This morning, I got up 50 minutes late for taking my 7 pain pill, and then went back to the couch in a lot of pain. I had unplugged the clock on Saturday when I was rearranging things in my bedroom, and forgot to reset the time on no alarm to wake me.
Yesterday I was so busy, I never got dressed, but I sure got a lot of other things done. Two loads of laundry that Nicole came and carried up for me later in the afternoon after she mowed the lawn. That meant 3 trips to the basement, and each time I carried down something that should have been taken down weeks ago. I washed dishes and swept the floor in the kitchen. I can't remember what else I did, but I was busy all day.
Drat #8 (or really 7 it was pointed out to me I skipped Drat #6)
I got there in time, even though I was in Castle Danger at 9:45 a.m., my appointment was at 3 p.m. I got taken back to the waiting room, (not really....the doctors room) but for me those rooms have become waiting rooms. After 35 minutes I was angry again, and went out to see what was going on. They told me the doctor was on the phone and when she got off they would come and let me know what was up. Well, another 5 minutes or more went by, and finally she and someone else she didn't introduce....but I'm assuming an intern, came in.
By this time, you know I was boiling, and I let her know it. She did apologize, and wanted to know why I was so I told her that I had left at 9:45 to get there on-time, but they didn't have the decency to even come in and tell me that she was running late or actually be on time herself. After calming down, I explained that the same thing had happened twice before in the last month, and this was the straw that broke the camels back. I also explained that sitting in those chairs were the worst thing I could do to my tailbone. I had sat in the car going and coming from Two Harbors plus, and was not bothered by those seats, but those chairs and my tailbone don't get along at all. Kathleen suggested that maybe I ask to have a spot that I can recline in their "waiting" rooms. Sounds good, but I don't think that will happen.
She did have some good information for me, we discussed methadone and why I might want to use it. But as long as the 40mg of Oxycontin is working I could stick with it for the time being. She also, thought that if not taking the Simvastatin was reducing the leg cramps and pain, she would recommend I not take it anymore. That makes me feel good that a Dr. approved. The Doctor also talked about me not going back to Mayo for my CTscan, Dr. Londer had told her that he was afraid I was giving up, and I explained to her that that was the furthest thing from my mind. I really think that Dr. Londer has a better hold on how I am doing on a weekly basis, and he was the one who ordered the PETscan that found the cancer had matastized to my bones. It could have advanced a lot farther without Dr. Loner doing that. (Kathleen, when I told her about what he thought, said that he had never seen me crying and in pain before like I was that day, he always sees me happy and nice!! I'm sure she was right about that.) I told the pain doctor that if it got to the point that nothing we were doing was working, I would then go back to Mayo and look for something experimental, and that I would do whatever necessary to fight and beat this cancer. When I left, I was feeling a lot better, but poor Bonnie was beginning to wonder where I was, as it was now 4:30 or so. We finally got home (or I got home) at 5 p.m. and I was beat and went to the couch for the rest of the evening.
So now you are caught up on my week. Even though there were 7 was a great week, and I am feeling stronger each day. I have nothing planned for today....maybe a little more cleaning, and Annie is bringing over some groceries for me at some point. I had a piece of that talapia last night and it was just as good as the sample I had at Costco. Tomorrow I have round 4 of 6 chemo's before the CTscan, and I'm sure it will go as well as the first 3 went. I'm only hoping that this last few games of cribbage will bring me luck, cause Judy is leaving the end of the week for California, and I won't get to play with her, till maybe January when we go to Hawaii with June and Lenard. Well, hope you all have a great day, it looks like the last in a while. Love and Prayers, m
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