Wow I can't believe I have a son that old!!! I'm really too young for that. It's cloudy here but I hope the sun in shining in Naperville, and you have a HAPPY DAY!
Was a quiet day at the cabin, but I did get the laundry done (only 1 load) straightened things up and finally left around 1:30 p.m. and headed home. It was hot and sooooo humid out side and cold in the cabin still when I left. I had even opened the sliding patio door to warm it up. When I got home, the inside of the house was as cold as the cabin....being all closed up in the cold damp weekend.
Arriving home was so nice.....Nicole had mowed the lawn, and her dad had swept the garage floor and trimmed a small branch that had been hanging on the roof. So not only did they work all weekend at the cabin, but then they came to my house and continued. Love you guys, it all looks so nice.
Unfortunately all the sand that they shoveled and swept off the pavers by the lake, all returned on Sunday night in the two storms that went through. It's an unending problem. We need to get a professional to figure out what to do down there.
When I headed for bed last night I was exhausted, had a sinus headache and was having problems with gas! I didn't fall asleep like I thought I would, as I couldn't even keep my eyes open watching the news. I was awake several times during the night, and finally had to get up this a.m. at about 7:15. My sinus's are still pressing against my teeth, but otherwise I feel okay I'm sure it's the weather!!! Where is that sun?
Please pray for two elderly women in their last days, that they and their families be in peace. Love and prayers, m
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Rain, Rain, Go Away! Come When I'm Not at the Cabin!
I'm sure it helped all the planting I did this weekend, but yesterdays cloudy dreary day led to Thunder and lighting at 4 a.m. and then again at about 6 a.m.....but luckily neither time did it last very long....or I fell back to sleep fast.
They say it will be 85 today, but I won't believe that till I see it either, yesterday it never made it to 60 on my thermometer outside the cabin window. Don't have big plans for the day, have to run into town and get some laundry detergent so I can wash some bedding that Annie found in the boat house that needs it. I may then leave fairly early in the afternoon, and do some planting of my front step pots with the flowers I didn't have room for up here.
Yesterday, even in the cold, Jack and Nick came up with their new Jet Skiis and talked Nicole, Allie and Matthew into taking a ride. Okay, Matthew didn't need any encouraging, he didn't even think it was cold when he did ride. The rest were freezing but they did it anyway. Some excitement for the otherwise cold and dreary day.
Annie and Doug continued to work like Dogs (where does that saying come from? Do Dogs work?) anyway, they worked really hard, Saturday they had a huge bomb-fire and got rid of a lot of brush from the fallen trees that went down last fall. Doug mowed and weed wiped everything standing a foot off the ground, and it all looks so nice. Then they moved down by the lake and cleaned out the gardens and shoveled and swept off the patio of the sand that washes down the hill all the time. After that Annie tackled the boat house which hadn't been touched since last fall, and she said it was a pit!! But everything is sparkling clean now! We should be all set for the 4th of July Week gatherings. My thanks to both of them....and the rest of you guys owe them big time.
Oh, I added a picture to my blog later yesterday, so go back and check that out. That's me and Tommy 48 years ago when he was about a month old...probably 4th of July Weekend, 1963. Love and prayers, m
They say it will be 85 today, but I won't believe that till I see it either, yesterday it never made it to 60 on my thermometer outside the cabin window. Don't have big plans for the day, have to run into town and get some laundry detergent so I can wash some bedding that Annie found in the boat house that needs it. I may then leave fairly early in the afternoon, and do some planting of my front step pots with the flowers I didn't have room for up here.
Yesterday, even in the cold, Jack and Nick came up with their new Jet Skiis and talked Nicole, Allie and Matthew into taking a ride. Okay, Matthew didn't need any encouraging, he didn't even think it was cold when he did ride. The rest were freezing but they did it anyway. Some excitement for the otherwise cold and dreary day.
Annie and Doug continued to work like Dogs (where does that saying come from? Do Dogs work?) anyway, they worked really hard, Saturday they had a huge bomb-fire and got rid of a lot of brush from the fallen trees that went down last fall. Doug mowed and weed wiped everything standing a foot off the ground, and it all looks so nice. Then they moved down by the lake and cleaned out the gardens and shoveled and swept off the patio of the sand that washes down the hill all the time. After that Annie tackled the boat house which hadn't been touched since last fall, and she said it was a pit!! But everything is sparkling clean now! We should be all set for the 4th of July Week gatherings. My thanks to both of them....and the rest of you guys owe them big time.
Oh, I added a picture to my blog later yesterday, so go back and check that out. That's me and Tommy 48 years ago when he was about a month old...probably 4th of July Weekend, 1963. Love and prayers, m
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Calm but Overcast
But the radar map looks like this will pass soon and I'll have sun!
Yesterday turned out great! Annie and Doug came up with the kids in the afternoon, and went right to work cleaning up the yard, started a hugh bombfire from the downed trees that fell last fall, then mowed what little grass we have left. But even so, it looks so much better than it did yesterday morning. Thanks Annie and Doug for a great job, well done.
I planted all my pots of flowers and actually have some left over with no where to go, so I'm taking them home and planting them in town tomorrow. But it is finally starting to look like the cabin, and it makes me feel good. I had planned to take pictures for all of you....but my camera is dead and the charger is at home, so next week!
Phil and Jason were up fishing, and left me some fish which I immediately fried, and Matthew and I ate, well Matthew had two, I ate the rest of the plate of fish....I didn't count....but it was a lot and they were delicious.
This weekend brings up lots of memories, (the dates fell on the same days of the week as 48 years ago) I was 9 months plus pregnant, and it was hot and all I had was a black wool jumper maternity top to wear over my shorts, and I got burnt to a crisp. Then on Tuesday when I went to the hospital to have my first born, the nurses were all worried about my sunburn....I was more interested in the labor!!...don't think I could even feel my legs! The other funny memory is that the doctor had tickets to the Twins game, and had to miss it to deliver Tommy!.....But I think Tom has made up for watching games for Dr. Bittick!
So far day 5 of the chemo is going well, but it's still early.... I've done so well all week, I think today will be good too. Doug is going to help me plant some trees I got for my birthday from cousin Judy, and do a little weed wacking where he couldn't get the mower to go, so we will continue to spruce the place up on the outside!! Love and prayers, m
Yesterday turned out great! Annie and Doug came up with the kids in the afternoon, and went right to work cleaning up the yard, started a hugh bombfire from the downed trees that fell last fall, then mowed what little grass we have left. But even so, it looks so much better than it did yesterday morning. Thanks Annie and Doug for a great job, well done.
I planted all my pots of flowers and actually have some left over with no where to go, so I'm taking them home and planting them in town tomorrow. But it is finally starting to look like the cabin, and it makes me feel good. I had planned to take pictures for all of you....but my camera is dead and the charger is at home, so next week!
Phil and Jason were up fishing, and left me some fish which I immediately fried, and Matthew and I ate, well Matthew had two, I ate the rest of the plate of fish....I didn't count....but it was a lot and they were delicious.
This weekend brings up lots of memories, (the dates fell on the same days of the week as 48 years ago) I was 9 months plus pregnant, and it was hot and all I had was a black wool jumper maternity top to wear over my shorts, and I got burnt to a crisp. Then on Tuesday when I went to the hospital to have my first born, the nurses were all worried about my sunburn....I was more interested in the labor!!...don't think I could even feel my legs! The other funny memory is that the doctor had tickets to the Twins game, and had to miss it to deliver Tommy!.....But I think Tom has made up for watching games for Dr. Bittick!
So far day 5 of the chemo is going well, but it's still early.... I've done so well all week, I think today will be good too. Doug is going to help me plant some trees I got for my birthday from cousin Judy, and do a little weed wacking where he couldn't get the mower to go, so we will continue to spruce the place up on the outside!! Love and prayers, m
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Windy but Sunny
Actually it's gotten windier as I've been up this morning....was hoping it would go the other way....I love waking up to a clear glass surface on the lake. Haven't seen any birds this morning yet either. I did have my orioles and a hummingbird feeding yesterday, but the wind must be too much for them. I also have seen a cat prowling around each day, and I am worried that it is killing all my chipmunks....haven't even seen a squirrel in 2 days up here....that's really rare...cause they love my bird feeders!
I got lots of work done yesterday after going out for breakfast with my friends they took off for the city, and I did a few errands before returning to the cabin. I had to return a keg from the party here last weekend, but unless someone claims the deposit I'm a little richer for that! hehe
I then went and bought a bunch of flowers, but the afternoon was cloudy and cold, so I haven't planted any of them yet. I did go to the hardware store in town and bought a bigger galvanized can for my bird food, and some other little odds and ends before returning to the cabin.
I hung a picture in the new bathroom, put up a towel bar, rearranged several drawers, and organized my closet with a hanging shelf thing I got at Target last week. I'm starting to settle in for the summer....have remembered to bring almost everything that had been taken home for the winter back, and have replemished the cupboards with the necessities.
My chemo this week has gone well, haven't had any problems with nausea or gas or diarrhea either. But tomorrow is day 5, and that is usually when I notice something, so we'll see how this new drug they gave me this week works. My nose is almost totally healed since I started the antibiotics and my head doesn't itch, so that is working as well.
Hope I get some company today....or I'll go stir crazy. I think Phil and Jason are out on the lake fishing already this morning, or at least last nights email said he would be, and if they caught anything they'd bring we some for supper.
Hope you all have a Happy Day, Love and prayers, m
I got lots of work done yesterday after going out for breakfast with my friends they took off for the city, and I did a few errands before returning to the cabin. I had to return a keg from the party here last weekend, but unless someone claims the deposit I'm a little richer for that! hehe
I then went and bought a bunch of flowers, but the afternoon was cloudy and cold, so I haven't planted any of them yet. I did go to the hardware store in town and bought a bigger galvanized can for my bird food, and some other little odds and ends before returning to the cabin.
