3 p.m. in the we can all be home in time to watch the game.  After church and dinner last night, Carol had remembered that I needed some things at the grocery store and Walgreen's  and offered to take me on our way home.  After thinking about it, I realized I could get everything I needed at Walgreen's and could also go to the cash machine there.  So we stopped and I took care of all my needs!!  Thank God for great friends.
Love you all, Love and Prayers, m

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sunny Day But I'm Moving Slow!!

I didn't get up til 9:40, and then fixed coffee and a fried egg sandwich for breakfast.  Got a call from Janet, and then answered a few emails and decided I better write my blog and get the day going.
I had a wonderful but tiring evening last night.  Sandi Hitch picked me up at 5:15 p.m. and arrived at the college at the exact same time as Lois Bjerke, who was my date for the evening.  We both walk and stand at about the same speed.  We headed straight for some chairs to sit and wait till the place opened at 6 p.m.  Luckily they let us sit in the Foundation office on two great chairs.  By the time 6 rolled around, we were ready to stand and walk for a little while...but once we got in the door and got out wristband and number for the silent auction etc. etc.  we headed for a small table and 2 chairs, and claimed them for the next two hours.  Each of us would take turns walking off to find some food and bring it back for each other.  It unfortunately was on two levels around this huge staircase about the length of two normal stairs, so I did manage to walk down and back up once, but from then on, we used the elevator if we needed to go down....the only beverages were on the lower level, and more food and raffle items that you could by tickets for, so Lois and I went together and bought 40 tickets for $20 and split the cost and the tickets.  There were only about 6 items to choose from, so we put about 5 tickets in the few items we wanted and neither of us won anything.  However at the silent auction, it was a different story....I bid on 4 or 5 items, and won 3 of them.  I ended up with tickets to the Lyric Arts, gift certificate for Serums and Applebee's along with six audio books, (for my trip this winter with Bonnie to Salt Lake and Sedona) Starbucks coffee and mugs, and a basket of "The Wild" stuff.  So I'm pretty pleased with my donation to the Foundation.  Lois and I also each bought $20 tickets to win a beautiful bracelet worth $700 dollars, and they only sold one deck so 52 chances, and we didn't win that either. So kind of an expensive evening, but all for a good for the students.
I also got to talk to a lot of people I hadn't seen since last year at the same event....a lot on faculty that I hadn't seen since I retired, and some friends that I'm friends with on Facebook, but hadn't talked face to face in a long time.  Also ran into a women who knew me, and she looked familiar, but for the life of me couldn't remember who she was or how I knew her.  She talked like we had known each other for a long time.  So I mulled it over in my mind for about an hour before coming up with who she was.  I still don't remember her name, but at least I know where and when I met her.  The going away party for Bill and Kim's exchange student Ani.  The women was the mother of Ani's boyfriend.  She only lives a couple of blocks from me, and she also goes to the same church as I do.  Now I have to call Bill and figure out what her name is.  How embarrassing.  I hope she didn't know I didn't know who I was talking to.
I got a lot of cleaning in the office done again yesterday, but still a long way to go....I'll tackle anther stack to sort through again today. I think I'm about half way around the room so far.  People told me last night that my blog has inspired them to do some cleaning too!  But one said it reminded her she needed to do it....but hasn't inspired her to do it yet. never know what you say in your blog is read and inspires people to do.  Keep up the prayers, Love and Prayers, m

Friday, September 28, 2012

Sunshiney Day!

I guess it's going to be a record like warm day for this late in September.  I'm going to Prairie Home Delights this evening, and will have to figure out what to wear in the heat!!  But I'm pretty sure the college air conditioning will be on.
I made sure I went to bed by midnight last night, and I over slept the alarm at seven and didn't get up till 7:30, but took my meds and went to the couch as usual and then at 9:00 I got up and took my bp which was again a much lower number than the second week everything gets better!!
I didn't do much yesterday, but I did accomplish sorting out another drawer and 1 large box of greeting cards.  I think I will go back to that today, and take out a bunch that I will never ever use.  I hate to throw them away, so maybe I'll give them away.  Found a couple well maybe six sympathy cards, and I always need was glad to find them.  So today, I'll go back to that, and then tackle another drawer or set of drawers in the craft area.  I'm looking forward to that!....cause then I get to start dividing stuff up for the girls.  I think I'll buy a bin for each of them.
Today is garbage day, and also the day recycling get's picked up.  Needless to say, my recycling bin was full to the top.  Not so much garbage, but more in that bin was fuller than usual too.  On to filling another bin again today!!
Love and Prayers, m

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Is It Still Morning?

Don't know what happened, but I got up at 7 a.m. like I need to do to take my pills.  Then I went to the couch, and laid their till 8 a.m. listening to the Today show and info on the end of the Referee Lock Out.... and didn't want to get up yet. I finally went back to sleep and didn't wake up till 10:40.  Really?  What's up with that? I'm going to have to go to bed earlier...seems 12:30 a.m. is too late.
So jumped up and took my bp and it was low for a change in the morning....or at least the lowest it's been in the morning since I started taking it a week and a half ago.  So that is good.  I then made coffee and breakfast (brunch) and then came to the computer to read my email, answer a couple and finally got to writing my blog one hour after getting up.  I'll really have to work fast today to make up for almost two hours I over slept.
Yesterday I finally got a call from someone to schedule my Energy Audit for next Wednesday at noon.  I've been waiting for them to cal for two weeks. After they come, I will be able to get my attic insulated with a $300 rebate on my taxes.  So happy to get that done before the snow flies....I know we just began Fall.
I did a large amount of sorting and cleaning again at my desk in the computer room.  I'm almost to the point where I would go and sit in there, instead of the living room to work on the computer.  It was so cluttered before, I couldn't stand being in there for more than a few minutes to print something out, or drop a pile of papers on the already full desk to be filed.
I didn't get to Gene's side of the closet yet, but maybe that will be today's job. I may go back to the office and continue in sorting and cleaning what is now the craft area of the office, or the other direction to the picture boxes....I think either are daunting!  I guess the craft area will be where I start first.  I'm thinking of making six craft boxes up.  One for each of the granddaughters.  I have enough stuff to still have more than I need for myself.  Not sure about Emily, but I know the others are into that stuff.  I'll have to check with Karen about that.
I now have a ride for Prairie Home Delights on Friday, and Carol Kline sent me a message saying that she and Del wanted to continue taking me to church with them each week, and that sometimes it would be on Sunday morning....depending on the Vikings schedule, cause they both wanted to watch the games.  So that if fine with me too, but I told her I wanted to take my turn treating too.  Evidently they take turns now, so she thought that would be fine with her and Del too.  I may have to find someone to take me to Walgreens and/or Cub one day soon....I have a few things on the grocery list that need to be bought soon....Like the scrubbing bubbles to clean the toilets that I forgot last week.
I saw on Facebook last night that Dennis Tkach's mom has been placed in Hospice as she is shutting down and isn't speaking or eating anymore.  She is 94 and has been having a lot of strokes and TIA's. So please say some prayers for his family as they struggle through this week.  I know how hard this will be for all of them.  Love and Prayers, m

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Another Sunny Day!

