First round of chemo starts in about an hour. Luckily the sun is shinning, which makes me feel better, and record high temperatures are predicted. I will write more after I get plugged in and know what the regiment will be. So come back at noon....I'll update this. m
10:15 Well I've been here since 8:30 and they just now finally started the IV with pre-meds. But at least I now know more about the plan....1 drug is a weekly hour and a half IV, and the other is every other week where I go home with a pump for 2 days, and return on the third day to get unplugged. So not as bad as I was thinking. Diarrhea is probably the worst....a rash may or may not appear for the first couple of treatments, but usually then goes away (that is the part I was worried about....the going away timetable). I thought it might last for months like this stupid neuropathy that I still have from last year's dose. They said this one drug that I get weekly might cause some cramping and if it does while I'm here they will stop and give me another drug to take care of that right away. So that's all I know for now...but am feeling better about the plan....not as disruptive to my social life as I worried about. Just goes to show that worrying doesn't help. Love and prayers, m
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