I hung a picture in the new bathroom, put up a towel bar, rearranged several drawers, and organized my closet with a hanging shelf thing I got at Target last week. I'm starting to settle in for the summer....have remembered to bring almost everything that had been taken home for the winter back, and have replemished the cupboards with the necessities.
My chemo this week has gone well, haven't had any problems with nausea or gas or diarrhea either. But tomorrow is day 5, and that is usually when I notice something, so we'll see how this new drug they gave me this week works. My nose is almost totally healed since I started the antibiotics and my head doesn't itch, so that is working as well.
Hope I get some company today....or I'll go stir crazy. I think Phil and Jason are out on the lake fishing already this morning, or at least last nights email said he would be, and if they caught anything they'd bring we some for supper.
Hope you all have a Happy Day, Love and prayers, m
Friday, May 27, 2011
Good Morning
Just a short note this morning, I need to get dressed and go out for breakfast with Bonnie and Val who stayed overnite at the cabin with me last night. I had 6 or the 8 here, but only two stayed the night. We had a great afternoon of conversation and games and then a potluck....with way too much food. After everyone else left just 4 of us, we played more games, and then we were down to three so we went to Cut Throat a game that can be played with three and played that till about 10 p.m. but we didn't go to bed till about 11. It was a lot of fun. Loved showing off my new lake home, and was so happy to see the great shape the boys had left it last weekend after their fishing weekend.
My chemo is going well got unplugged and noon and headed up here and even got beat by Sandi and Dawn who were waiting in the driveway for me. Hope you all have a great weekend. Love and prayers, m
My chemo is going well got unplugged and noon and headed up here and even got beat by Sandi and Dawn who were waiting in the driveway for me. Hope you all have a great weekend. Love and prayers, m
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Happy Birthday Kim!
The sun is shining and it's going to be a Happy Day!
My day yesterday went great.....cause I messed up and took two of the steriods by mistake with my handful of pills I have to take in the morning.....also took the evening pills then too! I don't know where my head was....but the antibiotic can not be taken with the vitamins and calcium...should be on an empty I have to take it about an hour before I this has messed up my old habits....of walking to the sink popping all my pills and eating my oatmeal. Creature of habit!!!
Anyway I felt terrific all day, no gas, no diaarhea, no tiredness....and the nose is looking a lot better. Also I haven't mentioned my butt of recent time, and the report there is great too! When I left the hospital after surgery in October sitting was like sitting on a grapefruit between my butt cheeks along with nunbness and pain....and I lived on Ibuprofen for months up to about two weeks ago. I also had a constant drainage which had me at times wearing super long sanitary napkins 24/7. Now the spot is about the size of a marble and I barely drain at all. So that's the last I'll say about my butt.
Met with Rosie, Tom and Jim and about 8 or 9 others for the 25th Anniversary of these 3 celebrating their birthdays together. We tried to figure out all the locations they celebrated over the years, and think we came up with all 25 locations and lots of fun past memories.
Today I get unplugged at noon, and then I'm heading straight to the cabin for the long weekend. My card club is coming for a potluck this afternoon, and a couple are staying overnite and leaving in the morning. I'm really looking forward to the day.
Say some prayers for my cousins mother-in-law who is in late stages of cancer of the jaw, right now they are asking for peace for her. Louie can also always use prayers, and is now rehabing his second knee replacement. (both knees are now done).
Love and prayers, m
My day yesterday went great.....cause I messed up and took two of the steriods by mistake with my handful of pills I have to take in the morning.....also took the evening pills then too! I don't know where my head was....but the antibiotic can not be taken with the vitamins and calcium...should be on an empty I have to take it about an hour before I this has messed up my old habits....of walking to the sink popping all my pills and eating my oatmeal. Creature of habit!!!
Anyway I felt terrific all day, no gas, no diaarhea, no tiredness....and the nose is looking a lot better. Also I haven't mentioned my butt of recent time, and the report there is great too! When I left the hospital after surgery in October sitting was like sitting on a grapefruit between my butt cheeks along with nunbness and pain....and I lived on Ibuprofen for months up to about two weeks ago. I also had a constant drainage which had me at times wearing super long sanitary napkins 24/7. Now the spot is about the size of a marble and I barely drain at all. So that's the last I'll say about my butt.
Met with Rosie, Tom and Jim and about 8 or 9 others for the 25th Anniversary of these 3 celebrating their birthdays together. We tried to figure out all the locations they celebrated over the years, and think we came up with all 25 locations and lots of fun past memories.
Today I get unplugged at noon, and then I'm heading straight to the cabin for the long weekend. My card club is coming for a potluck this afternoon, and a couple are staying overnite and leaving in the morning. I'm really looking forward to the day.
Say some prayers for my cousins mother-in-law who is in late stages of cancer of the jaw, right now they are asking for peace for her. Louie can also always use prayers, and is now rehabing his second knee replacement. (both knees are now done).
Love and prayers, m
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Some Sun Out There
.....with promises that the Sun will come out tomorrow.....supposed to be the best day of the week.....and that's a good thing....cause Card Club is coming to the cabin. So say some prayers the weatherman doesn't change his tune!
Yesterday went very well. I went over and saw Dr. Londer (1st time since he ordered the chemo to start, as he was on vacation inbetween) and I specifically asked how long I could expect to go through this chemo regiment. He said the letter from Mayo says to use this radical regiment for about 2 months and then to do a that sounds to me like 4 (2 week rounds) and then the scan and if it's clear....and those two small spots are gone....we'll just watch me....which is scans every 3 months. Now I hope this is not just a pipe dream.....but it is what the doctor at Mayo said too! So my July looks good. and I'm already into the 2nd round....almost half done.
Jimbo came in with lunch about 11 a.m. or so, and all the nurses salivated over our salads....I think they sent someone out to get them some too! After lunch Jimbo and I settled into a game of Gin....didn't have a cribbage board....and he was also mercyless. I did have several Gin's but he always managed to get more points then me. But it did keep me entertained, and we did get a lot of conversation in about the cabin....and the fun they had last weekend. I hear they even got some work fixing the leaky facett (luckily Sulivan is a plumber) and Rob Aase brought a better saw blade and they were able to cut up those two downed we have one more left in the driveway that I just gave them permission to take down too.
Last night was not a good sleep night for me....between the restless leg, night sweats and just plain insomnia, I got up at 2:30 and took a second Ativan and then played Spades on the computer for an hour before going back to bed. I finally fell asleep around 4 a.m. and was awake again at 8 am.
Even so....I'm feeling great today. They changed some of my medications that they give me IV added a 5-day version of Zofran (anti nausea) and took away the Benedril and then added an antibiotic for help with the funny rash I have which has spread onto my least you can't see it there like the point of my nose...but it itches.
Today I have an appointment to have my teeth cleaned and then this afternoon we will be celebrating Rosie Mortenson, Jim Nieswaag and Tom Lux's birthdays. This is a long standing party and we meet at the Green Mill at Riverdale this year....if you'd like to join's open to the public.
Got an email from Carol Kline yesterday, and she if doing better....not great but better. Please continue your prayers for both of us! Also friend Twylla Parther and her husband Paul totaled their Expedition on Saturday and she is now feeling the after effects and they are going to do tests tomorrow to see just how much damage was done to her neck and prayers for them too. Love and prayers, m
Yesterday went very well. I went over and saw Dr. Londer (1st time since he ordered the chemo to start, as he was on vacation inbetween) and I specifically asked how long I could expect to go through this chemo regiment. He said the letter from Mayo says to use this radical regiment for about 2 months and then to do a that sounds to me like 4 (2 week rounds) and then the scan and if it's clear....and those two small spots are gone....we'll just watch me....which is scans every 3 months. Now I hope this is not just a pipe dream.....but it is what the doctor at Mayo said too! So my July looks good. and I'm already into the 2nd round....almost half done.
Jimbo came in with lunch about 11 a.m. or so, and all the nurses salivated over our salads....I think they sent someone out to get them some too! After lunch Jimbo and I settled into a game of Gin....didn't have a cribbage board....and he was also mercyless. I did have several Gin's but he always managed to get more points then me. But it did keep me entertained, and we did get a lot of conversation in about the cabin....and the fun they had last weekend. I hear they even got some work fixing the leaky facett (luckily Sulivan is a plumber) and Rob Aase brought a better saw blade and they were able to cut up those two downed we have one more left in the driveway that I just gave them permission to take down too.
Last night was not a good sleep night for me....between the restless leg, night sweats and just plain insomnia, I got up at 2:30 and took a second Ativan and then played Spades on the computer for an hour before going back to bed. I finally fell asleep around 4 a.m. and was awake again at 8 am.
Even so....I'm feeling great today. They changed some of my medications that they give me IV added a 5-day version of Zofran (anti nausea) and took away the Benedril and then added an antibiotic for help with the funny rash I have which has spread onto my least you can't see it there like the point of my nose...but it itches.
Today I have an appointment to have my teeth cleaned and then this afternoon we will be celebrating Rosie Mortenson, Jim Nieswaag and Tom Lux's birthdays. This is a long standing party and we meet at the Green Mill at Riverdale this year....if you'd like to join's open to the public.
Got an email from Carol Kline yesterday, and she if doing better....not great but better. Please continue your prayers for both of us! Also friend Twylla Parther and her husband Paul totaled their Expedition on Saturday and she is now feeling the after effects and they are going to do tests tomorrow to see just how much damage was done to her neck and prayers for them too. Love and prayers, m
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Me.....
but please make it come up! I thought it was supposed to be a beautiful week....what's with these clouds?
I don't have long to write....I over slept.....and need to shower before I leave. My son Jimbo is coming to my rescue this noon and bringing me I won't have to spend the whole day there by myself....not that I don't spend everyday alone at home.....but somehow it's different when your tethered to a pole and can't leave. I will bring my I'll have that.