Good Morning, I'm feeling good, and can't wait to organize or clean another closet....yep....I'm still in the mood.
Yesterday, I needed to fill a couple of bags to give to the Lupus Foundation, and so went to my closet and decided to fold and organize scarves, but that led to belts that I haven't worn in 5 years or better and head scarves and neck ties and sashes.  By the time I was done, I had placed in the bags 30+ belts, 30+ scarves and 20+ sashes and ties.  Then I through in the sweaters I had pulled out the day before.  Hopefully someone will wear these things.  My closet looks so much neater, I even moved out about 6 pairs of shoes, that will go to the next truck.
I think I"ll go back to the office and work in there, and combine that with some of the stuff that Gene had in his side of the closet.  Paperwork that needs to be dealt with...probably a lot of shredding.
I also got a visit yesterday from Don Salisbury (across the street) and he gave me an update on his treatments and Cheri's as well.  I had sent over some books last week, and was glad to hear that Cherie was reading and looking through the knitting patterns I sent over.  I also had sent over some strawberry ensure, that Annie picked up for me by mistake, and I didn't like the flavor.  Don says he likes the dark chocolate the best too, but he would try it.  Too sweet for me.
I also finally found a ride to Prairie Home Delights on Friday night. Sandi Hitch will come and get me, as she will be there during the day decorating, and then she will take a break and come and get me.  She said if for some reason she couldn't, she would find somebody whatever, I have a ride. Now I have to think about church this weekend.  I'm also waiting to see when they will celebrate Nicole and Matthew's birthdays, and when I can do something for Jimbo's birthday, which is next week too.  Busy birthday time in our family.
Thank you God for all the blessings you give me and for giving me the energy to clean.  Say some prayers for Don and Cherie, my cousin Louie and of course me.  Love and Prayers, m

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Birds are Flocking to My Feeder

I'm up and at-tum earlier this morning than usual, and sitting at my computer watching the birds coming to my feeders outside the window next to my chair.  I've seen as many as 3 chickadee's at a time here, as well as a nuthatch and a woodpecker.  I need to get up earlier more often.  I love seeing the birds.
I'm feeling so good this morning, I fell a sleep on the couch last night, and didn't wake up till 4 a.m.....that is unusual, it's usually about 2 a.m. when I wake up on the couch.  Anyway, went to my bed, and slept soundly till 7 a.m. when the alarm (radio) went off, to alert me it's time to take my pain medicine.  Funny, I didn't even feel like I needed it, unlike most mornings,  I took my pills and went to the couch, but never fell back to sleep, and finally got up at 8 a.m. and took my bp....the best it's been in the week I've been keeping track.  It was only 136/88.  That is about 40 points less than the usual high, and below 90 for the bottom number which is I think only the second time all week.   So for whatever reason, things are different today.  I did wake up in a cold sweat or night sweat whatever you call it.  I think the second day in a row, but has happened on and off in the last few months....don't know if a side effect from chemo or what.  But not unusual anymore.
Yesterday, I did find a driver, and Pat Ripley picked me up and took me to lunch at Pizza Hut, where a combination of retiree's and those still working at the college gather the last Monday of each month.  We had about a half and half turn out this month.   So those of us retired get to hear what is going on at the college, and right now makes us thankful we are already retired.  There are several who are on the verge of retiring, and can't wait till they can join us retiree's.  We ate and visited till about 2 p.m. (well the retiree's did, the others had to go back to work at 1 pm.)  I think about 8 of us stayed.  I did end up with a few more volunteers to drive my list is growing everyday it seems. Thank you to all who have volunteered, and have driven me in the last few months.
Judy my cousin has moved to Temecula, CA to help her daughter out for the school year, so I will now be utilizing the rest of you as Chemo buddies etc.  Rita Culshaw has volunteered to do that next week, and I will get to play cribbage again with her.  Looking forward to the day.  Cribbage isn't a prerequisite to be my chemo buddy, but it helps!!  The staff at HHH expect it and wonder why I'm not playing when I happen to have a buddy who doesn't play.  It's funny, cause I just learned to play in October of 2010 when I was in the hospital at Mayo.  Kathleen, my sister, taught me to play, and then followed up with giving me a cribbage board and rule book for my birthday the next May.  So it kinda has stayed with me throughout my treatments since.
No plans for the day....I guess I'll have to go back to organizing my closets.  I worked on my sweater collection yesterday, and pulled out about 6 to put in the bag for the next request with a truck in the area. I am slowly but surely filling a bag.  The office and back bedroom are getting decluttered slowly but surely, and it keeps me busy.  Love and Prayers, m

Monday, September 24, 2012

Chilly, Windy, Sunny Day!

It's supposed to be warm this afternoon, but right now, it's not!!
I'm not moving very fast this morning, was a lazy afternoon yesterday, and I'm still in that lazy mode.  I am hoping to go to Pizza Hut with the ARCC gang, but just emailed to see if I could find a ride.  Mary Brue isn't going, so she was out, and Bonnie left to go home (Emily, MN) this morning so she can't, so did a broad email to all on the list of those who usually attend each month.  I have to be ready to go, just in case.  Other than that I don't have plans for the day.  I think I will go back to the closet and move some more close around, and pack up a bag for whoever is coming through the neighborhood next.  I'm sure I have at least a bag full if not more.
I also could go back to the office and do another drawer or two.  If I limit myself to just one job in there a day, it's not so daunting.  There is a lot of sorting and throwing that needs to be done in there.
I didn't lose yesterday in the Fantasy Football game....I didn't win either, but I pulled out a tie.  Yippee!! I was playing Tommy, Bill's son, so I don't know if Tommy actually picked the lineup or Bill did. I thought I had the edge going in, but my Quarterback Tony Romo did almost nothing...only 5 pts when he usually gives me 20+ pts.  If I would have played my alternate Cuttler I could have won as he scored 6 pts.  Both were duds!!  Highlight of the day, Vikings and Twins win!!!
Well I better get dressed, just in case I go out to lunch.  For now, Love and Prayers, m

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Looks Like it's Going to Be a Great Day!

It's darn cold (37) but the sun is shining.  Bonnie will be picking me up in about 45 minutes, and I'm still in my pjs.  I promise I'll come back and write as soon as I get time this afternoon.  m
Got home from church, and the game had started, so now it's half time and I can write.  The Presbyterian church of the Master in Coon Rapids, Hosted the MN Teen Challenge choir and then about 5 of them got up and spoke about their efforts to ride their lives of addiction and finding God.  The interesting part is I didn't realize they weren't all Teens.  One who got up and spoke was 53.  One was from Coon Rapids, one Blaine, one Andover/Anoka, and I can't remember if the others said where they were from.  After the service, they served sloppy joes and a variety of salads and desserts.  I don't know who made the oatmeal raisin cookies, but they were even better then the one I got at Woullet's the other day.  I even went back and got a second.
Bonnie and I had wanted to go to a movie with Lois this afternoon, but she is at the farm till Thursday.  I looked at what was playing at at Showplace 16, and nothing we wanted to see either, so we decided not to do that this afternoon.  I'm sure I will find plenty to do by myself.
Yesterday I did a lot of organizing in the office.  I had a small drawer full of address labels, and some even had Gene's name on them.  I did a lot of throwing and riding excess paper.  I then kind of pulled out the Fall and Christmas ones so that I could put them on top for use this Fall.  I pulled out all the stickers that weren't labels and all the little note pads.  The drawer was overflowing when I started, and now is only half full.  I figure if I take one drawer or area at a time, slowly but surely it will be done.  I also went through all the medical records, reports, receipts, etc. and filed them all in the right places and through a lot of paper that wasn't needed or duplicates.  That was another big pile that I cut in half or better.  Feels really good.
After the game, I might pick another drawer to clean....I'm kinda in the mood for that.
All is well, love and prayers, m

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Sun is Coming Out!

