Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cool and Foggy

Doesn't look much better than yesterday, but the fog is a little brighter than the grey clouds of yesterday....but not much. I definitely have SAD (seasonal affected disorder) yesterday I never got dressed....stayed in my pjs all day. I did get a few things accomplished, but not many. When the sun isn't shining, I'm not either.
I did get my scrapbook done up to the landscaping, and that meant adding those pages I did last week and putting the scrapbook back together. I may add a page of the before landscaping today. I also did some cleaning...or removing of cobwebs along the high I wasn't totally a bum.
This afternoon Phil said he will be fishing and stop in, and Judy should arrive this I have reason to shower and get dressed even if the sun isn't shining.
I also am battling diarrhea the last 24 hours in spite of 4 Imodium yesterday and another 2 this morning. I don't know if it's something I ate...or if it's the new antibiotic. Hopefully the 2 Imodium I took this morning will finally take hold of it. Luckily with Constance and the bag....I don't have the urge to run to the bathroom with just comes out liquid and I have to empty more often. Okay enough potty talk....on to my face and hands. My rash is horrid, and I'm looking like a racoon....only dark red instead of black around the eyes. I even had a crack into my upper lip bleeding the other night, but I think the coconut oil has helped that. Three of my fingers were also bleeding night before last, and they were the pointer and thumbs that you use all the time, and so I put neosporin on them and then bandaids for the night...that seemed to help a bleeding yesterday. I'm guessing the bathroom cleaning I did on Sunday and Monday added to that problem.
I'm surprised that even though I didn't get that targeted drug last week that it is still causing such a horrid rash. Hopefully not having it again this week will help and by next week I will be looking normal (what ever that is!).
Okay, it's time to stop complaining and count my blessings, I'm at the cabin with all my birds and critters, and I'm in pretty good shape for the shape I'm in. Thanks to all of you, love and prayers, m

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Looks Like Rain

No sun this morning...the lake is calm and the birds and chipmunks are I know the Son is shining on me....thanks to all of you.
I didn't get out of town very early yesterday, actually it was late....a little after 4 p.m., but I did get a lot done once I finally got dressed and started. I had put in a call to Hollister the maker of my ostomy pouches with a complaint and was waiting for a call back from them, and I also put in a call to my oncologist's office with a request for a different antibiotic and was waiting for that to be returned before I left town, as I wanted to get the prescription filled right away, and bring it with me. Hollister called and I gave them my complaint that the last 3 bags had sprung leaks in the bag itself....not where it was sealed to my skin...and after taking down the lot number of the box and a complete description of what was happening, they promised to send me a new box. So that was good....but the doctor's office hadn't called back by 2 p.m., and I had errands to run before I left town, so I packed up and held my phone close by so I could hear if they did call. While I was shopping at Cub, the nurse finally called and said that they would call the prescription into the HP Pharmacy right away. Since I was at Cub on Hanson and the HP Pharmacy was just a few blocks away, I finished shopping and headed there next. Had to sit and wait a little while, but at least I was getting it filled and could take it with me to the cabin. From there I ran to Costco to pick up some photo's and then to Walgreens to pick up a few things and get some cash for the week. I finally arrived at the cabin at 5:15 and had dinner and then went to the couch and watched TV for the rest of the evening.
This morning before writing I spent about 1/2 hr. looking at pictures on Facebook of Blair's wedding....I was beginning to think I wasn't I couldn't see any of me in them....but I finally found 300 or more. At the reception I sat at the same table almost all afternoon, leaving only for food or the bathroom, and every picture of that table of people is missing me. It's seemed like I never left the spot...but I guess I did...or maybe they photoshop'd me out. lol I'm still looking for one of me, Blair and Kathleen...I'm thinking it doesn't exist either...just wishful thinking on my part.
Nothing else to report....I think Judy will be up tomorrow evening to spend some time with me...but otherwise it's pretty quiet neighbors on either side. Till tomorrow, love and prayers, m

Monday, August 29, 2011

Sunshine and Blue Skies Welcome the Day

I was a wake a lot last night, so I stayed in bed till 8:45 this morning. Then I turned on my old computer (I left the new one at the cabin....I figured I could use the old one for one day) and it took 1/2 hour for it to even get me to the email. Then I got several messages on Facebook notifying me that Carol's (my sister-in-law) mom died early this morning. I then got a call from Carol to let me know too! Grandma Stripsky was 92, and as Carol says "Her everready battery wore out". It just happened this morning at 3 a.m., so no arrangements for the funeral have been made, and with half of the family in Florida, Carrie is working on making the arrangements. With the Holiday weekend coming they don't know if they should wait till after or do it before. I remember it was the same thing when my dad was the same time of the year, and we ended up having the funeral on Friday before the long weekend. Lot's of people gone at that time, and school starting and all is kinda hard to figure out when to do it. I'll let you know when they figure it out.
Came home yesterday afternoon, after cleaning the cabin and then got home and had to clean another bathroom so that made 3 bathrooms in one day, and I still have one to go...maybe do that before I leave today....maybe....okay I will. I did upload some pictures so I will add a few to this blog. One of the front of the boathouse that they finished on Friday, two of the birds, the red bellied woodpecker and one of the oriole at the feeder....and I will also add one of the sun shining through the clouds on Saturday afternoon.
Last night I went to Jim and Ann's for a going away party for Jack and Rae (his girlfriend). Lot's of great food, lots of fun conversations, and lots of great family pictures with Jack and Rae...At least I think they are great pictures, it was quite an ordeal trying to get everyone together at one time for a group picture...which actually never happened even though we took atleast 4 of them. Or I should say Ann took 4 of them. It was all pretty funny. They take Jack to Duluth on Thursday, and Ann is already missing him...wishing he could stay at home forever. But we all know that can't happen. They did such a great job raising him, they don't have to worry about him going off to college. Good Luck Jack!!
I have a few errands to run this morning before I go back to the cabin, but I'm not in a hurry, so will get back to the cabin later this afternoon, but then I get to stay till next Tuesday. I guess I'll bring clothes along, so I can leave from the cabin for the funeral if it's the end of this week. But am so looking forward to not having an infusion this body and skin is looking forward to it too!
Hope you enjoy the pictures. Love and prayers, m

