Saturday, September 15, 2012

It's Janet's Fault!

She doesn't read this, so I can blame her!  I've got cauliflower ear from talking to her this morning.  She even hung up and went to the bathroom and called me back during it.  I've been up since 8:30, made myself breakfast, and coffee with my new "one-cup pot".  I bought it yesterday while shopping with Patty Tkach.  It was on sale at Kohls, and I also had a 30% off coupon, and ended up after ringing up everything getting another $30 in Kohls Cash.  What a deal!!!  The coffee tastes wonderful, and I didn't have to waste a whole pot for my one cup.
I'm feeling great again today, and yesterday I was able to shop and run errands between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m....non-stop.  Only time I sat down was in the car between places.  First I got meds at HealthPartners, and then made a deposit at the drive-thru at Wells Fargo across the street from HP.  From there we went to Kohls, and ended up at Costco....ate our way through the store, so we didn't have to stop for lunch.  Patty talked me into buying some Talapia they were giving samples of, so that and a roasted chicken will help feed me for a while.
Back to my trip:
Tuesday, after talking to the manager, we headed up the Shore to Grand Marais, but stopped at Palisades Head which has an overlook.  It's a steep winding road and when we got almost to the top where it becomes a one way and a circle to come back to the point where it splits, a bus full of kids from Glenwood, was stuck. (Drat #7)  In trying to make the turn it hit a rock, and started to tear some of the metal siding near the rear wheel.  Obviously we didn't know what to do or where to go.  Finally someone from the bus group, ran up the road the wrong direction, and led the way so we could get to the parking lot.  Then the bus backed up to where we were, and then also drove up the exit to the parking lot, where all the kids got out and they managed to kick and pound on the side of the bus till they got the piece that had started to rip off back in place. (The picture is from this area, looking north is Shovel Point at Tetegouche State Park)
From there we headed back toward Grand Marais.  I don't think we stopped at any place till we got to Grand Marais, but after driving around town, we headed to the "Angry Trout" for lunch.  Got to sit outside on the dock, and we had a great lunch, of fish and chips.  The fish was great too!
After lunch we headed up to Pin Cushion, and then up the Gun Flint Trail to try and find Kim's mom and dad's on Devil Track Lake.  We headed down a few wrong turns, and finally found the right road, but we couldn't find their driveway, drove all the way to the dead end, and then turned around and looked again, but still couldn't find we headed back to town....also couldn't find Cty 7 that the map said would take us the back way back just above Cascade State Park.  In town we saw some people walking with ice cream cones, so we found the ice cream shop and all of us ate ice cream for the first 10 minutes or so of the trip back to the Lodge.  After resting and reading (I was getting close to the end of "Message in a Bottle" by Nicholas Sparks), and could hardly put the book down, we decided that we had had so much to eat already, we'd just eat snack and leftovers we had in the fridge for dinner.  Then Lois and Bonnie went back out for the bonfire and S'mores, but Judy and I played cribbage....or Judy played I got beat.  Over the three day's of cribbage, Judy had beaten me 4 times to my 1 and she even skunked me once.  By the time I was one peg of winning and Judy came from behind to win....I was done playing wasn't any fun any more.  Hopefully on Monday when Judy and I are chemo buddies, she will have lost her luck, and I will win at least a few games.
We had trouble again with the toilet not flushing completely, and finally asked if we could have a plunger overnite just in case!!!  They were happy to bring us one.  All went well that night, but Bonnie was using the lobby bathroom for the last couple of days.
Wednesday, we got out of the room by 9:15, but by the time we got checked out at the front desk (there were several people in front of us) we finally hit the road by 9:45.  Lois had a $25 gift card for Starbucks, so we headed to Duluth and searched for Starbucks.  We found one right downtown on Superior Street, and it had a parking spot right outside the front door.  We each got to pick something to eat and a good cup of coffee.  I picked a bagel and cream cheese, and it was so good.  From there we headed home and didn't stop till we got to Lois's.  We dropped her off before 2 p.m. and then returned to my house at 2 p.m.  Judy headed home, and Bonnie and I unpacked the van, and then headed off to my pain doctor appointment.  We were getting hungry so stopped at Arby's and at in the car.  I'll tell you about that appointment tomorrow. That will be Drat 8.  Love and Prayers, m

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