It was cloudy all morning yesterday, but the sun finally came out...and inspite of the wind, it was a beautiful day.  I'm hoping today will be too, although it's supposed to really get cold.  I may have to wear a jacket to church tonight.
I get to go to church twice this weekend, it might make up for all the church I've missed this summer.  Tonight I'm going to St. Tim's with Carol Kline and Del Burnko and then to dinner at Baker's Square.  Tomorrow, Bonnie Sass is picking me up to go to Mary Brue's church, Presbyterian Church of the Master in Coon Rapids.  They are having a special presentation by MN Teen Challenge Choir.  Mary says to bring Kleenex, and said it is very inspirational. Mary has been encouraging me to come all week, and I didn't have a ride, but Bonnie said she could drive me, and then decided she would stay and see it too.
Bonnie and I went shopping yesterday afternoon.  First we went to Life Way a Christian book store off Round Lake Blvd and Hwy 10 to pick up cards and gifts for my confirmation student I'll be a guardian angel for this winter, from there we went to Cub and picked up what I thought was only going to be a few things, and $30 plus dollars of stuff I came out with, and still forgot the Scrubbing Bubbles I had on my list.  Oh well the toilets will survive for another few days till I get back to a store.  From there we went to Kohls, to spend our Kohl's Cash we both had.  I had $30 of it, and even managed to spend $46 dollars over that.  I found some things on clearance, like a bra the style I like that was marked down to $13, but I saw some cute floral print stretch jeans in the junior department and couldn't pass them up, and then of course I needed to pick up a shirt to wear with it, and found that for about $ anyway I was in a spending mood all week.
I also did a lot of work in my office yesterday morning....I went in to spend 1/2 hour and ended up being about 1 1/2 hours, but it looks pretty good.  I also dug out a few knitting patterns, and some books I thought the neighbor (Cherie Salisbury) would like.  She's finally home after about 3 months in rehab for four fractures in one leg and I saw her out walking with a Physical Therapist who came out to the house the other day.  She mentioned she would like to look at them if I still had some, so it was nice to give them to her.
Off to find something to organize or clean today.  Love and Prayers, m

Friday, September 21, 2012

Happy Anniversary Jim and Ann

Their 21st Anniversary on the 21st of September, does that mean it's their golden anniversary?  Well at least something special.  Hope they have something wonderful planned for the day.
Yesterday I did little, but I did do some cleaning, and changing of some summer clothes from one closet in my room and bring out some fall/winter clothes from the spare room closet.  I am a clothes horse!!  With clothes spread out over 3 closets, and my coats and winter jackets in the 4th. I am trying to get rid of a lot by donating to whatever charity is in the neighborhood.  But that's another job I've been avoiding, and am just now getting the ambition to do,  I think I may start working on my computer/office room.  It is a mess.  I've dug things out and have not put them back where they belong.  So maybe 1/2 hour each day for a while will do the trick.
This afternoon, Bonnie is coming over, and we are going shopping....not for clothes.  I need a few groceries, and I need some cards and gifts for this years confirmation student that I will be a guardian angel for.  So we will go to the Christian Life store at Riverdale, and Bonnie and I both have Kohls cash to spend, so we'll stop there too.  I need to make a list so I get what I really need, so I don't come home forgetting what I really went for and then be stuck without a driver.  Being not allowed to drive is both a good and bad thing.   Sometimes I feel like I'm jailed, and other times it's so fun, cause I have someone to do something with. I then get to visit or treat them to lunch etc.  So then I love it.  But it's hard to have to make plans a head of time and arrange rides for everything.  By the way, anyone going to Prairie Home Delights at the college on September 28?  I need a ride to that. Well enough of that.  I'm happy to go shopping with Bonnie today.
I ate that great bread that Jan surprised me with yesterday, but I was wrong it's not banana's zucchini bread with walnuts and pumpkin pie spice in it.   It's really good.
Nothing else going on around here.  I need to throw some clothes in the washing machine, cause that isn't one of the things I did yesterday.  I did wash dishes and put them away, the kitchen and bathrooms look great.  So on with life, Love and Prayers, m
P.S. I have an extra request for prayers of a former member of St. Tim's who has moved away, and is having health problems and had surgery this week.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Quiet Sunny Morning!

Good Morning! I got awoken off the couch at 8:30 by my friend Jan with a loaf of banana bread with a dash of pumpkin spice in it.  I haven't had a slice yet, but I plan on it being my breakfast with a great cup of coffee to go along with it.
Yesterday was a fun day, Rosie came 10 or 12 minutes early, just had gotten out of the shower and was in my robe. I was just getting dressed, had to do that and dry my hair, and managed to get that done in that if she would have been on time, so would have I.  lol
We drove to downtown Robinsdale to a restaurant called Travail that she had heard was really a great place, however when we got there they don't open till 4 or 5 p.m. for dinner.
We then started looking for another place and right on the corner was a Woullet's Bakery, and we went in to see if they served sandwiches, which they did, and so we ate there.  The sandwiches were delicious, and we ended with a great cookie along with great coffee.  So it was a great exchange of places to eat.
From there we went to HHH to get unhooked, and it was just a mile down the road, and ended up early, and they wouldn't unhook me till 1:30 p.m. which was fine, we weren't in any hurry, as we didn't have to be to Sheila's till 3:30 in Maple Grove.  We did go shopping after getting unplugged, and neither of us had been to Nordstrom Rack in a long time, so we went in there, and spent the hour we had to shop.  I like last week when shopping with Patty Tkach, came out with 3 new tops and 2 pair of leggings (brown and grey). I only had black leggings and a couple of my new tops needed grey or brown.  Neither Rosie or Patty bought anything.
Finally got to Sheila's and settled down to Qigong and meditation for a good hour.  I always feel so good after being adjusted by her energy healing.  She claims my energy is in much better balance, and I can tell at how much more energy I am gaining as this round of chemo is working.  I have little side effects and they only last for the first couple of days when the chemo is being pumped into me. I can shop and walk for a longer period of time.
To go along with my new energy and ability to sit and stand better, I am going to try and go to church this weekend, and Carol Kline and her friend Del are going to pick me up and take me to 5 pm. Mass on Saturday afternoon, and then dinner at Baker's Square.  So nice that they volunteered to do this....really looking forward to visit with Carol and all the friends I have missed at church.
No plans for the day, I think I may have to do some cleaning, and laundry too! But right now I'm hungry for that slice of bread and some good coffee.  Love and Prayers, m

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Happy 17th Birthday Nicole

I can't believe that Nicole is 17 already.  She's so grown up! She's worked the last two summers mowing my lawn, and this year after getting her driver's license 1 year ago today, she has driven me a lot this summer, and she and her girlfriend Jackie took me to the cabin last month as well. 
It's cloudy right now, but I hope she has a Sun Shinny day. Happy Birthday Nicole!
Today I get unplugged, and Rosie Mortenson is going to take me to lunch first, and then get unplugged and then go to Sheila Judd's house for Qigong. So looking forward to a great afternoon.  I'm feeling good again this morning, and my blood pressure was almost the same as yesterday, except the bottom number dropped 10 points.  So I'm happy about that.
I got the crafting project done that I wanted to do yesterday, and got a visit from a friend who called and and asked he I had plans for dinner, and as I hadn't she asked if she could bring over a chicken wild rice hot dish.  Her husband was up on the boundary waters, and she said she hasn't learned to cook for 1.  So I got to visit with her for a while as well.  She has brought me soups and other treats, and asked if anyone else was bringing me food, and I said no, and she was really surprised.  I really only need (or like help) the beginning of the chemo cycle and she now has my freezer stocked with several kinds of soup.  I also bought that talapia at Costco last week along with a big bag of Pot-stickers, so I'm stocked for the next month I think.
I did some answering of emails and set up my log of my bp on the computer yesterday and played some Words with Friends, but other than the crafting project I didn't do much.  Annie picked up my prescription for the Flonaise, and it really has done the trick so not blowing my nose today, and my eyes aren't all puffy, so I guess that was what I needed.  For now, Love and Prayers, m

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sunny and Chilly!