Yesterday was a good day health wise. Sad at the wake, but nice to see some of the people I haven't seen in ages. Sorry I won't be at the funeral today....I'm sure it will be huge. Last night you couldn't even find a parking spot. I had to park on a side street across Main St. and inside it was just as I thought.....packed like sardines. Not much chance to talk to Cindy, so I'm glad I did on Sunday. But everytime I waslked near her, she grabbed my hand and thanked me again for the food. She even took me to the back room to see and tell the people in there that the card club and donated the food they were eating. So I'm sure they appreciated it.....thanks Card Club.
Must go.....Love and Prayers, m
I don't have long to write....I over slept.....and need to shower before I leave. My son Jimbo is coming to my rescue this noon and bringing me I won't have to spend the whole day there by myself....not that I don't spend everyday alone at home.....but somehow it's different when your tethered to a pole and can't leave. I will bring my I'll have that.
Yesterday was a good day health wise. Sad at the wake, but nice to see some of the people I haven't seen in ages. Sorry I won't be at the funeral today....I'm sure it will be huge. Last night you couldn't even find a parking spot. I had to park on a side street across Main St. and inside it was just as I thought.....packed like sardines. Not much chance to talk to Cindy, so I'm glad I did on Sunday. But everytime I waslked near her, she grabbed my hand and thanked me again for the food. She even took me to the back room to see and tell the people in there that the card club and donated the food they were eating. So I'm sure they appreciated it.....thanks Card Club.
Must go.....Love and Prayers, m
Monday, May 23, 2011
Some Sunshine......and more Rain
In everyone's life a little rain must fall....but this is getting ridiculous!!! We got nearly 3 inches on Saturday, and that was after two previous days with rain, and then yesterday we had those terrible tornados and lots more rain. I swear my lawn can't get any greener!! The sad part is that someone died in the tornado yesterday, and 30 injured seriously....not counting the hundreds of trees and homes and cars that were damaged. I on the other hand didn't even have a leaf down in my yard. I'm so lucky!!! But two nights in a row sitting in the basement is enough!
We must have made the national news....cause right after the storm hit, Joe from GA, called to see if we were okay....thanks Joe, it was so much fun talking to you. We did get a little discussion in about his 70th birthday in Oct. Hope everyone will come!! Sounds like it will be close to a family reunion.
I also went and shopped and got lots of food for Cindy and family to have at the wake this afternoon. I'm so happy I had the chance to take it over and visit with Cindy yesterday, cause I'm sure the place will be packed this afternoon, and you won't be able to get a word in edgewise!! Please keep the whole family in your prayers this will be a long one for all of them.
Once again I'm looking for someone to sit with me tomorrow.....I thought I had this all arranged two weeks ago, but someone went and got sick on me. Several of my old reliables have Tuesday events planned for the spring, so I'm running out of people to ask. If one of you would love to come and sit with me, or just bring a lunch and eat with me over the noon hour I'd take that too! They don't start chemo till 10:30, but I probably won't be done till 3 p.m. It's at the HHH Cancer Center near North Memorial Hosp. in Robinsdale. Please call if you can!
Love and prayers, m
We must have made the national news....cause right after the storm hit, Joe from GA, called to see if we were okay....thanks Joe, it was so much fun talking to you. We did get a little discussion in about his 70th birthday in Oct. Hope everyone will come!! Sounds like it will be close to a family reunion.
I also went and shopped and got lots of food for Cindy and family to have at the wake this afternoon. I'm so happy I had the chance to take it over and visit with Cindy yesterday, cause I'm sure the place will be packed this afternoon, and you won't be able to get a word in edgewise!! Please keep the whole family in your prayers this will be a long one for all of them.
Once again I'm looking for someone to sit with me tomorrow.....I thought I had this all arranged two weeks ago, but someone went and got sick on me. Several of my old reliables have Tuesday events planned for the spring, so I'm running out of people to ask. If one of you would love to come and sit with me, or just bring a lunch and eat with me over the noon hour I'd take that too! They don't start chemo till 10:30, but I probably won't be done till 3 p.m. It's at the HHH Cancer Center near North Memorial Hosp. in Robinsdale. Please call if you can!
Love and prayers, m
Sunday, May 22, 2011
After the Storms the Sun Will Shine
if only breifly. I hear that it may bring some more storms this afternoon. No Damage here or the cabin so all is well.....just lots of rain. Could the grass get any greener?
I did some calling and emailing yesterday and am arranging something for Cindy Nutter and her family, by the card club....but in doing so I left a message for Twylla Prather who doesn't have email.....and didnn't answer her phone. This morning she called me as I got out of bed, and said she totaled their truck yesterday! So please say some prayers for them too! She said she and her husband are okay....just bruised and sore.
Got lots of stuff done....a few loads of wash, and then tackled the computer room....which I rarely go into.....only because it is so overwhelming. But I cleaned off the desk of all the filing, and straightened the shoes etc...I'm really pretty proud of myself. baby steps!!!
Nothing else to report....must shower and get to church. Didn't sleep well last night...I suppose all the storms.....but I do feel okay, and will put makeup on my red nose so I don't scare anyone. Love and prayers, m
I did some calling and emailing yesterday and am arranging something for Cindy Nutter and her family, by the card club....but in doing so I left a message for Twylla Prather who doesn't have email.....and didnn't answer her phone. This morning she called me as I got out of bed, and said she totaled their truck yesterday! So please say some prayers for them too! She said she and her husband are okay....just bruised and sore.
Got lots of stuff done....a few loads of wash, and then tackled the computer room....which I rarely go into.....only because it is so overwhelming. But I cleaned off the desk of all the filing, and straightened the shoes etc...I'm really pretty proud of myself. baby steps!!!
Nothing else to report....must shower and get to church. Didn't sleep well last night...I suppose all the storms.....but I do feel okay, and will put makeup on my red nose so I don't scare anyone. Love and prayers, m
Saturday, May 21, 2011
I've Got Sunsine on a Cloudy Day
Rain, Rain Go Away.......I know that the sun in up there somewhere.....but sad how quickly we get spoiled with having it, and miss it so soon. So just put a smile on your face and it'll be there.
My yard looks so green!!! I love it! most all the fruit and flowering trees are doing that, and the smell in the air is fantastic. But my smeller is looking pretty funny. That acne like rash from the weekly drug is coming to furition....and it's centering itself right on the nose!! I'm beginning to look like bozo!! ....and I don't even need Janet's sponge red nose to look this way!! Luckily it really doesn't itch or just looks hideous. Gonna see if I can hide it with makeup for church tomorrow.
Enough about me.....I got some horrid news last night. My friend Cindy Nutter (Who I was just celebrating her upcoming retirement from the college) emailed that she wouldn't be able to come to the card club outing at the cabin this week, as on Wednesday her daughter-in-law died unexpectedly. After a couple of emails back and forth she explained that she had a GI aneurism like bleed, and died quickly. The even sadder part is that she was home with her 2 year old son when it happened. Please Please PRAY for that whole family. Obit should be in the Sunday paper.
On a happier note I talked to Aunt Loretta last night and she sounds good....was off to play domino's. I love getting a call from always makes me smile....and laugh, Hope you can find someone to smile at and/or someone to laugh with today. Love and prayers, m
My yard looks so green!!! I love it! most all the fruit and flowering trees are doing that, and the smell in the air is fantastic. But my smeller is looking pretty funny. That acne like rash from the weekly drug is coming to furition....and it's centering itself right on the nose!! I'm beginning to look like bozo!! ....and I don't even need Janet's sponge red nose to look this way!! Luckily it really doesn't itch or just looks hideous. Gonna see if I can hide it with makeup for church tomorrow.
Enough about me.....I got some horrid news last night. My friend Cindy Nutter (Who I was just celebrating her upcoming retirement from the college) emailed that she wouldn't be able to come to the card club outing at the cabin this week, as on Wednesday her daughter-in-law died unexpectedly. After a couple of emails back and forth she explained that she had a GI aneurism like bleed, and died quickly. The even sadder part is that she was home with her 2 year old son when it happened. Please Please PRAY for that whole family. Obit should be in the Sunday paper.
On a happier note I talked to Aunt Loretta last night and she sounds good....was off to play domino's. I love getting a call from always makes me smile....and laugh, Hope you can find someone to smile at and/or someone to laugh with today. Love and prayers, m
Friday, May 20, 2011
Maybe the Sun will Shine
.....maybe the clouds will float away! Bill played that song for me on our way home from the track meet last night, and it just happens to fit the cloudy sky we have this morning.
I had a super day wise.....not many ill effects still lingering from the chemo of last week.....just that rash that it spreading.....slowly.....but surely onto my nose! right in the middle of my face....and every time I touch or rub it..... it reminds me it is there.
I started the day having breakfast with Judy at Panera in Knollwood Plaza....then the two of us progressed to shopping at Kohls, next door. Then Judy went on to a dentist appointment, and I got on a roll of shopping. Headed to the Target just down the road, and managed to buy several things I needed for the cabin, along with a present for Tom for his birthday next week or so. But still didn't have a couple of things on my list, so I moved back to Coon Rapids and went to Borders, then to the Coon Rapids Target and still couldn't find an item I thought I had seen earlier in the week....but at the Blaine Super Target. I may have to go back there today.
After all that shopping, I only rested a few hours, and then Bill picked me up to go to Elk River to the JV Track had been such a beautiful day, I thought it would be fun sitting in the stands.....however I should know it's always windy and cold sitting in the bleachers! Really got chilly....ended up wrapped in the blanket I brought to sit on.
While there I got a text that Nicole had mowed my lawn! So all the work in the yard I did earlier in the week, really looks complete now. Thanks Dole!
