not...only Mondays. Seems like they are predicting cooler and wetter weather for the next week....but those 88 degree days were unusual to say the least. I've had my own hot flashes since getting plugged in, some coming during the day and the rest as night sweats when I throw all the covers off to dry out. But I guess if that is the worst side effect I can live with it. I did wake up with the hiccups during the night, so got up and took a Beano and that worked almost immediately. I haven't lost my appetite,or had any diarrhea either. Actually it's a much harder marble like in my bag. (Okay enought potty mouth) But they mostly were concerned about extreme diarrhea...and I haven't had any. Been eating normally, actually had a large green salad both days, and will probably have another today for lunch.
Phillip came and spent the day with me yesterday. Mostly working on transferring information from one laptop to the other. He tried to make my old one run faster, but everything he did didn't seem to make much of a difference....making my decision to get this new one, the right one. He came around 10 a.m. and didn't leave till the Twins game started at 7:10 p.m.
After I get unplugged today (1:30 p.m.) I have a few errands to run and then I'm taking off for the cabin, as I have the telephone company and the electric company both coming out. I think I'll wash some more windows while there too. I don't know if I'll wash the outside of them as it's supposed to be raining on and off all weekend. I don't know how long I'll stay up there either, but might stick it out till Sunday if everything is working (like my wireless router for the computer). That reminds me I should have my mail held till I return. I think I'll leave the newspaper alone....I like to read the Sunday paper.
Kathleen is supposed to skype me this morning so I can help her choose a dress or outfit for Blairs wedding in August. I got my invite last Saturday, and yesterday I got the invite to my first to graduate Jack. Some great pictures and one of his prom too. That's some of my excitement for the summer.
Well I guess I'll jump into the shower so I look good for my Skype!! lol....I'm still in my pjs and haven't combed my hair so anything would help! Asking for extra prayers for one of cousin Louie's friends and keep them coming for Cathy V. White, Judy's daughter. Love and prayers, m
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