Monday, May 9, 2011

Thunder and Lightening!

I awoke to that...I think around 5 a.m......sadly I had just fallen a sleep at 4 a.m.....So I made myself stay in bed till 9 this morning.  I don't know what the problem was last night?  Funny I slept great at the cabin both Friday and Saturday nights!

Today I have lots to do....I need to do some shopping for things to take to the lake next weekend, as I don't know how well I'll be feeling with the chemo. I also have to get another set of keys made for the I don't get locked out again. 

I need to be back at the cabin on Friday morning, so I hope to go back up on Thursday afternoon, after getting unhooked from the chemo.  I have my new modem being delivered, and I have someone from the electric company coming out to attach something for off peak use of the water heater....they say it will save me $10 a month.  I don't know if that is a flat discount or a I hope it works okay.

Nothing else to report, cept request for prayers for a little girl who had an accident at Kick's shoes yesterday....and for me....I hate the unknown.....pray that I handle this chemo well.  Love and prayers, m

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