Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Sorry to all the faithful readers, I went to the cabin on Friday morning, and when I got there the online service wasn't working.  I worked at getting it working all weekend, and by Sunday morning, they decided it must be a problem with the wireless router and modem and will bring me a new one next Friday when I am back up there.  It is so exasperating, I get a new computer and think all my problems are over...thank goodness the router was bought from them....and I better get a credit for the service I didn't have.

Other than that, my weekend didn't start out so well either....when I got there on Friday about 11 a.m. June and Len were already there, but my keys didn't work (I don't know what I did with my new keys I bought last fall) so called Jimbo and he wasn't coming till Saturday, Annie had already left for St. Cloud and none of those thoughts worked.  Judy arrived and had to go to the bathroom, and I had to send her next door.  After that June, Judy and I went to town to buy some paper bowls (June had a crock pot of soup plugged into an outlet on the deck) plastic spoons, a laddle, plastic glasses, napkins and a case of water.  We figured we could picnic on the deck, and it was a beautiful day to do that.  By the time we returned to the cabin, Len has broken into the sliding door on the deck, and we didn't need any of things we bought.  Oh well, we can always use that kinda stuff.

From then on, it was a great weekend.  The weather couldn't have been better, we had a full crew of workers all day on Saturday to get the dock, and two lifts into the water.  Got some of the trees cut up that had fallen last fall, a lot of cleaning done inside, and the girls hung all my pictures I got for Christmas from my family.  So it is really starting to look finished!  Thank You to all of you who helped get that done.

This morning, Jimbo made a great breakfast for all of us mom's, and then did the dishes as well.  The only sad part is that it started raining before I got the car loaded to come home.  But not too continues to rain and the tree's are budding out and it looks really green!  Hope you all had a great Mother's day, love and prayers, m

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