Fall have arrived officially, even if it's not the 21st.  It's cold outside....and I turned the furnace on....I know some of you think I'm crazy, but I don't like to be, not even in the middle of the summer.
I was able to get LaVonne Burrington to take me to Target last night, and got some shopping done, along with the BP pump, and got it a lot cheaper than I expected.  When I had looked for one earlier this year, the cheapest was about $80, and I found this one for $40, which was half the prices I found then.  Was so excited.  But then went on to buy the batteries, and some gift cards, and a blouse off the clearance rack. Needless to say the bill came to over $100's so not such a cheap trip.  When I got home Karen called, and I told her I was looking for some shoes for winter and explained to her what I was looking for, and she said she had just the thing, and she would call Tom at the store and let him know.  I told her I insisted on paying for them, cause they never let me do that, and I hate to have them think I expect Tom called and got my credit card info, and the shoes are in the mail.  I then went online and ordered some popcorn from William's Scout troup.  So I guess I was in a spending mood.
I also had Mary Brue give my name and number to her landscaper yesterday, and hope to have him come and do a fall tune up of my gardens around the house.  I need some things dug up and moved, split and trimmed.  It's a big job, cause I've done nothing with it myself in a long time, and the kids did some last year in the spring, and I had the neighbor do some weeding for me this summer, but it just isn't enough.  I need a professional do the job.
I'm also going to have a energy audit and had the attic insulated this fall....those are a couple of must does.  With the energy audit I can get a $300 rebate from the State, and hopefully it will lesson my heat bill and keep from any ice dams etc.  So I'll put in a call to Centerpoint today.
Well, I took my bp this morning, and it was alarmingly high.  I've never taken my bp right after getting up in the morning, so maybe that is normal....or that early morning bp's are higher than you get later in the day.  We'll see.  Might have something to do with my pain med not taking hold yet...I know pain causes bp to be higher. I'm still having this chemo pumped into me, and my feet are swollen, so that may have something to do with it too.  Well the log begins and we'll see what the next two weeks brings.
Other than that I feel good.  I have no plans for the day, hope to do some scrap-booking of my trip to Gene's Bench.  The big problem, is most of my scrap-booking stuff is at the cabin, but I'll dig through my cabinet and see if I can find what I need here.  Another reason to go to the cabin.
Love and Prayers, m

Monday, September 17, 2012

Early Morning!

First of all Happy Anniversary to Bill and Kim on the 18th year together.  Secondly sorry I had an early morning for my 4th of 6 rounds of chemo, so I have over half way there.
I got there a few minutes early, and when I got to the desk to check in they said my appointment was for tomorrow, I pulled out my paper work, and showed them that it was indeed today, and they said Londer had taken the day off, and I should have gotten a message last week that it was changed to Tuesday.  Well, I wasn't about to go home and come back tomorrow, so they squeezed me in with another doctor, who called Londer and got filled in on my problems etc. and she finally saw me at almost 11 a.m.  I had already done the blood work, and Judy was there with me, so I was able to sit and wait patiently as they were squeezing me in.  After that everything went smooth cept the cribbage with Judy....well it went smooth for her, beat me 4 out of 5 games, and twice skunked 6 wins to my 1.  Hopefully the next time I play with her, I'll have gained some luck.
My blood pressure was high when I got there...or by the time they took it, and they really watch your blood pressure when on Avastin, cause it has a way of raising they checked it again in the doctor's office and it had dropped about 20 points, and by the time I got back tot he chemo room they checked it again, and it was down to 130 over 85.  So they were able to start the chemo.  At the end of the day they checked it again, and the chemo pumping you full of fluids, raised it back up.  They now want me to keep a log and take my bp twice a day and bring it back with me when I come in two weeks.  My bp machine isn't working, so I'll have to get someone to take me to Target this evening or tomorrow morning and pick up a new one.
Judy leaves for California on Thursday and won't be back till November for a few days, and then again we'll be together in January when we go to Hawaii with her sister June and husband Lenard.  So I'll miss her alot, she has been my chemo buddy all year, and all of you will now have to fill in for her.
Love and Prayers, m

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Wait, Wait and Wait Somemore!!!

This morning, I got up 50 minutes late for taking my 7 pain pill, and then went back to the couch in a lot of pain.  I had unplugged the clock on Saturday when I was rearranging things in my bedroom, and forgot to reset the time on no alarm to wake me.
Yesterday I was so busy, I never got dressed, but I sure got a lot of other things done.  Two loads of laundry that Nicole came and carried up for me later in the afternoon after she mowed the lawn. That meant 3 trips to the basement, and each time I carried down something that should have been taken down weeks ago.  I washed dishes and swept the floor in the kitchen.  I can't remember what else I did, but I was busy all day.
Drat #8 (or really 7 it was pointed out to me I skipped Drat #6)
I got there in time, even though I was in Castle Danger at 9:45 a.m., my appointment was at 3 p.m.  I got taken back to the waiting room, (not really....the doctors room) but for me those rooms have become waiting rooms. After 35 minutes I was angry again, and went out to see what was going on.  They told me the doctor was on the phone and when she got off they would come and let me know what was up.  Well, another 5 minutes or more went by, and finally she and someone else she didn't introduce....but I'm assuming an intern, came in.
By this time, you know I was boiling, and I let her know it.  She did apologize, and wanted to know why I was so I told her that I had left at 9:45 to get there on-time, but they didn't have the decency to even come in and tell me that she was running late or actually be on time herself.  After calming down, I explained that the same thing had happened twice before in the last month, and this was the straw that broke the camels back.  I also explained that sitting in those chairs were the worst thing I could do to my tailbone.  I had sat in the car going and coming from Two Harbors plus, and was not bothered by those seats, but those chairs and my tailbone don't get along at all.  Kathleen suggested that maybe I ask to have a spot that I can recline in their "waiting" rooms.  Sounds good, but I don't think that will happen.
She did have some good information for me, we discussed methadone and why I might want to use it. But as long as the 40mg of Oxycontin is working I could stick with it for the time being. She also, thought that if not taking the Simvastatin was reducing the leg cramps and pain, she would recommend I not take it anymore.  That makes me feel good that a Dr. approved.  The Doctor also talked about me not going back to Mayo for my CTscan, Dr. Londer had told her that he was afraid I was giving up, and I explained to her that that was the furthest thing from my mind.  I really think that Dr. Londer has a better hold on how I am doing on a weekly basis, and he was the one who ordered the PETscan that found the cancer had matastized to my bones.  It could have advanced a lot farther without Dr. Loner doing that. (Kathleen, when I told her about what he thought, said that he had never seen me crying and in pain before like I was that day, he always sees me happy and nice!!  I'm sure she was right about that.)  I told the pain doctor that if it got to the point that nothing we were doing was working, I would then go back to Mayo and look for something experimental, and that I would do whatever necessary to fight and beat this cancer.  When I left, I was feeling a lot better, but poor Bonnie was beginning to wonder where I was, as it was now 4:30 or so.  We finally got home (or I got home) at 5 p.m. and I was beat and went to the couch for the rest of the evening.
So now you are caught up on my week.  Even though there were 7 was a great week, and I am feeling stronger each day.  I have nothing planned for today....maybe a little more cleaning, and Annie is bringing over some groceries for me at some point.  I had a piece of that talapia last night and it was just as good as the sample I had at Costco. Tomorrow I have round 4 of 6 chemo's before the CTscan, and I'm sure it will go as well as the first 3 went.  I'm only hoping that this last few games of cribbage will bring me luck, cause Judy is leaving the end of the week for California, and I won't get to play with her, till maybe January when we go to Hawaii with June and Lenard.  Well, hope you all have a great day, it looks like the last in a while.  Love and Prayers, m

