Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day 3, Round 3 and I Get Unplugged

The sun is shining and again I woke up with little pain.  Some cramping in my hips, but walking has pulled it out. I think the 40 mg Oxycontin is doing the trick, and makes me much happier.  Pain really wears you out. I was getting up at 5 a.m. and taking a breakout pill, to hold me over the gap between long release pills, but haven't done that since Monday, so that is good too!
Yesterday, I got a visit from Jimbo, as he picked up a couple of prescriptions from the HP pharmacy in Coon Rapids.  The bag had a note on it from the pharmacist who I usually deal with, saying she missed me, and wished me well.  Jimbo explained to her that I wasn't able to drive on these meds, so that is why she hasn't seen me in a while.  For a while I was talking to her almost every week, and some times two days in a row.  So we were on a first name basis.
Jimbo stayed and visited for a couple of hours, we hadn't seen each other in a month, although we have talked on the phone and text-ed each other. It was a good visit.  He, Bill and Doug are the main go-to's now  that school has started, and I will be calling on them a lot more.  Jimbo is picking up my van this evening to take it out and get an oil change at his Tire's Plus, and Doug is coming to fix my underground sprinkler system that has one nozzle that needs replacing....I noticed this morning, that one was spraying straight up in the air in stead of over the lawn like it is supposed to. Jimbo is also planning on going to the cabin on Sunday and fertilizing the new lawn we seeded this Spring.
Yesterday afternoon, I did a phone version of Qigong, and Sheila says my back was the best it has been in the last three times she has worked on maybe the chemo and Qigong combination is really working. I know my back has been better in the last couple of weeks, and so is my walking improving.
I am getting a visit from Janet this morning, and we are going out for lunch and then a short shopping trip to Walgreens and then she will take me to get unplugged at 3 p.m. I'm sure we will have a lot of fun, and laughter mixed in.
Tomorrow Bonnie, Lois and I will meet to plan the trip to the North Shore.  We leave on it's about time.  Not much to plan, except what time we are leaving, and what we all want to do for sure.  Sorry Judy, if you want to drive up for lunch tomorrow at 11:30 you can put your two cents in, but I figured you'd go along with whatever we do....and I know you will be just getting home today.
Tomorrow night we celebrate Tommy's birthday with the relatives, so that will be fun to be together with the family.
That's it for now. Must get into the shower before Janet gets here.  Love and Prayers, m

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