I guess I stayed up late last night, and I was pretty active yesterday as Janet came around 10:30 to start the day off....and didn't leave till almost 6 p.m.
It was a busy day, we first visited (like we wouldn't) and then we went to lunch at Panera and ran into a former student worker (Heather Bruce Sorrell) who was there with her mom. Her kids were finally both in school and she had a chance to get away alone!! I'm sure a lot of mom's felt that way this week.
From there we went to Walgreen's shopping....both of us had things on our list that they had on sale this week. So that took us a little time, and then we headed for HHH in Robinsdale to get me unplugged. Talked to them also about the blood work they did, and both of the tests came back absolutely normal....so it didn't show the simvistatin is the culprit, but I haven't taken it for the last 3 nights, and I have been better, so I'll talk to the pain doctor next week. I have an appointment to see her next Wednesday when we get home from the North Shore.
Back home, and Jimbo stopped to get my van so he can do an oil change and whatever it needs, So Janet and I visited with him for a while. She offered to take me out for dinner, but I wasn't hungry at that point. So she decided the traffic would have calmed down going toward Richfield.
From that point on I watched TV and the Convention and Obama's speech....and continued to watch TV and feel asleep some time, and finally woke up and at about 1:45 and went to bed.
So this morning, I got up at 7 a.m. and took my meds and went to the couch to watch the Today Show, and again fell back asleep and woke up at 9:09, got up and had a bowl of cheerio's and laid back down and rested my right hip that was keeping me from sitting at the computer, again fell asleep and didn't wake up until after 10 a.m. and I knew I had to get this done and Bonnie is coming to pick me up at 11:15 to go to lunch with her and Lois, to make plans for the trip. So I quickly got dressed and here I am writing late again. My hip isn't bothering me now, so that is good. I must have just slept on it wrong this morning.
Tonight we celebrate Tommy's birthday so will be another late night.
Off to lunch, keep those prayers coming! Love and Prayers, m
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