No big plans for the day.....Killebrew's funeral at noon....a must watch! Maybe some more hunting for that one item I can't find.....and maybe some vegging! Love and prayers, m
I had a super day wise.....not many ill effects still lingering from the chemo of last week.....just that rash that it spreading.....slowly.....but surely onto my nose! right in the middle of my face....and every time I touch or rub it..... it reminds me it is there.
I started the day having breakfast with Judy at Panera in Knollwood Plaza....then the two of us progressed to shopping at Kohls, next door. Then Judy went on to a dentist appointment, and I got on a roll of shopping. Headed to the Target just down the road, and managed to buy several things I needed for the cabin, along with a present for Tom for his birthday next week or so. But still didn't have a couple of things on my list, so I moved back to Coon Rapids and went to Borders, then to the Coon Rapids Target and still couldn't find an item I thought I had seen earlier in the week....but at the Blaine Super Target. I may have to go back there today.
After all that shopping, I only rested a few hours, and then Bill picked me up to go to Elk River to the JV Track had been such a beautiful day, I thought it would be fun sitting in the stands.....however I should know it's always windy and cold sitting in the bleachers! Really got chilly....ended up wrapped in the blanket I brought to sit on.
While there I got a text that Nicole had mowed my lawn! So all the work in the yard I did earlier in the week, really looks complete now. Thanks Dole!
No big plans for the day.....Killebrew's funeral at noon....a must watch! Maybe some more hunting for that one item I can't find.....and maybe some vegging! Love and prayers, m
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Keep on the sunnyside of Life
Morning all, another beautiful day….I think I’m getting spoiled!
Yesterday went well, I got a lot accomplished….I set a goal to work outside in the yard at least 1 hour, and I did accomplish that, as well as scrubbing the bottom panel of the garage door that had been turning green…algae? Anyway I sprayed it down with some 4 in 1 cleaner, and scrubbed it with a scouring pad, and it looks pretty darn good if I say so for myself. I changed the batteries in my hanging chime that lights up at night, and I cleaned out and trimmed a few shrubs….I’m pretty proud of myself. Then this afternoon I went grocery shopping and managed to clip coupons and save $23 there, and got 22 cents off each of 15 gallons of gas while I was at it. Came home and put it all away and watched TV the rest of the afternoon.
The Prilosec I think is working, but I’m still burping after meals, and I did take a Compazine around 10 a.m. which seemed to help a lot…but I can’t say that I was feeling bad, cause I really was feeling good, all day. We’ll see how it goes today.
This morning I am meeting cousin Judy for breakfast at Panera in St. Louis Park, (halfway for each of us) and then I have a few errands to run and I hope to have the neighbor help load up all the leaves and sticks into my van and take them out to the compost site. So busy day ahead….Keep those prayers coming, they really seem to be working! Love and prayers, m
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Happy Birthday Phil!
Today my baby brother turns 56......I remember the day well, I was told by my mom, that if I got the message to come home from school, that I should run as fast as I could, so I could take care of brother John while dad took her to the hospital to have Phillip....and that's exactly what I did. Then while she was in the hospital with Phil, Kathleen made her first communion, and the nun's at St. Mary's snuck her into the hospital to see Mom and baby brother Phil.....the rest of us had to stand outside the hospital and wave through the window at mom.
So happy we have another day of sun....with promises for two more as well. Yesterday went very well. I saw the nurse practitioner before my IV drugs, and she analyzed all my side effects that I had experienced and came up with a few solutions (mostly that will be applied next week when I get chemo again), but also ordered Prilosec for me to take now, and hopefully get rid of that gassy feeling I've been having.....however I took it this morning 1/2 hour before I ate my oatmeal and coffee, and I'm still burping as I write this. Hopefully it will work better, as I keep taking it.
The drug they pumped into me yesterday was not chemo, but a drug that is targeted specifically to aide the chemo drugs in fighting metastatic colorectal cancer It only took about 1 1/2 hours but I didn't get back home till about 3 p.m. I stopped on my way in and picked up a Asian salad to go, and ate this while talking to Kathleen on the phone, so even though I was alone, I had company, and then turned the computer on and played some spades online, and checked out stories about Harmon.
It was a meloncoloy afternoon and evening, as TV covered Harmon's death, the computer and Facebook had tons of memorials, and even the nurses at HHH cried when we were talking about his death. So many memories filled my head and brought tears to my eyes all day. Then last night I switched between the Twins game (which we WON) and KARE11 news. Then after the game FOX did a Spotlight on Harmon, which I stayed up and watched and cried. Still tearing up today when I think about it.
No big plans for the day, must get out and work in the yard a bit, and need a few groceries....but that's it. Love and prayers, m
So happy we have another day of sun....with promises for two more as well. Yesterday went very well. I saw the nurse practitioner before my IV drugs, and she analyzed all my side effects that I had experienced and came up with a few solutions (mostly that will be applied next week when I get chemo again), but also ordered Prilosec for me to take now, and hopefully get rid of that gassy feeling I've been having.....however I took it this morning 1/2 hour before I ate my oatmeal and coffee, and I'm still burping as I write this. Hopefully it will work better, as I keep taking it.
The drug they pumped into me yesterday was not chemo, but a drug that is targeted specifically to aide the chemo drugs in fighting metastatic colorectal cancer It only took about 1 1/2 hours but I didn't get back home till about 3 p.m. I stopped on my way in and picked up a Asian salad to go, and ate this while talking to Kathleen on the phone, so even though I was alone, I had company, and then turned the computer on and played some spades online, and checked out stories about Harmon.
It was a meloncoloy afternoon and evening, as TV covered Harmon's death, the computer and Facebook had tons of memorials, and even the nurses at HHH cried when we were talking about his death. So many memories filled my head and brought tears to my eyes all day. Then last night I switched between the Twins game (which we WON) and KARE11 news. Then after the game FOX did a Spotlight on Harmon, which I stayed up and watched and cried. Still tearing up today when I think about it.
No big plans for the day, must get out and work in the yard a bit, and need a few groceries....but that's it. Love and prayers, m
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Rise and Shine
more sunshine.....coming our way!
Woke up feeling pretty well, but had problems with gas and diarrhea all evening, and gas all would blow my bag up like a balloon and I was up letting out the air every couple of hours. I did sleep well in between, but doesn't give you the kind of sleep you really need. I don't know if it was what I had for lunch yesterday, or if it's just results of the chemo.....I'll talk to the doctor and nurses about that today when I'm there. I've lost about 5 lbs, but I was actually about 8 lbs over my goal weight when I started last week, so I'm not worried about that. Also I have a small rash....about the size of a dime next to my mouth that appeared yesterday.....think that's also from the chemo. Luckily it isn't itchy or blatantly obvious.
Still looking for someone to keep me company today, several have responded that they can't, and I know I asked a little late.....well a lot late. I will be fine if I go by myself.
Other than chemo today, I guess I'll be watching "the Biggest Loser" and not much more. I did get some laundry done yesterday (well one load) and stopped and picked up a few things at Target and Kohls on my way home from lunch, but other than that I spent my time emptying my bag and taking Imodium every two hours.
Must take a shower and get dressed. Love and prayers, m
Woke up feeling pretty well, but had problems with gas and diarrhea all evening, and gas all would blow my bag up like a balloon and I was up letting out the air every couple of hours. I did sleep well in between, but doesn't give you the kind of sleep you really need. I don't know if it was what I had for lunch yesterday, or if it's just results of the chemo.....I'll talk to the doctor and nurses about that today when I'm there. I've lost about 5 lbs, but I was actually about 8 lbs over my goal weight when I started last week, so I'm not worried about that. Also I have a small rash....about the size of a dime next to my mouth that appeared yesterday.....think that's also from the chemo. Luckily it isn't itchy or blatantly obvious.
Still looking for someone to keep me company today, several have responded that they can't, and I know I asked a little late.....well a lot late. I will be fine if I go by myself.
Other than chemo today, I guess I'll be watching "the Biggest Loser" and not much more. I did get some laundry done yesterday (well one load) and stopped and picked up a few things at Target and Kohls on my way home from lunch, but other than that I spent my time emptying my bag and taking Imodium every two hours.
Must take a shower and get dressed. Love and prayers, m
Monday, May 16, 2011
Looking for Company
Is anyone interested in going to chemo with me on Tuesday (May 17) I need to leave about 10:55 and should be done about 2:30, with time for lunch in the middle. My treat! Sorry I didn't ask earlier....I don't know what I was thinking. m
Sunny Sunny Day!
I love it! Yesterday it was sunny, but I was queezy off and on most all the day....that and tired So day 5 continues to be my roughest day of chemo. I thought I was feeling great yesterday morning when I first wrote the blog, but signed off and went back to bed instead of going to church, about an hour or so later (after my meds took hold) I took my shower, dressed and went to the church picnic (Sorry God)....I know my priority should have been the other way around, but I just couldn't do it. After the picnic, I did a quick run through Kohls for a couple of birthday presents, and then came home and layed around the rest of the day.....taking meds appropriately through out the day. I have lost about 5 pounds even though I haven't had any diarrhea...I guess I am just going more often.
Today I feel so much better, rested, and not queezy at least not yet. I've already made some business phone calls, and plan on going to lunch with the retiree's and wannabee's. I think I may run through a couple of stores againn on my way home, and then I'll veg or work in the yard or something like that.....It's so beautiful I need to take advantage of the sun.
I heard yesterday that friend Carol Kline still wasn't in church, so prayers for her too....along with my cousin Louie who is still in rehab from knee surgery and all the others I should be praying for. Love and prayers, m
Today I feel so much better, rested, and not queezy at least not yet. I've already made some business phone calls, and plan on going to lunch with the retiree's and wannabee's. I think I may run through a couple of stores againn on my way home, and then I'll veg or work in the yard or something like that.....It's so beautiful I need to take advantage of the sun.