Saturday, September 15, 2012

It's Janet's Fault!

She doesn't read this, so I can blame her!  I've got cauliflower ear from talking to her this morning.  She even hung up and went to the bathroom and called me back during it.  I've been up since 8:30, made myself breakfast, and coffee with my new "one-cup pot".  I bought it yesterday while shopping with Patty Tkach.  It was on sale at Kohls, and I also had a 30% off coupon, and ended up after ringing up everything getting another $30 in Kohls Cash.  What a deal!!!  The coffee tastes wonderful, and I didn't have to waste a whole pot for my one cup.
I'm feeling great again today, and yesterday I was able to shop and run errands between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m....non-stop.  Only time I sat down was in the car between places.  First I got meds at HealthPartners, and then made a deposit at the drive-thru at Wells Fargo across the street from HP.  From there we went to Kohls, and ended up at Costco....ate our way through the store, so we didn't have to stop for lunch.  Patty talked me into buying some Talapia they were giving samples of, so that and a roasted chicken will help feed me for a while.
Back to my trip:
Tuesday, after talking to the manager, we headed up the Shore to Grand Marais, but stopped at Palisades Head which has an overlook.  It's a steep winding road and when we got almost to the top where it becomes a one way and a circle to come back to the point where it splits, a bus full of kids from Glenwood, was stuck. (Drat #7)  In trying to make the turn it hit a rock, and started to tear some of the metal siding near the rear wheel.  Obviously we didn't know what to do or where to go.  Finally someone from the bus group, ran up the road the wrong direction, and led the way so we could get to the parking lot.  Then the bus backed up to where we were, and then also drove up the exit to the parking lot, where all the kids got out and they managed to kick and pound on the side of the bus till they got the piece that had started to rip off back in place. (The picture is from this area, looking north is Shovel Point at Tetegouche State Park)
From there we headed back toward Grand Marais.  I don't think we stopped at any place till we got to Grand Marais, but after driving around town, we headed to the "Angry Trout" for lunch.  Got to sit outside on the dock, and we had a great lunch, of fish and chips.  The fish was great too!
After lunch we headed up to Pin Cushion, and then up the Gun Flint Trail to try and find Kim's mom and dad's on Devil Track Lake.  We headed down a few wrong turns, and finally found the right road, but we couldn't find their driveway, drove all the way to the dead end, and then turned around and looked again, but still couldn't find we headed back to town....also couldn't find Cty 7 that the map said would take us the back way back just above Cascade State Park.  In town we saw some people walking with ice cream cones, so we found the ice cream shop and all of us ate ice cream for the first 10 minutes or so of the trip back to the Lodge.  After resting and reading (I was getting close to the end of "Message in a Bottle" by Nicholas Sparks), and could hardly put the book down, we decided that we had had so much to eat already, we'd just eat snack and leftovers we had in the fridge for dinner.  Then Lois and Bonnie went back out for the bonfire and S'mores, but Judy and I played cribbage....or Judy played I got beat.  Over the three day's of cribbage, Judy had beaten me 4 times to my 1 and she even skunked me once.  By the time I was one peg of winning and Judy came from behind to win....I was done playing wasn't any fun any more.  Hopefully on Monday when Judy and I are chemo buddies, she will have lost her luck, and I will win at least a few games.
We had trouble again with the toilet not flushing completely, and finally asked if we could have a plunger overnite just in case!!!  They were happy to bring us one.  All went well that night, but Bonnie was using the lobby bathroom for the last couple of days.
Wednesday, we got out of the room by 9:15, but by the time we got checked out at the front desk (there were several people in front of us) we finally hit the road by 9:45.  Lois had a $25 gift card for Starbucks, so we headed to Duluth and searched for Starbucks.  We found one right downtown on Superior Street, and it had a parking spot right outside the front door.  We each got to pick something to eat and a good cup of coffee.  I picked a bagel and cream cheese, and it was so good.  From there we headed home and didn't stop till we got to Lois's.  We dropped her off before 2 p.m. and then returned to my house at 2 p.m.  Judy headed home, and Bonnie and I unpacked the van, and then headed off to my pain doctor appointment.  We were getting hungry so stopped at Arby's and at in the car.  I'll tell you about that appointment tomorrow. That will be Drat 8.  Love and Prayers, m

Friday, September 14, 2012

Sun was Shining at Gooseberry Too!

