All though yesterday was hot and stormy out was kinda like that inside too! I had forgotten about a few side effects that chemo I had last year. Hot flashes and night sweats. There must be something that effects my hormones...also forgot about I guess it's back to bioteen mouthwash. Other than those two things I haven't noticed any diaahrea and that is one they are most worried about as that can lead to dehydration and other problems. So so far so good.
It was a long day yesterday, I didn't get started till about 10 a.m. or later, and those were pre-meds they were pumping IV...I know saline and Zofran were a couple of the drugs....then after a couple of hours they put on 2 more bags of the chemo drugs that I got last time. Namely Irinotecan (okay this will be a little technical info) It is an anti-cancer chemotherapy is used for Metastatic colon or rectal cancer. the common side effects are diarrhea...usually with in 24 hours of getting the drug..this is accompanied by symtoms of runny nose, increased salivation, watery eyes, sweating. flushing, abdominal cramping (This can occur while the drug is being administers.) Which it did! So they stopped the IV and administered Atropheen? and within a minute it had they plugged in the drug again. I think this is not a drug I had last time....or I don't remember those problems then. The other drug I get every 2 weeks is Leucovorin. Leucovorin is a reduced folic acid. and is used in combination with other chemotherapy drugs to either enhance effectiveness, or as a chemoprotectant.
Then when we thought we were done with that they brought in another bag of the weekly drug I'll be was another two hours to drain that back...which they promise will only be 1 hour next week. It is called Erbitux (Cetuximab generic) Erbitux is a targeted therapy. It is classified as a z"monoclonal antibody and signal trasduction inhibitor by binding to epidermal grouwth factor receptors (EGFR) It is used to treat metastatic colorectal cancer that over-expressed the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and has all the normal side-effects of the others, but includes a acne like rash.....can't wait for that! So when that was finnally done, they filled a portable pump fanny pack with the 5FU or long name Flucrouracil it is used along with other chemo drugs to slow or stop cancer cell growth.. Along with the pump, I got sent home with 4 more prescription drugs to keep the side effects at bay. So along with all you spot removers, I have drugs!!
I finally got home around 5 p.m., after leaving home at 8 a long day, and I was generally worn out. Just wanted to veg....witch I did. I'm sure Judy did pretty much that too! She had to drive up her from Shakopee and then back home again during rush hour traffic both ways.
I've received many well wishes from email and Facebook, and I appreciate all of them....I know I'll get through this too! goal is to back in remission by the 4th of July. Love and prayers, m
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