Sunday, August 28, 2011

All is Quiet on the Home Front!

Slept with the windows open for last two nights....great sleeping. But unlike yesterday morning, we have a cloud cover all across the no sun. The birds are busy fighting over the food, along with the chipmunks chasing each other. They are so fun to watch. Tried to take some pictures of the oriole yesterday, but didn't have the cord with me to upload to the computer, so I'll do that later this afternoon when I get home, and I'll put one in tomorrows blog if it turns out.
I did get to the farmers market and got some bread and two huge zucchini for a buck. I can't wait to fry them up....or put them on the grill. Then I pulled some weeds out of my garden under the kitchen window....earlier this summer I planted some moss roses and another flower that I can't think of the name off hand, but they were totally buried under some waist high weeds. Also have a few trees coming up in that planter that I couldn't pull out....need some male muscle to do that....or they maybe actually have to be dug out. Anyway what is left has space to breath now. I did a few other little tasks around the cabin, but mostly just sat out on the deck reading magazines and watching the birds. So relaxing and peaceful.
My face is even redder this morning that it has been, I guess maybe the sunlight is effecting it....even though I tried to stay in the shade most of the time. I'll have to put a clob of that coconut oil on today.
Heading home this afternoon, for a party for Jack and his girlfriend Rae who are headed off to separate colleges this week. Rae is going down to the U and living in a dorm, and Jack is heading up to UMD. Big moves for both of them.
I plan on returning to the cabin tomorrow, and staying till the following Tuesday with any luck. I don't have any doctors appointments in town and I cleared my calendar of luncheon I'm free to stay till then.
I'm hoping my cousin Judy can come up tomorrow and spend a couple of days with me this week too. Then we can play some cards and laugh and enjoy each others company.
Other than that I have no news....still waiting to hear about Uncle John, and I saw Danny had something on his Facebook account that grandma Stripsky wasn't doing too well. I think she was in the hospital for her 93rd birthday yesterday.
So for now, love and prayers, m

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Good Morning Sunshine

What a beautiful soon as I sat down by the windows, the birds arrived on schedule. Even saw a cardinal this morning which is a rare sighting, and I now have 3 or 4 hummingbirds fighting over the nectar.
I'm on my way to the Farmers Market this morning, got to get some more great bread....going to make bacon Lettuce and Tomato sandwich for lunch....I can hardly wait....using some great 12 grain sourdough bread.
No other big plans for the day....cept going to go down and take a picture of the front of the boat house that Jimbo and Rick finished off yesterday....they were already gone when I got here at 12:30, so I didn't get a chance to thank them in person, but I guess I owe them a hug and a kiss!! That's the bill they sent. Then I'll take some pictures of the hill before the landscaper starts, so I have some before and after shots.
Got my shower face is looking much better today but my hair is still falling out...I can't believe how much I had to clean out of the shower. But on the whole I'm feeling good....or even great for the shape I'm in. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers, I feel the blessings everyday! Love and prayers, m

Friday, August 26, 2011

Eight Down and One to Go!

This morning I get unplugged from this eighth round of chemo, and don't have to go back till the Wednesday after Labor I plan on heading to the cabin, with a brief trip into town on Sunday and then back again on Monday and won't be back till after Labor Day. I'm so excited about that.
I got the pages for my scrapbook, so I can work on today Jimbo an Rick are up there already finishing the front of the boathouse which has been a long time coming....I think it is about 2 years behind...but we were concentrating on the cabin last year so it got put off. The landscaper will be starting by the 1st of Sept. so things will be looking pretty good from the lake and the cabin.
I barely got dressed yesterday....late in the afternoon, when I did my shopping, picked up those pages, and then headed to Bill and Kim's new house that they will move into shortly after the 9th of Sept. when they close on it. They were there trying to pick out colors to paint every room, flooring for a few rooms where the carpeting will be pulled out, and what to do about window coverings. So it was fun to be there to put in my two cents worth once in a while....but I left most all of that to Wendy (Ann's sister) who should be an interior decorating by trade. She really has a good eye for that stuff.
I get unplugged at about 1045 this morning, and hope to be packed and ready to go straight from I guess I better get busy here. Thank you again for all the thoughts an prayers. love and prayers, m

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Light at the End of the Tunnel