I heard yesterday that friend Carol Kline still wasn't in church, so prayers for her too....along with my cousin Louie who is still in rehab from knee surgery and all the others I should be praying for. Love and prayers, m
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Yeah! The Sun is Back!
I've heard it may be for 3 or 4 days straight. Looks a little windy, but can't complain when the sun is shining.....I'll take it.
My chemo session is going well, was a little tired last night but looked at the clock and it was after 10 justly so. I watched the news and the first 15 or 20 minutes of SNL ad headed for bed. Did get up to go to the bathroom a few times, but that is normal for me. Tuesday will be the interesting day, as I only had chemo everyother week last year, so don't know how this will effect me. Once I've gotten through these first two weeks, I'll be okay, at least I'll know what to expect. The pills they gave me work wonders, and I got quite a bit done at the cabin while there, as well as stopping and shopping along the way home.
Church is having a picnic this afternoon, that I may check out, but other than that nothing planned. Hope you all enjoy the sun, Love and prayers, m
P.S. I spoke too soon, my morning pills hadn't kicked in in time for me to get to church, I actually went back to baed for an hour and then took my shower and got dressed. Feeling fine now....I'll have to remember to take pills earlier next Sunday, so I don't miss church. m
My chemo session is going well, was a little tired last night but looked at the clock and it was after 10 justly so. I watched the news and the first 15 or 20 minutes of SNL ad headed for bed. Did get up to go to the bathroom a few times, but that is normal for me. Tuesday will be the interesting day, as I only had chemo everyother week last year, so don't know how this will effect me. Once I've gotten through these first two weeks, I'll be okay, at least I'll know what to expect. The pills they gave me work wonders, and I got quite a bit done at the cabin while there, as well as stopping and shopping along the way home.
Church is having a picnic this afternoon, that I may check out, but other than that nothing planned. Hope you all enjoy the sun, Love and prayers, m
P.S. I spoke too soon, my morning pills hadn't kicked in in time for me to get to church, I actually went back to baed for an hour and then took my shower and got dressed. Feeling fine now....I'll have to remember to take pills earlier next Sunday, so I don't miss church. m
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Openning Fishing?
I don't see a boat on the lake, and the temp is only 43 degrees in Annandale. It looks hazy and overcast and cold out the window....Don't think I'll be staying here long today....need some activitiy and life today. The birds are bringing some of that, along with the squirrels and chipmuncks. I have 4 orioles thtat arre continuously coming back for more grape jelly and even tried to get some nectar out of the hummingbird feeder. I've thrown some seeds and nuts on the ground and the squirrels and chipmunks are eathing that, along with a cowbird and some sparrows. I thought I saw a wren yesterday, but haven't seen him since. Life at the Lake!
Sad day yesterday hearing that Harmon Killebrew was entering Hospice. Especially being at the cabin, where cousin Jerry and Mom carried on an ongoing battle of who was better Harmon or Earl Batty. (We won't memtion the framed picture in the outhouse) Then it carried to Tom and Baseball cards and memoriblia of mostly Harmon that Tom collected over the years, He even got his autographed poster when he was in the hospital the summer before 6th grade. The neighbor of my folks new a scout for the Twins and managed to get him to bring it to Tom in the hospital, along with the fact that the neurosurgeon was Dick Seabert's son, the ledgendary coach of the Gophers. Say some special prayers for this great man, he's made lots of great memories for my family and fans far and wide.
My chemo is going well, no real side effects again today or yesterday for that matter. I'm still feeling strong and hope to fly through this! Love and prayers, m
Sad day yesterday hearing that Harmon Killebrew was entering Hospice. Especially being at the cabin, where cousin Jerry and Mom carried on an ongoing battle of who was better Harmon or Earl Batty. (We won't memtion the framed picture in the outhouse) Then it carried to Tom and Baseball cards and memoriblia of mostly Harmon that Tom collected over the years, He even got his autographed poster when he was in the hospital the summer before 6th grade. The neighbor of my folks new a scout for the Twins and managed to get him to bring it to Tom in the hospital, along with the fact that the neurosurgeon was Dick Seabert's son, the ledgendary coach of the Gophers. Say some special prayers for this great man, he's made lots of great memories for my family and fans far and wide.
My chemo is going well, no real side effects again today or yesterday for that matter. I'm still feeling strong and hope to fly through this! Love and prayers, m
Friday, May 13, 2011
Lazy Hazy Day!
Or damp and dull, but I just saw an oriole out in the trees, so I think it’s the first! I’m at the cabin and I can’t actually post this till the telephone company comes and fixes or replaces my wireless router….but the computer still allows me to type on it and save it…..sounds a little old fashion for a brand new high speed moddle… must be the operator that’s old.
I’m really feeling quite well, this first round is going good. I didn’t have any ill effects during the day yesterday before or after getting unplugged, and I think I only had one sorta hot flash last night….really mild.
I went shopping on my way up to the cabin, (Costco, Menards and Kohls) drove to the cabin, and then unloaded almost all of it….cept the 40 pound bag of birdfood, that I will leave there till someone comes to it’s rescue. I’m not completely out yet anyway. But I did bring in a case of water and bags of groceries and cleaning supplies with out any problems at all.
Work this morning around 7 and forced myself to stay in bed till 8:30 a.m. Combed my hair and got dressed (sorta) so I would be presentable to the work men who are supposed to show up today.
I think I will stay another day and note to those with empty tanks….Holiday in Annandale is still $3.84 while in Coon Rapids it was #3.94 and I saw it at $3.99 in Elk River. So wait and fill up in Annandale!
I heard that prayers are needed for Wil Bonine and his daughter-in-law who are both fighting cancer. Annie ran into his son Bob at a track meet last week, and passed the new onto me. Love and prayers, m
I stole this from my cousin Louie's Careing Bridge site...He saw a Cardinal....I got a Oriole to come to my feeder:
"Come then, my Beloved, my lovely one come. For see, winter is past, the rains are over and gone. Flowers are appearing on the earth. The season of glad songs has come, the cooing of the turtledove is heard in our land...""
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Rainy Days and Thursdays Too!
not...only Mondays. Seems like they are predicting cooler and wetter weather for the next week....but those 88 degree days were unusual to say the least. I've had my own hot flashes since getting plugged in, some coming during the day and the rest as night sweats when I throw all the covers off to dry out. But I guess if that is the worst side effect I can live with it. I did wake up with the hiccups during the night, so got up and took a Beano and that worked almost immediately. I haven't lost my appetite,or had any diarrhea either. Actually it's a much harder marble like in my bag. (Okay enought potty mouth) But they mostly were concerned about extreme diarrhea...and I haven't had any. Been eating normally, actually had a large green salad both days, and will probably have another today for lunch.
Phillip came and spent the day with me yesterday. Mostly working on transferring information from one laptop to the other. He tried to make my old one run faster, but everything he did didn't seem to make much of a difference....making my decision to get this new one, the right one. He came around 10 a.m. and didn't leave till the Twins game started at 7:10 p.m.
After I get unplugged today (1:30 p.m.) I have a few errands to run and then I'm taking off for the cabin, as I have the telephone company and the electric company both coming out. I think I'll wash some more windows while there too. I don't know if I'll wash the outside of them as it's supposed to be raining on and off all weekend. I don't know how long I'll stay up there either, but might stick it out till Sunday if everything is working (like my wireless router for the computer). That reminds me I should have my mail held till I return. I think I'll leave the newspaper alone....I like to read the Sunday paper.
Kathleen is supposed to skype me this morning so I can help her choose a dress or outfit for Blairs wedding in August. I got my invite last Saturday, and yesterday I got the invite to my first to graduate Jack. Some great pictures and one of his prom too. That's some of my excitement for the summer.
Well I guess I'll jump into the shower so I look good for my Skype!! lol....I'm still in my pjs and haven't combed my hair so anything would help! Asking for extra prayers for one of cousin Louie's friends and keep them coming for Cathy V. White, Judy's daughter. Love and prayers, m
Phillip came and spent the day with me yesterday. Mostly working on transferring information from one laptop to the other. He tried to make my old one run faster, but everything he did didn't seem to make much of a difference....making my decision to get this new one, the right one. He came around 10 a.m. and didn't leave till the Twins game started at 7:10 p.m.
After I get unplugged today (1:30 p.m.) I have a few errands to run and then I'm taking off for the cabin, as I have the telephone company and the electric company both coming out. I think I'll wash some more windows while there too. I don't know if I'll wash the outside of them as it's supposed to be raining on and off all weekend. I don't know how long I'll stay up there either, but might stick it out till Sunday if everything is working (like my wireless router for the computer). That reminds me I should have my mail held till I return. I think I'll leave the newspaper alone....I like to read the Sunday paper.
Kathleen is supposed to skype me this morning so I can help her choose a dress or outfit for Blairs wedding in August. I got my invite last Saturday, and yesterday I got the invite to my first to graduate Jack. Some great pictures and one of his prom too. That's some of my excitement for the summer.
Well I guess I'll jump into the shower so I look good for my Skype!! lol....I'm still in my pjs and haven't combed my hair so anything would help! Asking for extra prayers for one of cousin Louie's friends and keep them coming for Cathy V. White, Judy's daughter. Love and prayers, m
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Warm and Rainy
All though yesterday was hot and stormy out was kinda like that inside too! I had forgotten about a few side effects that chemo I had last year. Hot flashes and night sweats. There must be something that effects my hormones...also forgot about I guess it's back to bioteen mouthwash. Other than those two things I haven't noticed any diaahrea and that is one they are most worried about as that can lead to dehydration and other problems. So so far so good.
