Thursday, September 27, 2012

Is It Still Morning?

Don't know what happened, but I got up at 7 a.m. like I need to do to take my pills.  Then I went to the couch, and laid their till 8 a.m. listening to the Today show and info on the end of the Referee Lock Out.... and didn't want to get up yet. I finally went back to sleep and didn't wake up till 10:40.  Really?  What's up with that? I'm going to have to go to bed earlier...seems 12:30 a.m. is too late.
So jumped up and took my bp and it was low for a change in the morning....or at least the lowest it's been in the morning since I started taking it a week and a half ago.  So that is good.  I then made coffee and breakfast (brunch) and then came to the computer to read my email, answer a couple and finally got to writing my blog one hour after getting up.  I'll really have to work fast today to make up for almost two hours I over slept.
Yesterday I finally got a call from someone to schedule my Energy Audit for next Wednesday at noon.  I've been waiting for them to cal for two weeks. After they come, I will be able to get my attic insulated with a $300 rebate on my taxes.  So happy to get that done before the snow flies....I know we just began Fall.
I did a large amount of sorting and cleaning again at my desk in the computer room.  I'm almost to the point where I would go and sit in there, instead of the living room to work on the computer.  It was so cluttered before, I couldn't stand being in there for more than a few minutes to print something out, or drop a pile of papers on the already full desk to be filed.
I didn't get to Gene's side of the closet yet, but maybe that will be today's job. I may go back to the office and continue in sorting and cleaning what is now the craft area of the office, or the other direction to the picture boxes....I think either are daunting!  I guess the craft area will be where I start first.  I'm thinking of making six craft boxes up.  One for each of the granddaughters.  I have enough stuff to still have more than I need for myself.  Not sure about Emily, but I know the others are into that stuff.  I'll have to check with Karen about that.
I now have a ride for Prairie Home Delights on Friday, and Carol Kline sent me a message saying that she and Del wanted to continue taking me to church with them each week, and that sometimes it would be on Sunday morning....depending on the Vikings schedule, cause they both wanted to watch the games.  So that if fine with me too, but I told her I wanted to take my turn treating too.  Evidently they take turns now, so she thought that would be fine with her and Del too.  I may have to find someone to take me to Walgreens and/or Cub one day soon....I have a few things on the grocery list that need to be bought soon....Like the scrubbing bubbles to clean the toilets that I forgot last week.
I saw on Facebook last night that Dennis Tkach's mom has been placed in Hospice as she is shutting down and isn't speaking or eating anymore.  She is 94 and has been having a lot of strokes and TIA's. So please say some prayers for his family as they struggle through this week.  I know how hard this will be for all of them.  Love and Prayers, m

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