Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy 15th Birthday Tommy

I had to go all the way back to Christmas to find a decent picture of Tom/TK/Tommy Kiecker. (He goes by all three.)  The sun is shining, and I know he has already been celebrating, and will continue to do so till at least Friday evening, when the family will gather to celebrate.  So hope you have a great Birthday.
Also sorry that this is so late, but I've been doing some paying bills and responding to emails....and talking on the phone to cousin Janet!!  Neither of us is short winded!!
I had a great day yesterday, as I got out of the house.  Annie arrived at 11 a.m. just as I was on my way to the shower...she started my wash, and I took my shower.  Then when she put one load in the dryer, and started the second, we went shopping.  I made it to Best Buy, Dick's, the Bank and Target, and got almost everything on my list taken care of.  I bought a new cord for my Blackberry as I left the original in the Flamingo, in Vegas.  I looked for it at Best Buy to no avail, and the one I got at Target, doesn't work evidently Blackberry makes you buy their brand, cause the one I bought says it's a universal, and it fits into the Blackberry, but after an hour or so I checked it, and it said that the device couldn't be used on this Blackberry. Dam!!!!  I guess I have to go to Sprint and get the correct cord.
After getting home, Annie unpacked my shopping and finished the laundry and put it all away. I also bought some Draino for the bathtub drain, and she took care of that too and cleaned both bathrooms.  I sure don't know what I'm going to do when she goes back to school tomorrow.  I do have some driver's set up, but fitting in my laundry will be a job, when she is working and taking care of her own home and the three kids and their activities.
I made a list of driver's, and it has grown to about 15, so I don't think I'll have any trouble in that area....but not being able to leave the house when I want to, is starting to drive me crazy.  Part of the reason I laid on the couch on Friday and Saturday.  Kathleen said (when I was talking to her last night) she was wondering how long it would take to get to this point.
I did get the permanent Handicap Hang tag for my car and one for my purse so whoever is driving me can park in a handicap spot....till September 2013.
Well, nothing else for today, Love and Prayers, m

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