Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Birds are Flocking to My Feeder

I'm up and at-tum earlier this morning than usual, and sitting at my computer watching the birds coming to my feeders outside the window next to my chair.  I've seen as many as 3 chickadee's at a time here, as well as a nuthatch and a woodpecker.  I need to get up earlier more often.  I love seeing the birds.
I'm feeling so good this morning, I fell a sleep on the couch last night, and didn't wake up till 4 a.m.....that is unusual, it's usually about 2 a.m. when I wake up on the couch.  Anyway, went to my bed, and slept soundly till 7 a.m. when the alarm (radio) went off, to alert me it's time to take my pain medicine.  Funny, I didn't even feel like I needed it, unlike most mornings,  I took my pills and went to the couch, but never fell back to sleep, and finally got up at 8 a.m. and took my bp....the best it's been in the week I've been keeping track.  It was only 136/88.  That is about 40 points less than the usual high, and below 90 for the bottom number which is I think only the second time all week.   So for whatever reason, things are different today.  I did wake up in a cold sweat or night sweat whatever you call it.  I think the second day in a row, but has happened on and off in the last few months....don't know if a side effect from chemo or what.  But not unusual anymore.
Yesterday, I did find a driver, and Pat Ripley picked me up and took me to lunch at Pizza Hut, where a combination of retiree's and those still working at the college gather the last Monday of each month.  We had about a half and half turn out this month.   So those of us retired get to hear what is going on at the college, and right now makes us thankful we are already retired.  There are several who are on the verge of retiring, and can't wait till they can join us retiree's.  We ate and visited till about 2 p.m. (well the retiree's did, the others had to go back to work at 1 pm.)  I think about 8 of us stayed.  I did end up with a few more volunteers to drive me....so my list is growing everyday it seems. Thank you to all who have volunteered, and have driven me in the last few months.
Judy my cousin has moved to Temecula, CA to help her daughter out for the school year, so I will now be utilizing the rest of you as Chemo buddies etc.  Rita Culshaw has volunteered to do that next week, and I will get to play cribbage again with her.  Looking forward to the day.  Cribbage isn't a prerequisite to be my chemo buddy, but it helps!!  The staff at HHH expect it and wonder why I'm not playing when I happen to have a buddy who doesn't play.  It's funny, cause I just learned to play in October of 2010 when I was in the hospital at Mayo.  Kathleen, my sister, taught me to play, and then followed up with giving me a cribbage board and rule book for my birthday the next May.  So it kinda has stayed with me throughout my treatments since.
No plans for the day....I guess I'll have to go back to organizing my closets.  I worked on my sweater collection yesterday, and pulled out about 6 to put in the bag for the next request with a truck in the area. I am slowly but surely filling a bag.  The office and back bedroom are getting decluttered slowly but surely, and it keeps me busy.  Love and Prayers, m

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