As most of you know, I'm getting pretty sick of this (not from this) chemo regiment of every week all summer, but yesterday, I got a reprieve from the weekly stuff (that targeted drug that is causing all the rash and itching and overall dry skin)so I don't have to have it next Wednesday either.
I went into my appointment with Dr. Londer without makeup on my face so he could see how bad it really is, (even with the antibiotics I'm taking to make it better) hoping he'd take pity on me. Well, I guess the drug information says that if the side effects get to this point, they can suspend least for awhile and then restart at a lesser dose. Londer already had that planned before I got there, so I could have put my makeup on and still got the reprieve....silly me.
As I expected he wants to do one more round of chemo in September before I go to Mayo and have my CT scan and see that oncologist there. I think he may already have gotten a letter from Mayo stating that I was coming and asking for information about my treatment.
Evidently all my blood work looked good, and another problem I haven't been writing about is also looking much better but I wonder about his statement: "It looked a lot less inflamed than the last time" but he wasn't the one who looked at it the last and only what does he know. Evidently Heather did a good job of describing it in her report of my last visit when Londer was on vacation. It's now completely gone, but does seem to be getting better, and stopping the targeted drug will help that too.
All in all is was a good visit with Londer and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I did take a nap for about 2 hours after I got home, and then had lots of problems going to sleep last night....I know I looked at the clock at 2 and then 4 before the alarm went off at 8. I was up for about 1/2 hour after 2 and took another pill that is supposed to help with sleep....but that evidently didn't work till 4 or after. I do feel rested somewhat this morning, and realize that the first night after chemo day 1 I always have problems sleeping. We'll see what tonight brings, and I don't have anything big planned for today to make me extra tired.
It will be interesting to see, if any, what a difference missing the targeted drug will make.
Now on to the thank you's to all of you that have been praying for me through all of this. When everyone tells me I look good, I know that is the prayers bolstering me, and everyday I have luncheon or dinner dates, or even just a short email, I know the prayers are working. I won't know about the spots for sure till September 20, but I know all you "Spot removers" have been praying extra hard to rid them from my lungs, and I don't know how I'll ever be able to Thank all of you enough for sticking with me through it all. It's kind of been four years of constant problems and obstacles that I've managed to get though with Sonshine and prayers, and that Light is at the end of the tunnel. Love and prayers, m

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 1, Round 8

As most of you know....I hope this is the last....but am fully aware that Dr. Londer will have me continue chemo till I go to Mayo on the 20th of September....which could mean 2 more rounds....or 10 total. I have so many side effects from the targeted drug...but as Annie said at least they are not the kind that have me sitting at home vomiting...they are hair thinning, seriously dry skin (with cracking of skin on fingers and feet) itching and this hideous rash that come and goes mostly on my face. This is one of the worst times....I'm assuming it is a cumulative effect. My allergies have also been bothering me, with one eye that keeps watering and is red and itchy, and now is mattering. Okay none of that has kept me down, and I feel quite well and blessed considering I'm going through chemo, but I think it is waring me down mentally....being tied to treatment every week all summer. Maybe it's just that I was hoping that I wouldn't have to continue into 4 more rounds after the first 4, and partly that I know Dr. Londer will say "Why stop if it's working". I'm anticipating that is what he will say, and of course I'll do what he says....but maybe I can stop the targeted Drug for the next few weeks....I'm just afraid of how much more hair I'll lose and how much worse the rash and dry skin can get.
Okay, I'll stop complaining, and see what happens. But this is all getting old.
Judy is meeting me there this morning, and I'm bringing the cribbage board to try my luck at that again. Not that I'm feeling lucky.
I can use some extra strong prayers from all my spot removers today. Love and prayers, m

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Trotting Slowly!

I was going to say running late, but I'm definitely not running...I got up at 8:30 and then got side tracked by my drooping plants, so I watered them, made coffee took my meds (which have to be taken on an empty stomach)then took my coffee and headed for the computer, but I also turned on the TV, and somehow I forgot to make breakfast and take the rest of my pills and my blog till 10 a.m......don't know where my mind went....must have been back to sleep. Anyway I quickly made some toast and came to my blog to write.
Had a great dinner last night, after finding out the restuarant we planned at meeting at was on the list of having the 2nd highest code violations, we decided to go to Good Earth, and the food was great. But the conversations were even better. Helen just back from her honeymoon told us all about it (cept for "the too much information" part). They spent a week on the North Shore and up the Gunflint trail....some of my (and Gene's) favorite places to be. Helen also brought pictures from the wedding, which the others were able to attend, but I missed as I was in Portland at Blair's wedding the same day.
I did stop at Borders on my way to dinner, and was able to pick up a few gifts for Christmas. Hate having them close....I loved buying books...don't know why. I also loved giving them as gifts. Will have to find another bookstore.
My targeted drug is causing a rash on my face again...and for some reason I don't remember it being itchy before, but it is itchy this morning. I need to go slather on some coconut oil. It sure has helped my feet and hands. Wish I could get it on my back.
Today, I have no plans....being lazy again. That's all folks, love and prayers, m

Monday, August 22, 2011

It's a Good Morning Beautiful Day!