It was a long day yesterday, I didn't get started till about 10 a.m. or later, and those were pre-meds they were pumping IV...I know saline and Zofran were a couple of the drugs....then after a couple of hours they put on 2 more bags of the chemo drugs that I got last time. Namely Irinotecan (okay this will be a little technical info) It is an anti-cancer chemotherapy is used for Metastatic colon or rectal cancer. the common side effects are diarrhea...usually with in 24 hours of getting the drug..this is accompanied by symtoms of runny nose, increased salivation, watery eyes, sweating. flushing, abdominal cramping (This can occur while the drug is being administers.) Which it did! So they stopped the IV and administered Atropheen? and within a minute it had they plugged in the drug again. I think this is not a drug I had last time....or I don't remember those problems then. The other drug I get every 2 weeks is Leucovorin. Leucovorin is a reduced folic acid. and is used in combination with other chemotherapy drugs to either enhance effectiveness, or as a chemoprotectant.
Then when we thought we were done with that they brought in another bag of the weekly drug I'll be was another two hours to drain that back...which they promise will only be 1 hour next week. It is called Erbitux (Cetuximab generic) Erbitux is a targeted therapy. It is classified as a z"monoclonal antibody and signal trasduction inhibitor by binding to epidermal grouwth factor receptors (EGFR) It is used to treat metastatic colorectal cancer that over-expressed the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and has all the normal side-effects of the others, but includes a acne like rash.....can't wait for that! So when that was finnally done, they filled a portable pump fanny pack with the 5FU or long name Flucrouracil it is used along with other chemo drugs to slow or stop cancer cell growth.. Along with the pump, I got sent home with 4 more prescription drugs to keep the side effects at bay. So along with all you spot removers, I have drugs!!
I finally got home around 5 p.m., after leaving home at 8 a long day, and I was generally worn out. Just wanted to veg....witch I did. I'm sure Judy did pretty much that too! She had to drive up her from Shakopee and then back home again during rush hour traffic both ways.
I've received many well wishes from email and Facebook, and I appreciate all of them....I know I'll get through this too! goal is to back in remission by the 4th of July. Love and prayers, m
It was a long day yesterday, I didn't get started till about 10 a.m. or later, and those were pre-meds they were pumping IV...I know saline and Zofran were a couple of the drugs....then after a couple of hours they put on 2 more bags of the chemo drugs that I got last time. Namely Irinotecan (okay this will be a little technical info) It is an anti-cancer chemotherapy is used for Metastatic colon or rectal cancer. the common side effects are diarrhea...usually with in 24 hours of getting the drug..this is accompanied by symtoms of runny nose, increased salivation, watery eyes, sweating. flushing, abdominal cramping (This can occur while the drug is being administers.) Which it did! So they stopped the IV and administered Atropheen? and within a minute it had they plugged in the drug again. I think this is not a drug I had last time....or I don't remember those problems then. The other drug I get every 2 weeks is Leucovorin. Leucovorin is a reduced folic acid. and is used in combination with other chemotherapy drugs to either enhance effectiveness, or as a chemoprotectant.
Then when we thought we were done with that they brought in another bag of the weekly drug I'll be was another two hours to drain that back...which they promise will only be 1 hour next week. It is called Erbitux (Cetuximab generic) Erbitux is a targeted therapy. It is classified as a z"monoclonal antibody and signal trasduction inhibitor by binding to epidermal grouwth factor receptors (EGFR) It is used to treat metastatic colorectal cancer that over-expressed the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and has all the normal side-effects of the others, but includes a acne like rash.....can't wait for that! So when that was finnally done, they filled a portable pump fanny pack with the 5FU or long name Flucrouracil it is used along with other chemo drugs to slow or stop cancer cell growth.. Along with the pump, I got sent home with 4 more prescription drugs to keep the side effects at bay. So along with all you spot removers, I have drugs!!
I finally got home around 5 p.m., after leaving home at 8 a long day, and I was generally worn out. Just wanted to veg....witch I did. I'm sure Judy did pretty much that too! She had to drive up her from Shakopee and then back home again during rush hour traffic both ways.
I've received many well wishes from email and Facebook, and I appreciate all of them....I know I'll get through this too! goal is to back in remission by the 4th of July. Love and prayers, m
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Here We Go Again!
First round of chemo starts in about an hour. Luckily the sun is shinning, which makes me feel better, and record high temperatures are predicted. I will write more after I get plugged in and know what the regiment will be. So come back at noon....I'll update this. m
10:15 Well I've been here since 8:30 and they just now finally started the IV with pre-meds. But at least I now know more about the plan....1 drug is a weekly hour and a half IV, and the other is every other week where I go home with a pump for 2 days, and return on the third day to get unplugged. So not as bad as I was thinking. Diarrhea is probably the worst....a rash may or may not appear for the first couple of treatments, but usually then goes away (that is the part I was worried about....the going away timetable). I thought it might last for months like this stupid neuropathy that I still have from last year's dose. They said this one drug that I get weekly might cause some cramping and if it does while I'm here they will stop and give me another drug to take care of that right away. So that's all I know for now...but am feeling better about the plan....not as disruptive to my social life as I worried about. Just goes to show that worrying doesn't help. Love and prayers, m
10:15 Well I've been here since 8:30 and they just now finally started the IV with pre-meds. But at least I now know more about the plan....1 drug is a weekly hour and a half IV, and the other is every other week where I go home with a pump for 2 days, and return on the third day to get unplugged. So not as bad as I was thinking. Diarrhea is probably the worst....a rash may or may not appear for the first couple of treatments, but usually then goes away (that is the part I was worried about....the going away timetable). I thought it might last for months like this stupid neuropathy that I still have from last year's dose. They said this one drug that I get weekly might cause some cramping and if it does while I'm here they will stop and give me another drug to take care of that right away. So that's all I know for now...but am feeling better about the plan....not as disruptive to my social life as I worried about. Just goes to show that worrying doesn't help. Love and prayers, m
Monday, May 9, 2011
Thunder and Lightening!
I awoke to that...I think around 5 a.m......sadly I had just fallen a sleep at 4 a.m.....So I made myself stay in bed till 9 this morning. I don't know what the problem was last night? Funny I slept great at the cabin both Friday and Saturday nights!
Today I have lots to do....I need to do some shopping for things to take to the lake next weekend, as I don't know how well I'll be feeling with the chemo. I also have to get another set of keys made for the I don't get locked out again.
I need to be back at the cabin on Friday morning, so I hope to go back up on Thursday afternoon, after getting unhooked from the chemo. I have my new modem being delivered, and I have someone from the electric company coming out to attach something for off peak use of the water heater....they say it will save me $10 a month. I don't know if that is a flat discount or a I hope it works okay.
Nothing else to report, cept request for prayers for a little girl who had an accident at Kick's shoes yesterday....and for me....I hate the unknown.....pray that I handle this chemo well. Love and prayers, m
Today I have lots to do....I need to do some shopping for things to take to the lake next weekend, as I don't know how well I'll be feeling with the chemo. I also have to get another set of keys made for the I don't get locked out again.
I need to be back at the cabin on Friday morning, so I hope to go back up on Thursday afternoon, after getting unhooked from the chemo. I have my new modem being delivered, and I have someone from the electric company coming out to attach something for off peak use of the water heater....they say it will save me $10 a month. I don't know if that is a flat discount or a I hope it works okay.
Nothing else to report, cept request for prayers for a little girl who had an accident at Kick's shoes yesterday....and for me....I hate the unknown.....pray that I handle this chemo well. Love and prayers, m
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mother's Day
Sorry to all the faithful readers, I went to the cabin on Friday morning, and when I got there the online service wasn't working. I worked at getting it working all weekend, and by Sunday morning, they decided it must be a problem with the wireless router and modem and will bring me a new one next Friday when I am back up there. It is so exasperating, I get a new computer and think all my problems are over...thank goodness the router was bought from them....and I better get a credit for the service I didn't have.
Other than that, my weekend didn't start out so well either....when I got there on Friday about 11 a.m. June and Len were already there, but my keys didn't work (I don't know what I did with my new keys I bought last fall) so called Jimbo and he wasn't coming till Saturday, Annie had already left for St. Cloud and none of those thoughts worked. Judy arrived and had to go to the bathroom, and I had to send her next door. After that June, Judy and I went to town to buy some paper bowls (June had a crock pot of soup plugged into an outlet on the deck) plastic spoons, a laddle, plastic glasses, napkins and a case of water. We figured we could picnic on the deck, and it was a beautiful day to do that. By the time we returned to the cabin, Len has broken into the sliding door on the deck, and we didn't need any of things we bought. Oh well, we can always use that kinda stuff.
From then on, it was a great weekend. The weather couldn't have been better, we had a full crew of workers all day on Saturday to get the dock, and two lifts into the water. Got some of the trees cut up that had fallen last fall, a lot of cleaning done inside, and the girls hung all my pictures I got for Christmas from my family. So it is really starting to look finished! Thank You to all of you who helped get that done.
This morning, Jimbo made a great breakfast for all of us mom's, and then did the dishes as well. The only sad part is that it started raining before I got the car loaded to come home. But not too continues to rain and the tree's are budding out and it looks really green! Hope you all had a great Mother's day, love and prayers, m
Other than that, my weekend didn't start out so well either....when I got there on Friday about 11 a.m. June and Len were already there, but my keys didn't work (I don't know what I did with my new keys I bought last fall) so called Jimbo and he wasn't coming till Saturday, Annie had already left for St. Cloud and none of those thoughts worked. Judy arrived and had to go to the bathroom, and I had to send her next door. After that June, Judy and I went to town to buy some paper bowls (June had a crock pot of soup plugged into an outlet on the deck) plastic spoons, a laddle, plastic glasses, napkins and a case of water. We figured we could picnic on the deck, and it was a beautiful day to do that. By the time we returned to the cabin, Len has broken into the sliding door on the deck, and we didn't need any of things we bought. Oh well, we can always use that kinda stuff.
