....Come fill me again! Heard that on the radio yesterday while delivering MOW's and I've had it in my head ever since. It's so true. You all do that by sending the Son.
I finally have a start date for the chemo to start....it will be next Tuesday morning bright and early. My cuz Judy has already volunteered to go with me. I did check out the first week of chemo from last February in the blog, and I think I felt good till the 5th day or Friday night when I crashed as I had stopped talking the steriods they were giving me....so it was adjusted for the following weeks and that worked. The other thing that happened was a strong sensitivity to cold, and even had to wear gloves while eating as the silverware was too cold to hold. I also got this strange pain in my jaw when I took the first bite of food, and then it would go away as I continued to chew....so they adjusted the amount of another drug and that got better.....so I'm not looking forward to the first round.....as it is full of unknowns. Most everything went well....and the only lasting side effect was the neuropathy in the balls of my feet and fingers....and even that is getting better. The funny thing is I didn't remember any of this till my daughter Annie said something the other night when she was here.....so I went back and read my blog from that week.....another good reason to keep a diary.
Yesterday I was busy all day.....delivered MOWs, then went to Blaine HS and watched Nicole run at the track meet, then went to dinner with the First Friday group. and didn't get home till 8 p.m. Just in time to see "The Voice" a new show on NBC which Tim Mahoney from the Twin Cities is competing. Fun thing is that he is the son of Kathy Leighton who I graduated from St. Margaret s with. She looked good. She is a singer too...mostly in churches and piano bars around town. So a full day....ohhh.... I even stopped and visited the Boes' who just returned from Arizona. I asked Donny if he could drive his tractor over the lawn and get rid of some of those leaves....and he did, before I got home last night.
Tonight I am having dinner with three women I worked for at the college over the years. "Three Boss's" lol I don't know why but Rosie will always be my boss even if both of us are retired....actually all of them are retired Ann, Sandi and Rosie....and all dear friends.
Thank you all for filling my senses, Love and prayers, m
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