Doing well again this morning....not as tired as yesterday, and have been up and moving for almost an hour now.  I sent out a request for a driver to take me on some errands today, and Patty Tkach quickly volunteered, and she will pick me up at 11 a.m. to do that.
So back to the missing days of this week.  Monday was spent mostly at Gooseberry Falls.  We started in the visitors center....found Gene's plaque and then went to the counter to find out the exact location and where to park to be the closest.  In retrospect, I think we should have parked in the campground and walked to the lake from would have been a lot less walking.  Any way, we first walked over to the Falls and took some pictures there, but only hit one level, as what goes down must come back up.  Going down is also so easy for me....but coming back up is a real effort....not only for me but for Judy.  Lois didn't even make it all the way to the falls.  She found a bench to rest on, and waited there for us.  After we headed back to the car, and drove down to the parking lot the lady in the visitors center told us to park in.  We headed to the lake along the lava rock beach or area near alot of picnic tables, but didn't see any benches.  Lois parked herself at one of them, and the rest of us started wandering in different directions trying to find "The Bench". Soon we figured it had to be quite a ways to the West or South (you need a compass up there cause the coast line runs at an angle from SW to NE, and you really think you're going straight N) of where we were, so we started walking....Bonnie in the lead, and finally she yelled back that she saw a bench....we didn't know if it was "The Bench" but it was a bench.  So I picked up my pace and when we got to it...we saw another one a little farther down, but once I got to "The Bench" I knew it was the one.  I took lots of pictures, including this one Judy took of me on the bench, but she was holding the camera crooked, so it looks like the bench in going downhill and me along with it.  It really is on level ground...or rock.
From Gooseberry we started up the coast to Split Rock Light House, but not only do you need a State Park Sticker to get into the parking lot, they charge an admission fee to get into the visitors center.  All of us refused to pay, and left. (Drat #3)  So we then decided to head back to the Lodge, and find some dinner....we checked the menu at the Lodge dining room, and after getting back to the room....we decided we would drive into Two Harbors and maybe eat at the Black Bear Grill.  But by the time we were about to leave, my stomach wasn't feeling so good, and I decided that they should go ahead without me.  So I took a nap, and then ate some of the snacks we brought along with us, and drank an Ensure.  When they returned, they hadn't left the building....they ate at the Lodge.  The Lodge had evening bonfires, (and supplied everything to make our own S'mores) and I was feeling better, so we went down for that.  It was a beautiful evening, and sitting around the fire I was reminded of all the campfires we sat around while camping at Gooseberry and the many other places over the years.  Anyway it was late by the time we got back to our room, and we got ready for bed.  I don't remember who it was...I think Bonnie went to the bathroom and tried to flush the toilet and it overflowed all over the floor and we quickly tried to call for help, but there was no one at the front desk, and they had a message on their answering machine that gave us another number to call, and that person who answered said he wasn't the right person either, and that there was nothing he could do about it.  So Bonnie got dressed and went down stairs to see if she could find someone, and there wasn't a person in site....everything was locked up tight. (Drat #4) So we threw down all the towels we had, and resolved that if we had to go to the bathroom during the night we would either go downstairs to the public restroom in the Lodge, or we wouldn't flush or use toilet paper. (Drat #5)
The next morning, we had to call and retell the story and someone (the same man that had plunged for us on Sunday) came and fixed it he thought.  When we went to the front desk and asked to speak to the manager, she wasn't available, so we had breakfast and came back and finally talked with her.  She apologized and gave us one night free off our bill, and moved us to a different room just for good measure.  She explained they always close the front desk at 10:30 and she would find out what number they were giving out and make sure the right person got the emergency call.  We later found out that the flood caused damage to the ceiling over the bar area, so it was going to cost them a lot more than our free night.
More tomorrow....must get dressed....this took me a lot longer than I thought it would.  Love and Prayers, m

Thursday, September 13, 2012

I"m Back!

Sorry I'm late, and also that I wasn't able to write all week.  But I wasn't the only one, we all had Nooks, Kindles, Ipad, Iphones, Blackberry and whatever else, that would not get us into the network.  Well I take that would connect and disconnect several times in a minute....but mostly disconnect.  The Lodge even offered free WiFi, and none of us could get it to work long enough to do anything with it.  Frist Drat!! There will be more!
(Just started this, and my computer shutdown on it's own....can I get any later?)

(left to right: Bonnie Sass, Lois Bjerke, and Judy Vermuelen)
Bonnie and Judy almost arrived at the same time (9:30 a.m.) on Sunday, and I thought we packed and pulled out right away....but we didn't get to Lois's in Anoka by the fairgrounds, till 10:20.  So by the time we left there it was 10:30, and Lois showed us how to get to North Branch the back way from her house, and she thought it was faster.  Bonnie and I sure didn't....I think it took at least 15 or 20 minutes longer that way.  Too much 50 mile an hour driving, where we could have gotten back onto Hwy 10 and went back to 35W on 610 and been to 35W already in 10 minutes or so.  It might have been shorter mile wise, but not in time.
Anyway we didn't get to Toby's in Hinkley for Brunch till 11:45.  We ate and I bought a couple of caramel rolls to take along with us for breakfast on Monday.
We then headed for Duluth and Canal Park.  We parked as close to the lift bridge as possible, and got to watch it lift to let a couple of sailboats and a tour boat go through.
It was a warm Sunday afternoon, and we enjoyed sitting and watching the boats and people go by.  I also bought some cheese curds from "Crabby Bills" as we walked back to our car.  They were really good!! We all agreed!
We arrived at the "Grand Superior Lodge" about 7 miles north of Two Harbors at about 3:30.  Check in isn't until 4:30 p.m., but they let us check in.  We had a nice room with a view of the shoreline an opened the window so we could hear the waves crash into the rocks.  There was a wedding going on in the lower level of the Lodge, and we got to see them taking pictures right under our window where we were assuming the wedding took place. (A wooden arch of sorts!)  The bride had a bright red band at the waist of her dress, and the vail was trimmed with what looked like red ribbon.  The brides maids wore the same red dresses, and the flower girl wore white too. So that entertained us for a while.  After settling in and getting unpacked, we were ready to find dinner, and I suggested we go to the Rustic Inn just down the road a block.  Gene and I always ate there atleast once on our trips to the North Shore.  It has changed some, they even have a bar at one end and the menu has jumped in price to meet the higher rates of the fancier places along the shore.
Dinner was great, and we headed back to the Lodge and Judy and I played some cribbage...getting beat, I decided I'd read for awhile instead.  I think it was shortly thereafter we found that the toilet wasn't flushing, and we had to call and get someone to come and plunge it for us.  (Drat #2) Hmmmm! a sign of things to come?
Okay, I will continue to write more about the trip tomorrow.  For today, I better get this done.  I'm feeling great!  Just needed to catchup on some sleep this morning.  Love and Prayers, m

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Gooseberry Falls Here We Come!

I'm up and moving early this morning, and feeling good, so I think it will be a great day.  Bonnie and Judy will be here by 9:30 and we will be at Lois's a little before 10 a.m. so we are on the road by 10 a.m.  Our first stop will be Toby's for brunch, and I'm sure I will buy a few caramel rolls to take along with for breakfast tomorrow morning....if they last that long.
I've got the car pretty much ready to go, Jimbo took it and changed the oil on Friday, and even filled the tank with we shouldn't have any problems with it.  He also set up the back seat so I can make a bed in the back if need be.  I also packed some blankets and a pillow.
From Hinkley the next stop will be Duluth, and then Gooseberry Falls.  The Lodge we are staying at is right next to Gooseberry, and there is a great little restaurant across the road, and it is one that Gene and I always stopped at on our trips to the North Shore.
Well I better get some clothes on, and get moving here.  Don't know what kind of internet access we will have, so no promises of blog entries till be get home on Wednesday, but I will try.  I'll keep a diary and enter it on my return at last resort!
Love and Prayers, m

