Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Phil!

Today my baby brother turns 56......I remember the day well, I was told by my mom, that if I got the message to come home from school, that I should run as fast as I could, so I could take care of brother John while dad took her to the hospital to have Phillip....and that's exactly what I did.  Then while she was in the hospital with Phil, Kathleen made her first communion, and the nun's at St. Mary's snuck her into the hospital to see Mom and baby brother Phil.....the rest of us had to stand outside the hospital and wave through the window at mom.

So happy we have another day of sun....with promises for two more as well.  Yesterday went very well.  I saw the nurse practitioner before my IV drugs, and she analyzed all my side effects that I had experienced and came up with a few solutions (mostly that will be applied next week when I get chemo again), but also ordered Prilosec for me to take now, and hopefully get rid of that gassy feeling I've been having.....however I took it this morning 1/2 hour before I ate my oatmeal and coffee, and I'm still burping as I write this.  Hopefully it will work better, as I keep taking it.

The drug they pumped into me yesterday was not chemo, but a drug that is targeted specifically to aide the chemo drugs in fighting metastatic colorectal cancer   It only took about 1 1/2 hours but I didn't get back home till about 3 p.m.  I stopped on my way in and picked up a Asian salad to go, and ate this while talking to Kathleen on the phone, so even though I was alone, I had company, and then turned the computer on and played some spades online, and checked out stories about Harmon. 

It was a meloncoloy afternoon and evening, as TV covered Harmon's death, the computer and Facebook had tons of memorials, and even the nurses at HHH cried when we were talking about his death.  So many memories filled my head and brought tears to my eyes all day.  Then last night I switched between the Twins game (which we WON) and KARE11 news.   Then after the game FOX did a Spotlight on Harmon, which I stayed up and watched and cried.  Still tearing up today when I think about it.

No big plans for the day, must get out and work in the yard a bit, and need a few groceries....but that's it.  Love and prayers, m

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