Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Sun is Shining! Again!

....even talking about 60's today....of course it's only 42 right now....but I'm still on a high from yesterday....so I don't mind.  I had such a wonderful birthday, and thank you to all who contributed to making it such a special day for me.  My cell phone was chirping all day announcing facebook well wishes, my phone rang often with singing, the mailman brought cards and the door bell brought presents and family, how can you beat that!

This morning, bright and early the FedEx truck stopped in front of my house again, and low and behold my new computer arrived!  Another present!!  It wasn't supposed to happen till the end of the month....but I'm so glad it's here.  It will take me a while to get everything set up on it.  Phil has promised to come and help me transfer information from the old to the new.  That's exciting.

Yesterday afternoon I finally heard back from Dr. Londer, and I guess we are going with the recommendation from Mayo with the chemo recipe....I guess this will be a weekly thing instead of every other week, and I had thought I would start on Wednesday (tomorrow), but I think when they call me to set it up, I'm going to put it off till next Monday as I have so many things going on this week already, and Dr. Londer said their was no hurry.  Annie said I got sick the first round last year....but I didn't remember that....I can't even remember for sure who was with me....but I thought it was Kathleen.  I'll have to go back and see if I can find those days in the archives of this blog.

I have lots of plans for the day...I'll deliver meals on wheels at noon, then go to Blaine High School to watch Nicole run in the track meet, and then I have a dinner engagement with the First Friday group.  That's also in the area, so I should be able to fit it all in.

Nothing else to report....I have to wait for Londer's office to call to set up the schedule and make a few calls this morning.  Talk to you tomorrow morning!  Oh and pray for Louie having his surgery today too!  Love and prayers, m

P.S.  I just talked to Darcie at Dr. Londer's office, and they can't fit me in till next Tuesday....so I didn't even have to request waiting till next week.  I also went back and read my blog from last February, and it wasn't till two days after I got unplugged the first round that I crashed....I guess they gave me steriods and that was the day I didn't get any,,,,and I was so weak...from the blockage at the beginning of the month, then surgery, and then chemo.....I hope things go a lot better the first round this year!  Janet had stayed with me for the 3 days I was hooked up to the chemo....then went home sick herself....and then on Friday I crashed.  So nice to have this blog to go back and read so I can know what to expect or worn me about next week.  m

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