Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Tom!

Wow I can't believe I have a son that old!!!  I'm really too young for that.  It's cloudy here but I hope the sun in shining in Naperville, and you have a HAPPY DAY!

Was a quiet day at the cabin, but I did get the laundry done (only 1 load) straightened things up and finally left around 1:30 p.m. and headed home.  It was hot and sooooo humid out side and cold in the cabin still when I left.  I had even opened the sliding patio door to warm it up.  When I got home, the inside of the house was as cold as the cabin....being all closed up in the cold damp weekend.

Arriving home was so nice.....Nicole had mowed the lawn, and her dad had swept the garage floor and trimmed a small branch that had been hanging on the roof.  So not only did they work all weekend at the cabin, but then they came to my house and continued.  Love you guys, it all looks so nice.

Unfortunately all the sand that they shoveled and swept off the pavers by the lake, all returned on Sunday night in the two storms that went through.  It's an unending problem.  We need to get a professional to figure out what to do down there.

When I headed for bed last night I was exhausted, had a sinus headache and was having problems with gas!  I didn't fall asleep like I thought I would, as I couldn't even keep my eyes open watching the news.  I was awake several times during the night, and finally had to get up this a.m. at about 7:15.  My sinus's are still pressing against my teeth, but otherwise I feel okay  I'm sure it's the weather!!!  Where is that sun?

Please pray for two elderly women in their last days, that they and their families be in peace.  Love and prayers, m

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