Saturday, May 21, 2011

I've Got Sunsine on a Cloudy Day

Rain, Rain Go Away.......I know that the sun in up there somewhere.....but sad how quickly we get spoiled with having it, and miss it so soon. So just put a smile on your face and it'll be there.

My yard looks so green!!!  I love it!  most all the fruit and flowering trees are doing that, and the smell in the air is fantastic.  But my smeller is looking pretty funny.  That acne like rash from the weekly drug is coming to furition....and it's centering itself right on the nose!!  I'm beginning to look like bozo!! ....and I don't even need Janet's sponge red nose to look this way!!  Luckily it really doesn't itch or just looks hideous.  Gonna see if I can hide it with makeup for church tomorrow.

Enough about me.....I got some horrid news last night.  My friend Cindy Nutter (Who I was just celebrating her upcoming retirement from the college) emailed that she wouldn't be able to come to the card club outing at the cabin this week, as on Wednesday her daughter-in-law died unexpectedly.  After a couple of emails back and forth she explained that she had a GI aneurism like bleed, and died quickly.  The even sadder part is that she was home with her 2 year old son when it happened.  Please Please PRAY for that whole family.  Obit should be in the Sunday paper.

On a happier note I talked to Aunt Loretta last night and she sounds good....was off to play domino's.  I love getting a call from always makes me smile....and laugh,  Hope you can find someone to smile at and/or someone to laugh with today.  Love and prayers, m

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