My apologies to the weather never did rain yesterday at the lake...the clouds came and went all morning, and finally about 11 a.m. the sun won out!!! I packed up and left around 1:30 and got home with plenty time to get ready or the party at Ann's.
Getting ready for the party I lamented over how thin my hair is getting, and all the new spots on my face from this last round of the targeted drug...the accumluated amount of it is making the rash worse, and I'm still fighting the dry skin thing, however the coconut butter has really helped my hands and feet. I still need someone to rub it on my back.
Was a very nice party, and got a chance to see several old friends, and also made a few new ones. I talked a long time with a friend of Ann's since childhood, and after a while she says that it is funny that we were able to talk like we were friends since childhood. I said it was because we were both friends of Ann's and her friends all have the same great qualities. It was kind of that way with all those that were there. We were invite there to meet a daughter that Ann gave up for adoption 43 years ago....and the apple didn't fall far from the tree. She's like Ann in so many ways. I felt honored to be included to meet her, and she said she was honored to meet all of us. It was a great evening.
Don't have a lot planned for the day....was planning on going to WA Frost this afternoon with the first Friday group....but I guess there was an article in the paper yesterday about the top 10 restuarants in the area with code violations, and it was #2 on the list. So we are reevaluating the location. We'll see what the day brings. But for sure we will meet somewhere for dinner.
I have a few things to being restocking the bird feeders outside my window here in Coon Rapids. I have mostly chickadee's here, but every now and then a finch and a cardinal. This morning I had a chipmunk in the feeder it's really low on seeds. Must remember to buy grape jelly for the cabin birds too. (Ramdom thought) Might run to Borders and see if I can find some Christmas gifts at their going out of business sale. Nothing else to report. Love and prayers, m

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Strange Looking Sky

The sun was shining a minute ago, but all of a sudden it is dark and looks like rain. The birds seem to be frantically eating....wonder if they are trying to tell me something? It is all coming from the Northwest and the sky to the South is light so when looking across the lake in that direction, you see the band of trees, then a band of light sky, and then the dark clouds. I checked the weather map, and it looks like we could get a brief shower, but they aren't even predicting precipitation this morning....hmmmmm....sometimes I wonder about the weather man. Cloudy and humidity 92% but no rain predicted? I say rain!!
Yesterday I started my day by going to the Farmers Market to get this great sourdough bread from a bakery that is actually located in Elk River, got to talking to the baker (at least I think he is the baker) and found out he grew up not far from us in Blaine and went to Junior High school with Jimbo. He also knew who Annie was....funny he's the one who said "So you're Annie Kiecker's mom"....I'm still trying to figure out what that meant...but I got the impression it was a good thing. On my way back to the cabin I took a slight detour and drove down the road that you drive to get to Uncle Rays....along Clearwater lake where the river flows in. There must be a dozen cabins or trailers sitting in water (the lake). It was very sad. I see they brought in dirt to build up Bonnie and Bob's road, so that isn't underwater. Luckily their cabin is built up on a hill (a small hill....not like mine).
I worked on my scrapbook pages, and am finally caught up. Now I just have to get those extra pages for the scrapbook and I'll be all set to add the landscaping when that gets done....I did take pictures so I can show the before and after versions of the yard.
All of a sudden I got a knock on the door and there was Joe, Sandi, Lynn, Bob and Sarah.....Surprise!!! They toured the cabin and boathouse, and we sat down by the lake and visited while Sarah took advantage of the warm afternoon and went swimming. She even spent some time feeding the fish, and complaining when they were trying to eat her toes. But she had a great time playing in the water...I'm sure she slept well last night. Was so nice that they came, I guess they were headed back to St. Michael and then on to Anoka for dinner and a Classic Car Show. Can't wait to see them again in October when we celebrate Joe's 70th birthday in Athens, GA.
It hasn't started raining yet, and I better get dressed, or I'll miss church. I really don't like this 8:30 Mass stuff....9:00 seemed so much later.
I'm heading home this afternoon, and then to Ann Sidoti Christensen's home for a party. Looking forward to seeing everyone there. Love and prayers, m

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Partly Sunny...

Lots of clouds shading the sun this morning....actually when I got up it was sunny, but a big cloud just floated in and more seem to be clumping in. The lake is calm, and the birds are wild this morning. I've had an array of different birds clamoring for the food....three orioles out there at the same time waiting their turn to eat the jelly, and 2 hummingbirds that refuse to share with each other, and would rather chase the other a way than let them both eat at the same time. But the feeders are void of squirrels this morning....strange I haven't seen much of the squirrels since I've been here this week. I'm running low on food, will have to pick some up when I go to the farmers market this morning....note to self.
I was just getting out of bed this morning when the phone rang....Karen was watching Will get his hair cut...she said that all the gifts arrived on time, and Presley had one of them on today....they fit as nothing had to be returned....yippee. They made a trip to the American Girl store, and Presley was able to buy something with her gift all went well. They start school on Monday (can you believe that?) so they are getting ready for that this weekend.
Went to the funeral yesterday for Sandi's mom....a very nice service but very small. Jeannie Podzimek and I were the only cousins on Joe's side, and Sandi had one cousin on her mom's side. When you live out of state, and then get buried from a church that you never belonged to,in the middle of a work day, there are not many friends and neighbors that can come. But the family that did, it was great to see. Sandi and Joe's kids, Joe and Lynn and their spouses and Lynn's daughter, Sarah, all drove up from Georgia, and it was so nice to visit with them. I had never met Sarah, and she's a cute 11 year old, that was enjoying another cousin just her size. Don't think any of them will make it to the cabin, Joe and Kerry were leaving this morning, as they have to be back at work on Monday morning. I think the rest will leave tomorrow morning. I am looking forward to seeing all of them in October, when I go down to Georgia for Joe's 70th birthday party.
Not much planned for the day....other than the farmer's market this morning....I found out that I can get the pages to expand my scrapbook, and will get them when I go back to town, so maybe I will work on that again this afternoon. That's it for now, love and prayers, m

