Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sunny and Chilly!

Fall have arrived officially, even if it's not the 21st.  It's cold outside....and I turned the furnace on....I know some of you think I'm crazy, but I don't like to be cold...no, not even in the middle of the summer.
I was able to get LaVonne Burrington to take me to Target last night, and got some shopping done, along with the BP pump, and got it a lot cheaper than I expected.  When I had looked for one earlier this year, the cheapest was about $80, and I found this one for $40, which was half the prices I found then.  Was so excited.  But then went on to buy the batteries, and some gift cards, and a blouse off the clearance rack. Needless to say the bill came to over $100's so not such a cheap trip.  When I got home Karen called, and I told her I was looking for some shoes for winter and explained to her what I was looking for, and she said she had just the thing, and she would call Tom at the store and let him know.  I told her I insisted on paying for them, cause they never let me do that, and I hate to have them think I expect that....so Tom called and got my credit card info, and the shoes are in the mail.  I then went online and ordered some popcorn from William's Scout troup.  So I guess I was in a spending mood.
I also had Mary Brue give my name and number to her landscaper yesterday, and hope to have him come and do a fall tune up of my gardens around the house.  I need some things dug up and moved, split and trimmed.  It's a big job, cause I've done nothing with it myself in a long time, and the kids did some last year in the spring, and I had the neighbor do some weeding for me this summer, but it just isn't enough.  I need a professional do the job.
I'm also going to have a energy audit and had the attic insulated this fall....those are a couple of must does.  With the energy audit I can get a $300 rebate from the State, and hopefully it will lesson my heat bill and keep from any ice dams etc.  So I'll put in a call to Centerpoint today.
Well, I took my bp this morning, and it was alarmingly high.  I've never taken my bp right after getting up in the morning, so maybe that is normal....or that early morning bp's are higher than you get later in the day.  We'll see.  Might have something to do with my pain med not taking hold yet...I know pain causes bp to be higher. I'm still having this chemo pumped into me, and my feet are swollen, so that may have something to do with it too.  Well the log begins and we'll see what the next two weeks brings.
Other than that I feel good.  I have no plans for the day, hope to do some scrap-booking of my trip to Gene's Bench.  The big problem, is most of my scrap-booking stuff is at the cabin, but I'll dig through my cabinet and see if I can find what I need here.  Another reason to go to the cabin.
Love and Prayers, m

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