From then on, it was a great weekend. The weather couldn't have been better, we had a full crew of workers all day on Saturday to get the dock, and two lifts into the water. Got some of the trees cut up that had fallen last fall, a lot of cleaning done inside, and the girls hung all my pictures I got for Christmas from my family. So it is really starting to look finished! Thank You to all of you who helped get that done.
This morning, Jimbo made a great breakfast for all of us mom's, and then did the dishes as well. The only sad part is that it started raining before I got the car loaded to come home. But not too continues to rain and the tree's are budding out and it looks really green! Hope you all had a great Mother's day, love and prayers, m
Friday, May 6, 2011
Yeah! The Sun is Back
It did come out around noon yesterday and was a very nice afternoon, but still had lots of clouds and a few drips while sitting inn the bleachers watching the track meet.
I started out the day greeting Janet who came to clean my house as a birthday present for me.....what a great gift! Then I left her to work and I went to the retiree's lunch at the college. So nice to see all those people you worked with for years. I got lots of hugs and promises for more prayers. Then on to the program for the four who were retiring this year, and that was even more fun. There was singing and laughing and lots of great stories and I loved it all! Lots more hugs and prayers, and I came away smiling on the inside and out!
From there I went to a Middle School Track Meet and again saw many I haven't seen for a while. Like Mike Schaaf (our neighbor till he was in fourth grade) who I stood in for his mom for cub scout meetings when his mom was working nights and things like that. He continued to be friends with Tom and stayed in the area and I took classes with Mike at AR and now run into him at track meets for his kids and my grandkids. It's so fun. It makes the track meet so much more interesting when you have someone running in lots of events. Other friends of my kids sat by me and I just throughly enjoyed the whole afternoon of sitting in the bleachers. Watching my kids see their children doing well is also a joy.
I had to rush over to Costco to get gas before 8 p.m. and then I went on to Cub for groceries. I'm leaving for the cabin as soon as I can get out of here....hopefully by 10 a.m. and that means I better get going here. Judy and June and Len are coming for the afternoon...probably a little eating and hope to play cards with them. But especially enjoy the great day as it is supposed to hit 70....can you believe that! Whooohooo!
Judy's daughter Cathy is doing keep her in your prayers. Love and prayers to you all, m
I started out the day greeting Janet who came to clean my house as a birthday present for me.....what a great gift! Then I left her to work and I went to the retiree's lunch at the college. So nice to see all those people you worked with for years. I got lots of hugs and promises for more prayers. Then on to the program for the four who were retiring this year, and that was even more fun. There was singing and laughing and lots of great stories and I loved it all! Lots more hugs and prayers, and I came away smiling on the inside and out!
From there I went to a Middle School Track Meet and again saw many I haven't seen for a while. Like Mike Schaaf (our neighbor till he was in fourth grade) who I stood in for his mom for cub scout meetings when his mom was working nights and things like that. He continued to be friends with Tom and stayed in the area and I took classes with Mike at AR and now run into him at track meets for his kids and my grandkids. It's so fun. It makes the track meet so much more interesting when you have someone running in lots of events. Other friends of my kids sat by me and I just throughly enjoyed the whole afternoon of sitting in the bleachers. Watching my kids see their children doing well is also a joy.
I had to rush over to Costco to get gas before 8 p.m. and then I went on to Cub for groceries. I'm leaving for the cabin as soon as I can get out of here....hopefully by 10 a.m. and that means I better get going here. Judy and June and Len are coming for the afternoon...probably a little eating and hope to play cards with them. But especially enjoy the great day as it is supposed to hit 70....can you believe that! Whooohooo!
Judy's daughter Cathy is doing keep her in your prayers. Love and prayers to you all, m
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Rain is Back
I wish we could have a few days of sun in a row. Looks like there will be rain on everyday this week.....but it is warmer than last week.
I had a great day again yesterday....shortly after I wrote my blog, Bonnie called and invited me to lunch at Baker's Square (especially cause it was free pie day). So I had to jump in the shower and get ready to go.....then later in the day I met Rosie, Sandi and Ann for dinner at Biaggi's for dinner. Only sat there talking and looking at each others pictures etc. for three hours.
Today will be another busy one too! I'm going to the lunch for all us old retired people...then at 2 p.m. is the retirement celebration for I think six who will retire this year....Cindy Nutter....a good friend and card club member will be doing that this spring....Actually June 7....but they all will celebrate should be fun too.
Then if it is not raining, I will go over to Coon Rapids HS to see Tommy and Allie run in the Middle School track meet. It's their first of the year. All the time I'm gone Janet will be here cleaning my birthday present from her. How great is that.
Judy asked me to send out a request for prayers for her daughter Cathy, as she was in the hospital with blood clots in her lungs and shoulder. They don't know what is causing that is really scary. She has three young children so needs to be well and at home with them.
Love and prayers, m
I had a great day again yesterday....shortly after I wrote my blog, Bonnie called and invited me to lunch at Baker's Square (especially cause it was free pie day). So I had to jump in the shower and get ready to go.....then later in the day I met Rosie, Sandi and Ann for dinner at Biaggi's for dinner. Only sat there talking and looking at each others pictures etc. for three hours.
Today will be another busy one too! I'm going to the lunch for all us old retired people...then at 2 p.m. is the retirement celebration for I think six who will retire this year....Cindy Nutter....a good friend and card club member will be doing that this spring....Actually June 7....but they all will celebrate should be fun too.
Then if it is not raining, I will go over to Coon Rapids HS to see Tommy and Allie run in the Middle School track meet. It's their first of the year. All the time I'm gone Janet will be here cleaning my birthday present from her. How great is that.
Judy asked me to send out a request for prayers for her daughter Cathy, as she was in the hospital with blood clots in her lungs and shoulder. They don't know what is causing that is really scary. She has three young children so needs to be well and at home with them.
Love and prayers, m
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
You Fill Up My Senses
....Come fill me again! Heard that on the radio yesterday while delivering MOW's and I've had it in my head ever since. It's so true. You all do that by sending the Son.
I finally have a start date for the chemo to will be next Tuesday morning bright and early. My cuz Judy has already volunteered to go with me. I did check out the first week of chemo from last February in the blog, and I think I felt good till the 5th day or Friday night when I crashed as I had stopped talking the steriods they were giving it was adjusted for the following weeks and that worked. The other thing that happened was a strong sensitivity to cold, and even had to wear gloves while eating as the silverware was too cold to hold. I also got this strange pain in my jaw when I took the first bite of food, and then it would go away as I continued to they adjusted the amount of another drug and that got I'm not looking forward to the first it is full of unknowns. Most everything went well....and the only lasting side effect was the neuropathy in the balls of my feet and fingers....and even that is getting better. The funny thing is I didn't remember any of this till my daughter Annie said something the other night when she was I went back and read my blog from that week.....another good reason to keep a diary.
Yesterday I was busy all day.....delivered MOWs, then went to Blaine HS and watched Nicole run at the track meet, then went to dinner with the First Friday group. and didn't get home till 8 p.m. Just in time to see "The Voice" a new show on NBC which Tim Mahoney from the Twin Cities is competing. Fun thing is that he is the son of Kathy Leighton who I graduated from St. Margaret s with. She looked good. She is a singer too...mostly in churches and piano bars around town. So a full day....ohhh.... I even stopped and visited the Boes' who just returned from Arizona. I asked Donny if he could drive his tractor over the lawn and get rid of some of those leaves....and he did, before I got home last night.
Tonight I am having dinner with three women I worked for at the college over the years. "Three Boss's" lol I don't know why but Rosie will always be my boss even if both of us are retired....actually all of them are retired Ann, Sandi and Rosie....and all dear friends.
Thank you all for filling my senses, Love and prayers, m
I finally have a start date for the chemo to will be next Tuesday morning bright and early. My cuz Judy has already volunteered to go with me. I did check out the first week of chemo from last February in the blog, and I think I felt good till the 5th day or Friday night when I crashed as I had stopped talking the steriods they were giving it was adjusted for the following weeks and that worked. The other thing that happened was a strong sensitivity to cold, and even had to wear gloves while eating as the silverware was too cold to hold. I also got this strange pain in my jaw when I took the first bite of food, and then it would go away as I continued to they adjusted the amount of another drug and that got I'm not looking forward to the first it is full of unknowns. Most everything went well....and the only lasting side effect was the neuropathy in the balls of my feet and fingers....and even that is getting better. The funny thing is I didn't remember any of this till my daughter Annie said something the other night when she was I went back and read my blog from that week.....another good reason to keep a diary.
Yesterday I was busy all day.....delivered MOWs, then went to Blaine HS and watched Nicole run at the track meet, then went to dinner with the First Friday group. and didn't get home till 8 p.m. Just in time to see "The Voice" a new show on NBC which Tim Mahoney from the Twin Cities is competing. Fun thing is that he is the son of Kathy Leighton who I graduated from St. Margaret s with. She looked good. She is a singer too...mostly in churches and piano bars around town. So a full day....ohhh.... I even stopped and visited the Boes' who just returned from Arizona. I asked Donny if he could drive his tractor over the lawn and get rid of some of those leaves....and he did, before I got home last night.
Tonight I am having dinner with three women I worked for at the college over the years. "Three Boss's" lol I don't know why but Rosie will always be my boss even if both of us are retired....actually all of them are retired Ann, Sandi and Rosie....and all dear friends.
Thank you all for filling my senses, Love and prayers, m
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
The Sun is Shining! Again!
....even talking about 60's today....of course it's only 42 right now....but I'm still on a high from I don't mind. I had such a wonderful birthday, and thank you to all who contributed to making it such a special day for me. My cell phone was chirping all day announcing facebook well wishes, my phone rang often with singing, the mailman brought cards and the door bell brought presents and family, how can you beat that!