Friday, August 19, 2011

Rise and Shine

I don't have much time to lollygag this morning, as I will be going to Sandi's mom's funeral. I need to shower and leave the cabin by about 10:15. I stayed in bed till 8 a.m. and have eaten and installed updates on my computer already, so I guess I'm not going to have to rush too much.
Hope you saw the update I made to the blog yesterday afternoon. I was talking about Presley's birthday all week, shopping and mailing the present, and then when the actual day comes I forgot till I went into Facebook and saw that everyone else had remembered and sent her (through her mom) birthday wishes. I also forgot to mention the Holy Day of Obligation earlier in the not the one on Monday...the one on Tuesday, my dad's birthday....he would have been 97. Dad always celebrated 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after his I guess I'm within the bounds.
Phil did fish yesterday and stopped to visit twice. He had his friend Rick with him, and they caught their limit. One northern, one crappy and all the rest bass. They each caught a really big bass, Rick caught one that was almost 4 pounds and about 16 inches long, Phil's was just a bit smaller, maybe 2 1/2 -3 lbs. They left me only a few, but earlier in the day when they stopped, he brought a frozen bag that they had caught earlier this summer....just in case Joe and Sandi come for a fish fry. If not I get to eat them myself...which is never a problem.
Another sign of Fall, Bill our neighbor at the cabin, emailed with information on plowing the snow again this winter....we are all set for the same guy as last year and the same price....just hope it doesn't snow as much....or as often.
The landscaper says he'll start work on our yard by the first of September, and it will take about 4 weeks....a big job. Can't wait for that to be done, so we look as nice as our neighbors.
Nothing else to report....I better get that shower....Love and prayers, m

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Presley's Birthday 8-18-11 at 8:18

Happy 5th Birthday Presley

Gee grandma is getting bad, I remembered all week that it was your birthday today except today...then went on Facebook and got a reminder! Hope you have a sun shinny day, Love ya lots.

Feels like Fall

The sun is shining, but there is a breeze coming across the lake, and I had the window open all night so it feels like Fall to me. I know I have a few more weeks till it is officially here, but the kids have started practice at school for Fall sports and the Fair starts next week and that kinda all hails the end of summer.
The birds and the chipmunks are busy eating, and I'm told my brother is supposed to be across the lake fishing....I only see one boat on the whole maybe that is him. That big red bellied woodpecker has been back...infact he's at the suet right now....he also eats the grape jelly....strange as it may seem....oh my gosh there is a pair of them out there. The female isn't as pretty, but they are friendly with each other so must be mates....I'll have to look them up in one of my bird books.
Got an email from Sandi last night, they were only as far as IL and were spending the night. The funeral will be on Friday at noon at the new Catholic church in St. Michael. Sandi's brother lives there, so that is why they are having it there. They will have reviewal 1 hour prior to the service, and a lunch graveside service. I was hoping that they would need some of my beds, but Sandi says her brother has enough room for them. It will be a quick (in time they are here) trip and they will probably head back home on Sunday. Sounds pretty rushed....with 3 long days drive back and forth. But that is what it took when I drove down last winter.
I got my infusion yesterday, after stopping at Jan's for a jar of coconut butter and to have some rubbed on my back. Didn't get home till about 2:30, and then packed and headed for the cabin....getting here about 5 p.m. I had to stop and pick up my pictures I had developed from Blair's wedding on my way too! I made dinner, did some emailing and then settled in to watch the Twins game. Fun game as we won. Thome hit number 601 last, he's on a roll this week. Bill and his buddies were in Cleveland the night he hit 599 and lucky is that?!!!
I slathered myself in oil while watching the game, seems like a constant battle.
Today I hope to see Phil, or it'll be a quiet day...don't have any plans....maybe work on that scrapbook that I ran out of pages for....I can still do my part and then glue them in when I get the backing pages....or start another and glue them in there if I can't get the pages. So that's all folks, love and prayers, m

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sunny Sunny Day!

We did get a lot of rain last evening, but no storms, and now the sun is shining brightly....and it's supposed to stay that way.
Got a note from Joe and Sandi yesterday that Sandi's mom died and they are coming to MN for the funeral. Don't have any other details but will let everyone know when I do. Also got a call from Aunt Loretta (she sounds good, and said Uncle John is doing well too) and talked to Kathleen as well. I did get my errands run before noon, but other than that, didn't do much constructive...the weeds are still in the garden. Later last evening I got a call from Jan Ranum and she has some coconut oil to offer my dry I'm going over before my infusion this morning and getting that....I also asked if she would put some on my back where I can't reach....she agreed....what a good angel she is.
Today, I have the infusion at 11 a.m., and then I will return home and get packed for the cabin. I plan on being there till Sunday....but funeral arrangements may change that. I have offered the cabin beds for Joe and Sandi's family, I hope they take me up on it. Don't know when they might arrive....Sandi said they were on their way yesterday morning....but don't know if they flew or are driving. Sandi's brother lives in St. Michael, so it's not far from the cabin.
Well must start moving, Love and prayers, m

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Good Morning Sunshine!