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Good Morning Sunshine

As every morning, I took my pill at 7 a.m. and went to the couch.  Annie work me a little before 9 as she and Doug came to get some work done before they left for Little Falls and their huge craft fair.  They hoped to get out of here by 10 a.m. and they made it just a few minutes after that.
She did my one load of wash I needed done so I can pack for my trip.  That's my plan for the day.  We met yesterday and planned what time we wanted to leave and what we wanted to do on the way up to Gooseberry tomorrow.  Toby's is the first must stop....we'll have brunch there, and then head toward Duluth and probably down to Canal Park and the lift bridge area.  We can't check into the hotel till 4:30, so we have plenty of time to mess around.  It's only about 45 minutes to the Lodge from Duluth, cause we are just on the other side of Two Harbors.  I need to call Judy today and let her in on the plans so she can be here in time in the morning.
I have a few other calls I have to make today, but other than packing I don't have any big plans....may find someone to go to the church Fall Festival and have their dinner.  That's about as far as I want to walk....but I might make the Bingo tent too!
Last night we had dinner at Bill and Kim's for Tommy's Birthday.  They set up a large Pasta Bar with 3 different kinds of pasta for the red sauce and meatballs or Alfredo sauce, plus they had a penne pasta with pesto and scrimp, Cesar salad, garlic bread and lots of dessert.  The birthday cake was a large chocolate chip cookie instead of actual cake.  So then they had the choice of sugar cookie, the chocolate chip cookie cake and vanilla or mint chocolate chip ice cream.  After being stuffed we spent the evening visiting and watching the Twins game.  We didn't get home till a little after 10 and watched the end of the news and of course Jay Leno and during Jimmy Fallon I decided I was going to bed before I feel asleep and woke up and had to stumble to bed.
It was fun hearing about the grandkids first week of school, especially Matthew, who had made it through 4 days in a row (and he let you know that) but the first two days he proclaimed the best days of his life.  I asked what was his favorite thing at school and of course it was recess, and I asked him why, and he said he got to run around the track, and play and chitchat with the other kids.  But running the track was his favorite thing....he thought once around the track was a mile, but I tried to explain to him that you had to run around the track 4 times to make it a mile and so now he's only saying he runs 1/2 mile....still wrong, but he'll figure it out sooner or later.
I also found out this week I have another runner in the family.  Kennedy has joined the cross country team at her school in Naperville, and came in 13th in her first meet.  Sounds pretty good to me.
I continue to do well on this higher dose of Oxycontin, and I'm not taking my Simvistatin cause it seems to be better without it (the leg cramping) but I'll talk to the pain doctor about it when I see her on Wednesday when we  get back.
So that's it for the day!  Love and Prayers, m

Friday, September 7, 2012

Sunny Day, but Not Moving Fast

I guess I stayed up late last night, and I was pretty active yesterday as Janet came around 10:30 to start the day off....and didn't leave till almost 6 p.m.
It was a busy day, we first visited (like we wouldn't) and then we went to lunch at Panera and ran into a former student worker (Heather Bruce Sorrell) who was there with her mom.  Her kids were finally both in school and she had a chance to get away alone!!  I'm sure a lot of mom's felt that way this week.
From there we went to Walgreen's shopping....both of us had things on our list that they had on sale this week. So that took us a little time, and then we headed for HHH in Robinsdale to get me unplugged.  Talked to them also about the blood work they did, and both of the tests came back absolutely it didn't show the simvistatin is the culprit, but I haven't taken it for the last 3 nights, and I have been better, so I'll talk to the pain doctor next week.  I have an appointment to see her next Wednesday when we get home from the North Shore.
Back home, and Jimbo stopped to get my van so he can do an oil change and whatever it needs,  So Janet and I visited with him for a while.  She offered to take me out for dinner, but I wasn't hungry at that point.  So she decided the traffic would have calmed down going toward Richfield.
From that point on I watched TV and the Convention and Obama's speech....and continued to watch TV and feel asleep some time, and finally woke up and at about 1:45 and went to bed.
So this morning, I got up at 7 a.m. and took my meds and went to the couch to watch the Today Show, and again fell back asleep and woke up at 9:09, got up and had a bowl of cheerio's and laid back down and rested my right hip that was keeping me from sitting at the computer, again fell asleep and didn't wake up until after 10 a.m. and I knew I had to get this done and Bonnie is coming to pick me up at 11:15 to go to lunch with her and Lois, to make plans for the trip. So I quickly got dressed and here I am writing late again. My hip isn't bothering me now, so that is good.  I must have just slept on it wrong this morning.
Tonight we celebrate Tommy's birthday so will be another late night.
Off to lunch, keep those prayers coming!  Love and Prayers, m

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day 3, Round 3 and I Get Unplugged

The sun is shining and again I woke up with little pain.  Some cramping in my hips, but walking has pulled it out. I think the 40 mg Oxycontin is doing the trick, and makes me much happier.  Pain really wears you out. I was getting up at 5 a.m. and taking a breakout pill, to hold me over the gap between long release pills, but haven't done that since Monday, so that is good too!
Yesterday, I got a visit from Jimbo, as he picked up a couple of prescriptions from the HP pharmacy in Coon Rapids.  The bag had a note on it from the pharmacist who I usually deal with, saying she missed me, and wished me well.  Jimbo explained to her that I wasn't able to drive on these meds, so that is why she hasn't seen me in a while.  For a while I was talking to her almost every week, and some times two days in a row.  So we were on a first name basis.
Jimbo stayed and visited for a couple of hours, we hadn't seen each other in a month, although we have talked on the phone and text-ed each other. It was a good visit.  He, Bill and Doug are the main go-to's now  that school has started, and I will be calling on them a lot more.  Jimbo is picking up my van this evening to take it out and get an oil change at his Tire's Plus, and Doug is coming to fix my underground sprinkler system that has one nozzle that needs replacing....I noticed this morning, that one was spraying straight up in the air in stead of over the lawn like it is supposed to. Jimbo is also planning on going to the cabin on Sunday and fertilizing the new lawn we seeded this Spring.
Yesterday afternoon, I did a phone version of Qigong, and Sheila says my back was the best it has been in the last three times she has worked on maybe the chemo and Qigong combination is really working. I know my back has been better in the last couple of weeks, and so is my walking improving.
I am getting a visit from Janet this morning, and we are going out for lunch and then a short shopping trip to Walgreens and then she will take me to get unplugged at 3 p.m. I'm sure we will have a lot of fun, and laughter mixed in.
Tomorrow Bonnie, Lois and I will meet to plan the trip to the North Shore.  We leave on it's about time.  Not much to plan, except what time we are leaving, and what we all want to do for sure.  Sorry Judy, if you want to drive up for lunch tomorrow at 11:30 you can put your two cents in, but I figured you'd go along with whatever we do....and I know you will be just getting home today.
Tomorrow night we celebrate Tommy's birthday with the relatives, so that will be fun to be together with the family.
That's it for now. Must get into the shower before Janet gets here.  Love and Prayers, m

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sunny Day follows the Clouds

The sun is shining here, but I hear that their may be a slight chance of showers in some areas before they see the sun today.
Yesterday started out slow, but due to my lack of giving a blood return from my port, but once they cleared that I was on my way to chemo, and lots of good conversation and cards with Rita Culshaw.  We had such a good time playing cards, and I actually gave her the last game as we had to quit and she was leading at the time.  Especially fun to spend the day with her.
Then when I got home I laid down, but couldn't fall asleep.  I had card club and Val Knight was picking me up at 6:45, and I got home at 4:45, so not a lot of time to rest, but it must have been enough, or the new dose of 40 mg of Oxycontin has done the trick.  I felt greater as the evening went on, and to add to that I stayed at the head table all evening, and took home the top prize for a change.  Some good chocolates, that I will take along for our trip next week, as Bonnie and Lois are both chocoholics, and I think Judy may fall into that category too....I'll have plenty of takers.
We got home about 10:15 and I hit the couch, but no sleep to come, so I went to the computer and finally went to bed at 1 a.m. and still wasn't able to go to sleep, and then I remembered it was the first night of chemo, and that's always a night of sleeplessness. So I talked to myself about relaxing, and somehow feel into solid sleep around 3:30 a.m. and then didn't awake till 6:54 a.m.
I'm not in as much pain as I usually awake with, but I am now on a higher dose of drugs and I also didn't take my Simvastatin last night, as when talking to the pharmacologist who had discussed my leg pains with Dr. Londer, suggested that it might be what is causing the leg pains, so they took some more blood tests to see if some levels were high that would point to Simvastatin as the problem.  I have been on it for many years, and haven't had that problem before, but that doesn't mean that it may now be the culprit. They won't know the results of these tests till today, and I assume they will call me with it, or I'll find out tomorrow when I go to get unplugged. Anyway I will resume taking it if that's not it, but for now I'm omitting it.
Today Jimbo is picking up some prescriptions for me from HP in Coon Rapids, and I am doing a phone version of Qigong this afternoon, but other than that no big plans....oh I do have to set my lineup for my new fantacy football the new season starts tonight.  I can't wait to see who I have on my team, as our little family league uses a computer generated draft, so I don't get to pick my own team, but either does anyone else, so there may be some trades going on today too!  Our leagues is mostly the grandkids, but Gary took grandpa's spot which adds a little diversity, and two Green Bay packer fans, a Chicago Bears fan, along with the Viking it makes for some fun and big talk back and forth...I love it.
I have added several people to my driving list, which really helps a lot, as being locked into 4 walls is the worst part of my whole ordeal with cancer.  I hate asking, but when I have a long diverse list, it helps as I don't have to have the same person doing it all the time, and allows me to visit with lots of different people, so there is a good side to it.
Keep all my list of prayer needs in your prayers, as well as me.  Love and Prayers, m

