Friday, May 6, 2011

Yeah! The Sun is Back

It did come out around noon yesterday and was a very nice afternoon, but still had lots of clouds and a few drips while sitting inn the bleachers watching the track meet.

I started out the day greeting Janet who came to clean my house as a birthday present for me.....what a great gift!  Then I left her to work and I went to the retiree's lunch at the college.  So nice to see all those people you worked with for years.  I got lots of hugs and promises for more prayers.  Then on to the program for the four who were retiring this year, and that was even more fun.  There was singing and laughing and lots of great stories and I loved it all!  Lots more hugs and prayers, and I came away smiling on the inside and out!

From there I went to a Middle School Track Meet and again saw many I haven't seen for a while.  Like Mike Schaaf (our neighbor till he was in fourth grade) who I stood in for his mom for cub scout meetings when his mom was working nights and things like that.  He continued to be friends with Tom and stayed in the area and I took classes with Mike at AR and now run into him at track meets for his kids and my grandkids.  It's so fun.  It makes the track meet so much more interesting when you have someone running in lots of events.  Other friends of my kids sat by me and I just throughly enjoyed the whole afternoon of sitting in the bleachers.  Watching my kids see their children doing well is also a joy.

I had to rush over to Costco to get gas before 8 p.m. and then I went on to Cub for groceries.  I'm leaving for the cabin as soon as I can get out of here....hopefully by 10 a.m. and that means I better get going here.  Judy and June and Len are coming for the afternoon...probably a little eating and hope to play cards with them.  But especially enjoy the great day as it is supposed to hit 70....can you believe that!  Whooohooo!

Judy's daughter Cathy is doing keep her in your prayers.  Love and prayers to you all, m

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