It never rained yesterday, but it was mostly cloudy all day, so waking this morning to bright sunshine is such a treat. Unfortunately I hear they think it will rain this evening. Hopefully it won't storm....just rain....not that we need it.
I came home around 2 p.m. yesterday....or I got to Coon Rapids around 2 p.m. and then I stopped at Riverdale and finished shopping for Presley's birthday present....that didn't take long, and then I stopped and got a few things for a recipe I had torn out of a magazine on Sunday when I was catching up on my reading. It sounded really good, I thought I only needed the ground chicken and bread crumbs to make the oriental chicken meat balls, but I ended up getting grapes on sale, some carrots and cucumbers and rice noodles which I added to the meal (not the grapes but the rest). It turned out okay, but I don't think I'd make it again. We'll see how the leftovers taste today.
Don't have big plans for today....have to get Presley's package in the mail, and then I think I'll pull some weeds out of my garden....some look like trees!...with all the rain they seem to be doing quite well.
Undressed to take a bath last night, and realized my back is covered with dry skin (really dry flaking in big pieces)....spots I can't reach with lotion. This last month I have been plagued with dry skin....cracking on heels and fingers....I can't seem to stay ahead of it with lotion. My face is also a big problem....I'm looking older and more wrinkled every day. Most of the lotions burn my I had to find one that wouldn't....the pharmacist helped with that. I also have some special hand and foot cream they gave me a sample of that works pretty good for them as well. My hair seems to be thinning now too....but as far as side effects from the chemo and the other targeted drug they are infusing me with....I guess I'm doing pretty well if those are my only problems.
So enough complaining, I guess I better get dressed and start doing something constructive. Love and prayers, m

Monday, August 15, 2011

Is It Going to Rain?

I saw a slight peak of the sun this morning, but it is very overcast right now....a slight breeze on the lake and I see a sail boat across on the other side. I guess now that we have a "no wake rule" I'll see more kayak, canoe and sail boats. I slept in a little later this morning. I was up several times during the night going to the bathroom and at 4 a.m. my phone alarm went off, as I had it set for 4 a.m. last week when I left Portland. It took me a few minutes to make sure that didn't happen again tonight or next week. Then my alarm next to the bed went off at 7 a.m. as I had it set for Sat. and Sun and forgot to turn off before I went to bed last night, but I managed to turn over and sleep a while longer.
I did some scrap booking yesterday...working on one that shows all the changes we've made at the cabin starting in's a work in progress just like the cabin. I think I'm up to 2010 and ran out of pages, so I had to stop....but I emailed my supplier (Laura) and she is going to see if she can find some for me. It's a Creative Memories Album and they have changed the page size since then, and she is not actually a rep anymore. Hopefully I'll be able to finish with 2011 and then start a brand new album. Actually hopefully, we will be done some time soon, and I won't have to keep updating one....well....I guess we'll always be adding something.
I guess the landscaper has got a few big projects he is working on and won't get to ours for a few weeks. I hope that gets done before the snow flies. We have a few other things I'd like to get done this fall, like the front of the boat house and the stairs down to the new sliding glass door on the lower level.
Today, I'm just going to clean up around here and head back to the city. Have some shopping to do for Presley (her birthday is this week) and I have to get it in the mail. Then after I get my infusion on Wednesday, I will come back to the cabin till Sunday. Other than that, I guess I better get this posted and get to work. Love and prayers, m

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Lake is like Glass

Calm and clear. A good night and a full moon and now a beautiful morning. The birds are here and I'm lovin it!
Yesterday's meeting was not what I expected....the place was packed, I would say 50-75 Lake Sylvia owners showed up, and I think all but about 2 of us or maybe 3 like the "No wake Rule". Well, they really don't like it, but also don't want the lake to deteriorate....and either do I. The county DNR imposed the rule, and it is also now on all the lakes in Stearns county as well. Most of the people were old timers on the lake...but a few were waterskiers and tubers who supported the Lake Association and wanted them to do something to help move this excess water out of the lake and through the watershed into the crow river. This means cutting a wide swath of cat tails out of a marsh just past Lake Francis, and right now the DNR doesn't want to do we need to find a way to do it ourselves. Anyway no wake rule is in effect till Oct. 1 or until the lake is no more than 6 inches above the normal high water mark....and we're no where near it right now. About 18 inches to go and at the rate of 1 inch per week (with no rain)it ain't going to happen.
I then went to the farmers market and got my good sour dough bread and to the grocery store to buy carrots as no one had any at the farmers market. I thought I would make chicken and dumplings for dinner....but when dinner time came I realized I was out of settled for fish and left over Ricaroni from the night before. The fish were great (thanks Phil).
This morning I'm off to church and then back to the store to get my Bisquick so I can have my dumplings this evening. Other than that I don't have much planned for the day. Going to start scrap-booking last years addition and read a few magazines. Yesterday afternoon I read the Annandale paper and 3 additions of the Coon Rapids I'm caught up on that. While I was out on the deck reading, a hummingbird came over and tried to get nectar out of the dark red part of my shirt. Never had one come that close before. It was really neat!
Nothing else happening here. Got to get dressed and off to church. Love and prayers, m

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Another Rainy Night!

