Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sunny Day follows the Clouds

The sun is shining here, but I hear that their may be a slight chance of showers in some areas before they see the sun today.
Yesterday started out slow, but due to my lack of giving a blood return from my port, but once they cleared that I was on my way to chemo, and lots of good conversation and cards with Rita Culshaw.  We had such a good time playing cards, and I actually gave her the last game as we had to quit and she was leading at the time.  Especially fun to spend the day with her.
Then when I got home I laid down, but couldn't fall asleep.  I had card club and Val Knight was picking me up at 6:45, and I got home at 4:45, so not a lot of time to rest, but it must have been enough, or the new dose of 40 mg of Oxycontin has done the trick.  I felt greater as the evening went on, and to add to that I stayed at the head table all evening, and took home the top prize for a change.  Some good chocolates, that I will take along for our trip next week, as Bonnie and Lois are both chocoholics, and I think Judy may fall into that category too....I'll have plenty of takers.
We got home about 10:15 and I hit the couch, but no sleep to come, so I went to the computer and finally went to bed at 1 a.m. and still wasn't able to go to sleep, and then I remembered it was the first night of chemo, and that's always a night of sleeplessness. So I talked to myself about relaxing, and somehow feel into solid sleep around 3:30 a.m. and then didn't awake till 6:54 a.m.
I'm not in as much pain as I usually awake with, but I am now on a higher dose of drugs and I also didn't take my Simvastatin last night, as when talking to the pharmacologist who had discussed my leg pains with Dr. Londer, suggested that it might be what is causing the leg pains, so they took some more blood tests to see if some levels were high that would point to Simvastatin as the problem.  I have been on it for many years, and haven't had that problem before, but that doesn't mean that it may now be the culprit. They won't know the results of these tests till today, and I assume they will call me with it, or I'll find out tomorrow when I go to get unplugged. Anyway I will resume taking it if that's not it, but for now I'm omitting it.
Today Jimbo is picking up some prescriptions for me from HP in Coon Rapids, and I am doing a phone version of Qigong this afternoon, but other than that no big plans....oh I do have to set my lineup for my new fantacy football the new season starts tonight.  I can't wait to see who I have on my team, as our little family league uses a computer generated draft, so I don't get to pick my own team, but either does anyone else, so there may be some trades going on today too!  Our leagues is mostly the grandkids, but Gary took grandpa's spot which adds a little diversity, and two Green Bay packer fans, a Chicago Bears fan, along with the Viking it makes for some fun and big talk back and forth...I love it.
I have added several people to my driving list, which really helps a lot, as being locked into 4 walls is the worst part of my whole ordeal with cancer.  I hate asking, but when I have a long diverse list, it helps as I don't have to have the same person doing it all the time, and allows me to visit with lots of different people, so there is a good side to it.
Keep all my list of prayer needs in your prayers, as well as me.  Love and Prayers, m

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