I didn't get up til 9:40, and then fixed coffee and a fried egg sandwich for breakfast. Got a call from Janet, and then answered a few emails and decided I better write my blog and get the day going.
I had a wonderful but tiring evening last night. Sandi Hitch picked me up at 5:15 p.m. and arrived at the college at the exact same time as Lois Bjerke, who was my date for the evening. We both walk and stand at about the same speed. We headed straight for some chairs to sit and wait till the place opened at 6 p.m. Luckily they let us sit in the Foundation office on two great chairs. By the time 6 rolled around, we were ready to stand and walk for a little while...but once we got in the door and got out wristband and number for the silent auction etc. etc. we headed for a small table and 2 chairs, and claimed them for the next two hours. Each of us would take turns walking off to find some food and bring it back for each other. It unfortunately was on two levels around this huge staircase about the length of two normal stairs, so I did manage to walk down and back up once, but from then on, we used the elevator if we needed to go down....the only beverages were on the lower level, and more food and raffle items that you could by tickets for, so Lois and I went together and bought 40 tickets for $20 and split the cost and the tickets. There were only about 6 items to choose from, so we put about 5 tickets in the few items we wanted and neither of us won anything. However at the silent auction, it was a different story....I bid on 4 or 5 items, and won 3 of them. I ended up with tickets to the Lyric Arts, gift certificate for Serums and Applebee's along with six audio books, (for my trip this winter with Bonnie to Salt Lake and Sedona) Starbucks coffee and mugs, and a basket of "The Wild" stuff. So I'm pretty pleased with my donation to the Foundation. Lois and I also each bought $20 tickets to win a beautiful bracelet worth $700 dollars, and they only sold one deck so 52 chances, and we didn't win that either. So kind of an expensive evening, but all for a good cause...scholarships for the students.
I also got to talk to a lot of people I hadn't seen since last year at the same event....a lot on faculty that I hadn't seen since I retired, and some friends that I'm friends with on Facebook, but hadn't talked face to face in a long time. Also ran into a women who knew me, and she looked familiar, but for the life of me couldn't remember who she was or how I knew her. She talked like we had known each other for a long time. So I mulled it over in my mind for about an hour before coming up with who she was. I still don't remember her name, but at least I know where and when I met her. The going away party for Bill and Kim's exchange student Ani. The women was the mother of Ani's boyfriend. She only lives a couple of blocks from me, and she also goes to the same church as I do. Now I have to call Bill and figure out what her name is. How embarrassing. I hope she didn't know I didn't know who I was talking to.
I got a lot of cleaning in the office done again yesterday, but still a long way to go....I'll tackle anther stack to sort through again today. I think I'm about half way around the room so far. People told me last night that my blog has inspired them to do some cleaning too! But one said it reminded her she needed to do it....but hasn't inspired her to do it yet. Funny....you never know what you say in your blog is read and inspires people to do. Keep up the prayers, Love and Prayers, m
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