Went to bed to thunder and lightening. I don't know how long it rained....cause for the first time in ages I didn't wake up till morning. I had the alarm set for 7 a.m. and I woke up at 6:50 and waited for it to go off. I have it set for radio instead of a buzzer, and the song that was playing was "I Love the Rainy Nights" so appropriate for this morning. It's still overcast and 60 degrees....but the lake is calm and I've seen the hummingbird already at the feeder. I'll wait and fill the other feeders when I return from a Lake Association Meeting this morning to discuss the "no wake rule" in effect right now on our lake (and about 10 others in the Annandale area). Which means you can't do any tubing and Phil has to troll from the boat launch to the spot he fishes on our lake....which takes forever. So you pretty much can't do anything. I didn't see one boat on the lake last night, and not one boat fishing by the weed patch this morning.
Yesterday after oversleeping, I just made it to get unplugged at noon. Then I came home and started packing and finish washing clothes and messing around with the computer again and then decided I'd wait till the mail came before I left....well the mail didn't come till 4:20, and then I remembered that I needed to sign up for a "55 and Alive" class to get the discount for my car I drove over to SLP Park and Rec office (the only place I could find a class that happens before Sept. 24, the deadline for getting my discount this year) and did that, filled up with gas at Holiday where I had a 7 cent coupon, and headed for the was now 5:10 but I finally got here and found that cousin Judy had been here in my absence and brought me a new hummingbird feeder and filled it, and the hummingbirds are loving it. For the first time this morning I saw two actually eating at the same time for a second or two...till one chased the other away. I did fill the oriole feeder with grape jelly, and even though it caught some rain water, the oriole was here already this morning too.
Watched that sloppy Twins game last night, and then with no news available in the area turned on HGTV and by about 10:15 I fell asleep and didn't wait up till about 12:15 when the lightening and thunder started followed by the rain. So I took all my evening pills and headed for bed.
This morning, I'm going to that meeting at 9 a.m., and then I'll run into the farmer's market and get some good bread, and then I hope cousin Judy will stop in on her way home from the cabin her family has been staying in for the last week. Don't know if anyone else will be here....I hear that Bill has taken off for a baseball weekend with his guy friends and they should be at the Cleveland game this evening. I'll have to watch for that, and Kim is going to a family reunion in Blooming Prairie. So I won't see their family either. If it clears up like it's supposed to it might be a nice late afternoon and evening...and tomorrow is supposed to be great. Love and Prayers, m

Friday, August 12, 2011

Unplus Day!

I finally got caught up on my sleep...or my body is still on Portland time. The alarm went off at 8 a.m. and I turned it off and fell back asleep and didn't wake up till 10:23 OMG I haven't slept that late in years. Thank goodness I don't have to be unplugged till 12 noon. If I type fast I should make it....but I won't be ready to go directly to the cabin...will have to come home and get packed up. The sun's not shining right now, so I don't imagine it'll be shining there either, and the only one missing me there are the birds and critters. I know Jimbo's family is going to a family reunion in Iowa this weekend, and Annie, Doug and kids are camping in Orr this weekend. Don't know about the Bill Kieckers and pretty sure the Chicago Kieckers won't be there either, so if you are free this weekend, please come and join me. I always love company. I hear it may rain this evening, but supposed to be a great weekend.
Yesterday, I ran my errands in the morning, and just got the groceries put away when Phil arrived to help me with my computers. We were unable to get the oldest computer...that I rarely use, but had done my scanning on most often...turned ON. We fiddled with it for quite a while, and Phil ended up taking it home with him. Then we went to my old laptop, and couldn't get that turned on as the power pack was down to zero and I had loaned my cord to Jack, and couldn't find another that put in a call to Ann, and she ended up bringing it over a few hours later. We then went to this laptop and ran some program that cleaned off all the junk I've already captured on this computer that I've only had since April. But I do use it a lot each not too surprising. Then when the cord got here we went to work on the old lap top, by the time that Phil finished that it was working quit well, and I fixed dinner for both of us, and he went on his way. I haven't told him yet, but I tried to turn it on after he left and it said it was downloading some updates and not to turn it off, I went back much later around midnight, and it was still telling me the same thing, so I left it on and went to bed. This morning it is still stuck in the same place. So may just turn it off and try rebooting it again. Computer's are such a pain some days.
So that sums up my day yesterday, health wise I am doing fine...but Dr. Londer's office called and said that my blood work they took the day before showed my Potassium to be low, so they called a prescription to HP and I ran over while Phil was here and picked it up. So now I have a giant horse pill to take along with the other handful I take each day. Bananas are much easier way to get that Potassium.
Gotta get dressed and off to get unplugged, love and prayers, m

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 2, Round 7 of 8

Can you tell I'm getting anxious to get this over. So far I'm doing okay, although they changed the dosage of the atropine trying to avoid the constipation, but before they were even done giving me the chemo at HHH I already had diarrhea so I had to come home and take a couple Imodium. I also had to take a quick nap for about 20 minutes and then felt fine. Although I then stayed up till midnight and then couldn't fall a sleep till about 3:30 a.m. or so. I seem to have problems that first night sleeping every round. So nothing new there....and I feel fine this morning.
I have a few errands to run this of which is to the grocery store....I went to the cupboard and fridge and they were bare.
My brother Phil is coming out to help with my old computers and try to figure out why my new one doesn't work right when using the explore browser. I need it to work soon, so he is going to check that out too.
Other than that no plans for the evening....maybe get organized to go back to the cabin. I plan on doing that after I get unplugged tomorrow. Till then love and prayers, m

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 1, Round 7 of the real round 7

Two weeks ago I claimed it was round 7, but today is the real round 7 of chemo. Cousin Judy is on vacation this her sister Janet is coming to spend the day with me. I have to be there at 8:45 so will need to jump in the shower shortly.

