Sunday, May 1, 2011

Finally May but no Sun!

Happy Birthday Uncle John and friend Barb!  Sorry the sun isn't shining for your birthdays.....well maybe it is where Uncle John lives.  Hope so!

Yesterday it rained all morning, and the sun didn't shine till late in the afternoon....but then clouded up and rain during the night.  The rain however, did not hamper our Brunch and our tables won 16 prizes and I won 5 of those.  Albeit our tables spent a lot of money to win.....but it all goes to we are happy.  Then when I picked up my had a couple of birthday from my insurance man, and he enclosed a scratch off ticket.....and I won....only a $1....but maybe I can use that to buy another and win bigger! Haha!  Maybe I should just keep the $1.  The other was from my dear Aunt Loretta (mom).  Ann's sister Wendy even brought me a cute necklace for my it was really my lucky day!

After the brunch I went to St. Louis Park and watched Nicole play hockey.  Annie and Matthew were there watching Nicole, but Doug and Allie had to go another direction to see Allie play in Maple Grove.  The games were at the same time.....and both had to play again after 8 neither could watch the other.  After Nicole's first game we went to dinner....and then I went home.....I was so tired I didn't think I'd make it till 8:45 when it started.  Lucky cause I was in bed before the news ended.

This morning we have our "Revelation" of secret Angels for the confirmation students at our after church I'll be involved with that.....but after I think I'll just be lounging around.

Special prayers are requested for my cuz who will undergo his 23rd surgery (he counts surgeries like I count CTscans 36 for me) this one for his left knee....the other has already been replaced.  Also for Mike Douville and all the others I've said I'd pray for....I'm sure they all would appreciate your prayers as I do.  Love and prayers, m

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