Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Happy 17th Birthday Nicole

I can't believe that Nicole is 17 already.  She's so grown up! She's worked the last two summers mowing my lawn, and this year after getting her driver's license 1 year ago today, she has driven me a lot this summer, and she and her girlfriend Jackie took me to the cabin last month as well. 
It's cloudy right now, but I hope she has a Sun Shinny day. Happy Birthday Nicole!
Today I get unplugged, and Rosie Mortenson is going to take me to lunch first, and then get unplugged and then go to Sheila Judd's house for Qigong. So looking forward to a great afternoon.  I'm feeling good again this morning, and my blood pressure was almost the same as yesterday, except the bottom number dropped 10 points.  So I'm happy about that.
I got the crafting project done that I wanted to do yesterday, and got a visit from a friend who called and and asked he I had plans for dinner, and as I hadn't she asked if she could bring over a chicken wild rice hot dish.  Her husband was up on the boundary waters, and she said she hasn't learned to cook for 1.  So I got to visit with her for a while as well.  She has brought me soups and other treats, and asked if anyone else was bringing me food, and I said no, and she was really surprised.  I really only need (or like help) the beginning of the chemo cycle and she now has my freezer stocked with several kinds of soup.  I also bought that talapia at Costco last week along with a big bag of Pot-stickers, so I'm stocked for the next month I think.
I did some answering of emails and set up my log of my bp on the computer yesterday and played some Words with Friends, but other than the crafting project I didn't do much.  Annie picked up my prescription for the Flonaise, and it really has done the trick so not blowing my nose today, and my eyes aren't all puffy, so I guess that was what I needed.  For now, Love and Prayers, m

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