Sunday, September 2, 2012

Solar Power

Hoping that sunshine and Sonshine will help me get something/anything done today.  I haven't accomplished anything in the last couple of days.  I have laid on the couch a lot...but that is about it.
Today Annie said she would help me do some shopping and also the laundry that has been on my list for days, but I haven't been motivated to do it.
I am feeling good this morning, and actually feel I will get something accomplished today.  I have nothing planned for sure, but I know it will get done.
I do have some more work to do on my "SMA Class of 1962" that I promised Ginger I would do.  I have copies of my acceptance letter for SMA from 1958 which states the tuition and other fees, as well as the books fees and uniform costs.  She would like copies of them, so I'll scan them and get them emailed to her.  Pretty interesting.  My freshmen year tuition went up to $150 I believe tuition this year at Benilde-St. Margarets is $14,000.  A big difference even if it was 50 years ago.  If I had a daughter starting high school this year, I don't think I could have afforded it.  I do believe I got a great education, and so many cultural experiences my kids didn't get in public school, but they also got so much more extra's when it came to sports.  We did have a great tennis instructor, but other than that, running two blocks to the MN Mens club for gym class wasn't so great.  Dance and basketball during the winter, and tennis in the spring.  Other than that I can't remember anything else....oh maybe volleyball.
Back to the present....I think I better get in the shower and get dressed so I can get something done.  Love and Prayers, m

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