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day 1, Round 3

When I get unplugged on Thursday, this will be half way done.  So far so good.  This first three rounds have not given me the bad side effects I got 2 years ago.  But just a few mild ones each time. I already noticed when I took my 4 p.m. pills, that I should have warmed the when I took a pill a little while ago, I warmed the water I didn't have any problem.  I also drank some protein drink, and it didn't bother me either.
Today's chemo went well, cept they couldn't get a blood return again, so they drew blood through my arm to get the results so they could do chemo, but then when I got back to the chemo area, they still couldn't get a blood they had to inject something to loosen up what ever was blocking the blood return and wait about 1/2 hour...then it worked.  So all went well from that point on.  Rita didn't care as we started playing cribbage right away, and  she won the first game, but then I won the next two, and she was ahead of me when it was time to call it quits, so I told her we could call it a win for her and that made us even 2/2. We had a lot of fun playing cards, and even though I had to couch her through the first game she remembered quickly, and form then on she played well.
Sorry I didn't have a chance to post earlier, but didn't have time this morning, and just got up from resting, after I got home at 4:45 p.m. now I have to get ready for card club this evening, and Val Knight will be picking me up at 6:45 p.m. so time is short.  Hope to make it through the night well.
I did get my drugs upped to 40 mg today, and now I will also see a pain doctor next week too! They also did some extra blood work that the results won't come back till tomorrow, to see if they can figure out why I'm having so much cramping and pain in my legs.  It may be a result of the simvastatin I'm taking.  So hopefully all will get figured out, and I will be out of pain a lot more. I'll take a 40 mg this evening at 7 p.m. so we'll see soon.  That's it for now.  Love and Prayers, m

Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy 15th Birthday Tommy

I had to go all the way back to Christmas to find a decent picture of Tom/TK/Tommy Kiecker. (He goes by all three.)  The sun is shining, and I know he has already been celebrating, and will continue to do so till at least Friday evening, when the family will gather to celebrate.  So hope you have a great Birthday.
Also sorry that this is so late, but I've been doing some paying bills and responding to emails....and talking on the phone to cousin Janet!!  Neither of us is short winded!!
I had a great day yesterday, as I got out of the house.  Annie arrived at 11 a.m. just as I was on my way to the shower...she started my wash, and I took my shower.  Then when she put one load in the dryer, and started the second, we went shopping.  I made it to Best Buy, Dick's, the Bank and Target, and got almost everything on my list taken care of.  I bought a new cord for my Blackberry as I left the original in the Flamingo, in Vegas.  I looked for it at Best Buy to no avail, and the one I got at Target, doesn't work evidently Blackberry makes you buy their brand, cause the one I bought says it's a universal, and it fits into the Blackberry, but after an hour or so I checked it, and it said that the device couldn't be used on this Blackberry. Dam!!!!  I guess I have to go to Sprint and get the correct cord.
After getting home, Annie unpacked my shopping and finished the laundry and put it all away. I also bought some Draino for the bathtub drain, and she took care of that too and cleaned both bathrooms.  I sure don't know what I'm going to do when she goes back to school tomorrow.  I do have some driver's set up, but fitting in my laundry will be a job, when she is working and taking care of her own home and the three kids and their activities.
I made a list of driver's, and it has grown to about 15, so I don't think I'll have any trouble in that area....but not being able to leave the house when I want to, is starting to drive me crazy.  Part of the reason I laid on the couch on Friday and Saturday.  Kathleen said (when I was talking to her last night) she was wondering how long it would take to get to this point.
I did get the permanent Handicap Hang tag for my car and one for my purse so whoever is driving me can park in a handicap spot....till September 2013.
Well, nothing else for today, Love and Prayers, m

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Solar Power

Hoping that sunshine and Sonshine will help me get something/anything done today.  I haven't accomplished anything in the last couple of days.  I have laid on the couch a lot...but that is about it.
Today Annie said she would help me do some shopping and also the laundry that has been on my list for days, but I haven't been motivated to do it.
I am feeling good this morning, and actually feel I will get something accomplished today.  I have nothing planned for sure, but I know it will get done.
I do have some more work to do on my "SMA Class of 1962" that I promised Ginger I would do.  I have copies of my acceptance letter for SMA from 1958 which states the tuition and other fees, as well as the books fees and uniform costs.  She would like copies of them, so I'll scan them and get them emailed to her.  Pretty interesting.  My freshmen year tuition went up to $150 I believe tuition this year at Benilde-St. Margarets is $14,000.  A big difference even if it was 50 years ago.  If I had a daughter starting high school this year, I don't think I could have afforded it.  I do believe I got a great education, and so many cultural experiences my kids didn't get in public school, but they also got so much more extra's when it came to sports.  We did have a great tennis instructor, but other than that, running two blocks to the MN Mens club for gym class wasn't so great.  Dance and basketball during the winter, and tennis in the spring.  Other than that I can't remember anything else....oh maybe volleyball.
Back to the present....I think I better get in the shower and get dressed so I can get something done.  Love and Prayers, m

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Yeah!! Another Sunny Day

Warm but not sweltering!
Had a good night again last night.  I have been sleeping pretty well almost all week. I had a pretty lazy day though yesterday.  Didn't accomplish any laundry....didn't even try.  I did do some work on the computer, and again this morning. I have put together a Group on Facebook called "SMA Class of 1962" and have 15 already joined the site, and also 3 have entered pictures from the reunion last Saturday.  Also, I entered a lot of stuff onto my calendar on the computer as well as in the one I carry in my purse.
I think I'll call Annie and see if we can arrange some time for laundry this weekend before I run out of pjs. I'd also like to run a few errands, I have a prescription I need to pick up, but it is at Health Partners, and they aren't open on the weekend.  I also have a check to deposit in the bank, and want to pick up a few things at Best Buy and Dicks.  Three of the four things we could do today.  Now that school starts, I've lost two of my drivers (Annie and Nicole) so those on my driver list will get a few more calls.
Rita Culshaw will be taking me to chemo on Tuesday, and spending the day with me.  Hopefully all will go on time.
Nothing else to report.  Love and Prayers, m