This morning, bright and early the FedEx truck stopped in front of my house again, and low and behold my new computer arrived! Another present!! It wasn't supposed to happen till the end of the month....but I'm so glad it's here. It will take me a while to get everything set up on it. Phil has promised to come and help me transfer information from the old to the new. That's exciting.
Yesterday afternoon I finally heard back from Dr. Londer, and I guess we are going with the recommendation from Mayo with the chemo recipe....I guess this will be a weekly thing instead of every other week, and I had thought I would start on Wednesday (tomorrow), but I think when they call me to set it up, I'm going to put it off till next Monday as I have so many things going on this week already, and Dr. Londer said their was no hurry. Annie said I got sick the first round last year....but I didn't remember that....I can't even remember for sure who was with me....but I thought it was Kathleen. I'll have to go back and see if I can find those days in the archives of this blog.
I have lots of plans for the day...I'll deliver meals on wheels at noon, then go to Blaine High School to watch Nicole run in the track meet, and then I have a dinner engagement with the First Friday group. That's also in the area, so I should be able to fit it all in.
Nothing else to report....I have to wait for Londer's office to call to set up the schedule and make a few calls this morning. Talk to you tomorrow morning! Oh and pray for Louie having his surgery today too! Love and prayers, m
P.S. I just talked to Darcie at Dr. Londer's office, and they can't fit me in till next I didn't even have to request waiting till next week. I also went back and read my blog from last February, and it wasn't till two days after I got unplugged the first round that I crashed....I guess they gave me steriods and that was the day I didn't get any,,,,and I was so weak...from the blockage at the beginning of the month, then surgery, and then chemo.....I hope things go a lot better the first round this year! Janet had stayed with me for the 3 days I was hooked up to the chemo....then went home sick herself....and then on Friday I crashed. So nice to have this blog to go back and read so I can know what to expect or worn me about next week. m
This morning, bright and early the FedEx truck stopped in front of my house again, and low and behold my new computer arrived! Another present!! It wasn't supposed to happen till the end of the month....but I'm so glad it's here. It will take me a while to get everything set up on it. Phil has promised to come and help me transfer information from the old to the new. That's exciting.
Yesterday afternoon I finally heard back from Dr. Londer, and I guess we are going with the recommendation from Mayo with the chemo recipe....I guess this will be a weekly thing instead of every other week, and I had thought I would start on Wednesday (tomorrow), but I think when they call me to set it up, I'm going to put it off till next Monday as I have so many things going on this week already, and Dr. Londer said their was no hurry. Annie said I got sick the first round last year....but I didn't remember that....I can't even remember for sure who was with me....but I thought it was Kathleen. I'll have to go back and see if I can find those days in the archives of this blog.
I have lots of plans for the day...I'll deliver meals on wheels at noon, then go to Blaine High School to watch Nicole run in the track meet, and then I have a dinner engagement with the First Friday group. That's also in the area, so I should be able to fit it all in.
Nothing else to report....I have to wait for Londer's office to call to set up the schedule and make a few calls this morning. Talk to you tomorrow morning! Oh and pray for Louie having his surgery today too! Love and prayers, m
P.S. I just talked to Darcie at Dr. Londer's office, and they can't fit me in till next I didn't even have to request waiting till next week. I also went back and read my blog from last February, and it wasn't till two days after I got unplugged the first round that I crashed....I guess they gave me steriods and that was the day I didn't get any,,,,and I was so weak...from the blockage at the beginning of the month, then surgery, and then chemo.....I hope things go a lot better the first round this year! Janet had stayed with me for the 3 days I was hooked up to the chemo....then went home sick herself....and then on Friday I crashed. So nice to have this blog to go back and read so I can know what to expect or worn me about next week. m
Monday, May 2, 2011
Hoping for a Peek of Sun
....for my birthday. Thank you to all the wishes my mailbox was filled with this morning. I'm sure it will be a great day....with or without sun....which is hiding behind some gray skies.
Yesterday started out with church and the "Revelation" for our confirmation students. I had a women come up and talk to me.....a classmate of Tom's.....from Junior High.....a quick reminder of how old I am today....anyway, when she told me who she was....Kelly Grise...I knew Tom would be so interested in hearing about I came straight home and called him.
I spent the rest of the afternoon talking on the phone, Aunt Loretta, Cousin Janet, and Cousin Elaine (from Hawaii) my daughter telling me that they would all be over tonite after 6 p.m. when all their sporting events were done.....reading the paper....and watching TV and playing computer games. Nothing too exciting till "the Donald" was interupted by the President!! Ironic!!! But then the big announcement that Osama Bin Laden had been killed. Wow! does that bring back lots of the tower going down, worrying about my kids....Tom was in the airport in Chicago....waiting to board a plane....and Bill was supposed to fly into an airport out East for work. So relieved when they called and said they were home and safe. I'm sure you all have your own memories.
This morning the TV is filled with pictures and stories and also already some "doubting Thomas's" wanting to see and touch the body to make it real.....another irony as that was the Gospel yesterday at Mass. I guess this birthday will be one I'll never forget either.
I'm meeting Judy and June for lunch today and then will wait for the kids to come....I hear they are bringing pie!! Can't wait!!
My cousin Louie's surgery is tomorrow....please pray....Mike Douville needs some too....I haven't heard yet when my chemo starts....but pray for me too! Love and prayers, m
Yesterday started out with church and the "Revelation" for our confirmation students. I had a women come up and talk to me.....a classmate of Tom's.....from Junior High.....a quick reminder of how old I am today....anyway, when she told me who she was....Kelly Grise...I knew Tom would be so interested in hearing about I came straight home and called him.
I spent the rest of the afternoon talking on the phone, Aunt Loretta, Cousin Janet, and Cousin Elaine (from Hawaii) my daughter telling me that they would all be over tonite after 6 p.m. when all their sporting events were done.....reading the paper....and watching TV and playing computer games. Nothing too exciting till "the Donald" was interupted by the President!! Ironic!!! But then the big announcement that Osama Bin Laden had been killed. Wow! does that bring back lots of the tower going down, worrying about my kids....Tom was in the airport in Chicago....waiting to board a plane....and Bill was supposed to fly into an airport out East for work. So relieved when they called and said they were home and safe. I'm sure you all have your own memories.
This morning the TV is filled with pictures and stories and also already some "doubting Thomas's" wanting to see and touch the body to make it real.....another irony as that was the Gospel yesterday at Mass. I guess this birthday will be one I'll never forget either.
I'm meeting Judy and June for lunch today and then will wait for the kids to come....I hear they are bringing pie!! Can't wait!!
My cousin Louie's surgery is tomorrow....please pray....Mike Douville needs some too....I haven't heard yet when my chemo starts....but pray for me too! Love and prayers, m
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Finally May but no Sun!
Happy Birthday Uncle John and friend Barb! Sorry the sun isn't shining for your birthdays.....well maybe it is where Uncle John lives. Hope so!
Yesterday it rained all morning, and the sun didn't shine till late in the afternoon....but then clouded up and rain during the night. The rain however, did not hamper our Brunch and our tables won 16 prizes and I won 5 of those. Albeit our tables spent a lot of money to win.....but it all goes to we are happy. Then when I picked up my had a couple of birthday from my insurance man, and he enclosed a scratch off ticket.....and I won....only a $1....but maybe I can use that to buy another and win bigger! Haha! Maybe I should just keep the $1. The other was from my dear Aunt Loretta (mom). Ann's sister Wendy even brought me a cute necklace for my it was really my lucky day!
After the brunch I went to St. Louis Park and watched Nicole play hockey. Annie and Matthew were there watching Nicole, but Doug and Allie had to go another direction to see Allie play in Maple Grove. The games were at the same time.....and both had to play again after 8 neither could watch the other. After Nicole's first game we went to dinner....and then I went home.....I was so tired I didn't think I'd make it till 8:45 when it started. Lucky cause I was in bed before the news ended.
This morning we have our "Revelation" of secret Angels for the confirmation students at our after church I'll be involved with that.....but after I think I'll just be lounging around.
Special prayers are requested for my cuz who will undergo his 23rd surgery (he counts surgeries like I count CTscans 36 for me) this one for his left knee....the other has already been replaced. Also for Mike Douville and all the others I've said I'd pray for....I'm sure they all would appreciate your prayers as I do. Love and prayers, m
Yesterday it rained all morning, and the sun didn't shine till late in the afternoon....but then clouded up and rain during the night. The rain however, did not hamper our Brunch and our tables won 16 prizes and I won 5 of those. Albeit our tables spent a lot of money to win.....but it all goes to we are happy. Then when I picked up my had a couple of birthday from my insurance man, and he enclosed a scratch off ticket.....and I won....only a $1....but maybe I can use that to buy another and win bigger! Haha! Maybe I should just keep the $1. The other was from my dear Aunt Loretta (mom). Ann's sister Wendy even brought me a cute necklace for my it was really my lucky day!
After the brunch I went to St. Louis Park and watched Nicole play hockey. Annie and Matthew were there watching Nicole, but Doug and Allie had to go another direction to see Allie play in Maple Grove. The games were at the same time.....and both had to play again after 8 neither could watch the other. After Nicole's first game we went to dinner....and then I went home.....I was so tired I didn't think I'd make it till 8:45 when it started. Lucky cause I was in bed before the news ended.
This morning we have our "Revelation" of secret Angels for the confirmation students at our after church I'll be involved with that.....but after I think I'll just be lounging around.
Special prayers are requested for my cuz who will undergo his 23rd surgery (he counts surgeries like I count CTscans 36 for me) this one for his left knee....the other has already been replaced. Also for Mike Douville and all the others I've said I'd pray for....I'm sure they all would appreciate your prayers as I do. Love and prayers, m
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