Thursday, May 19, 2011

Keep on the sunnyside of Life

Morning all, another beautiful day….I think I’m getting spoiled!
Yesterday went well, I got a lot accomplished….I set a goal to work outside in the yard at least 1 hour, and I did accomplish that, as well as scrubbing the bottom panel of the garage door that had been turning green…algae?  Anyway I sprayed it down with some 4 in 1 cleaner, and scrubbed it with a scouring pad, and it looks pretty darn good if I say so for myself.  I changed the batteries in my hanging chime that lights up at night, and I cleaned out and trimmed a few shrubs….I’m pretty proud of myself.  Then this afternoon I went grocery shopping and managed to clip coupons and save $23 there, and got 22 cents off each of 15 gallons of gas while I was at it.  Came home and put it all away and watched TV the rest of the afternoon.
The Prilosec I think is working, but I’m still burping after meals, and I did take a Compazine around 10 a.m. which seemed to help a lot…but I can’t say that I was feeling bad, cause I really was feeling good, all day.  We’ll see how it goes today.
This morning I am meeting cousin Judy for breakfast at Panera in St. Louis Park, (halfway for each of us) and then I have a few errands to run and I hope to have the neighbor help load up all the leaves and sticks into my van and take them out to the compost site.  So busy day ahead….Keep those prayers coming, they really seem to be working!  Love and prayers, m

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