The sun is shining and we have a promise of a beautiful day and I will be inside most of the best part of the day....but I'm happy for all of you Minnesotans who have had to suffer through the last 6 weeks of high humidity and heat that can't be outside today enjoy a perfect day.

I wrote so late yesterday I don't have much to write this morning. Love and prayers, m

The picture I have added is from the Japanese Gardens in Portland.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I'm Home

Long Day, when you get up at 4 a.m.....but the airport sitting was minimal, as I didn't arrive at the gate till about 20 minutes before boarding time, and then arrived in Denver just in time to board the plane for MPLS. My luggage was one of first off the carousal and Annie was there to pick me up right after I walked out the door. Nice to be home, but miss the fun of the last week. Never a dull moment all week. Being with Kathleen and her family was a pleasure, and getting to meet Eric's wife Laura was great....Seeing all the kids as now adults, and how well they all got along was nice too.
Yesterday we went to a Bakery/Cafe called St.Honore Bakery and had lunch,(food was awesome) then the Japanese Gardens which were awesome as well, and then shopping in the Hawthorne district of Portland a leftover of the Hippie generation that never grew up. But late in the day Kathleen and Gary had to take Christopher to the airport, so, Eric, Laura, Nate and I went to a place called the Salt & Straw that has the worlds best and unusual ice cream. Flavors like Balsamic and Strawberry, or sea salt and caramel, or almond brittle with ganache...a beer and something (I forget) coffee or pear and blue cheese and lemon sorbet with basil. They sound horrid, but tasted so wonderful We got to taste each kind and we all had cones with two different scoops, and then took home two pints with 2 different flavors in each. So before bed we all got a chance to taste. We couldn't not bring some home for Kathleen, Gary and Ginny.
Played some games before and after dinner. Oh, and I won a game of Dixit. I won so few games over the week, I need to mention at least one win. The dinner was a mixture of leftovers and food they needed to get rid of before leaving the house today. So I hugged and kissed everyone goodbye before bed, and did get a few hours sleep before the alarm went off at 4 a.m. this morning. It was a good end to a great week. Tomorrow is chemo again, Love and Prayers, m=

Monday, August 8, 2011

Last Day in Portland

Partly Cloudy, but still not bad!! Yesterday was a great day again....Kathleen and Gary hosted a brunch and gift opening for the bride and groom, and some of their friends that hadn't left town yet. It was a fun morning and into the afternoon, we ate and watched them open gifts, and exchanged pictures on our computers. Judith the mother of one of Blair's friends (Allie) had a card reader that had a USB cord on it, and I was able to upload mine from my camera to my computer too. I also put some of them on Facebook, so those of you that are my friends on FB can see them. I'll add a few here too.

We played cards and a new dice game called Dice Town that Eric gave to Gary for his birthday, and I won at Dice, but can't say I was that lucky at crisscross. Late (around 9:30 p.m.) Kathleen, Nate and I drove Blair and Justin to the airport as they left for their honeymoon in Honduras. Got home and we talked some and finally went to bed about 11 or so.

Today we are going back into downtown Portland and a great bakery/cafe for brunch and then to the Japanese gardens and maybe a art museum. Other than that it will be a pretty quiet day, Christopher (Gary's son) leaves at 5 to fly back to Utah, and both Ginny (Gary's mom) and I leave very early tomorrow morning.

I don't know if I'll be able to do the blog early tomorrow morning as I have to get up at 4 a.m. and leave by 4:30 for the car rental and airport. My plane now leaves at 6:15 a.m. ....not looking forward to that early morning stuff, and won't be getting up at 3:30 to may not be able to do that till later in the when I get home. Love and prayers, m

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday, Sonday

What a wonderful day we had yesterday. Kathleen and I started helping Blair make her bouquet and other bouquets. Blair had bought 6 5-gal. buckets of dahlias at a dahlia farm. They were so beautiful. I will upload pictures when I get home on Tuesday, I left the cord I need at home to do it today. After that we came back to the house and started rotating in and out of the shower....only one shower and eight of us. Then Blair and her maid of honor and another girl friend came and got dressed here. At about 2:40 pm we left for the wedding in 3 cars. That's important as only one of them got there before the original start time of the wedding. That was the car Blair was in. The other two cars went to the wrong entrance to the park, which sent us on the detour to the right entrance and got us to the park (along with about 4 other cars who ended up at the wrong entrance) at about 3:10 and then we had to walk back to the wedding site...which was about a 1/2 mile. Kathleen wearing high wedges and Gary's 92 year old mother weren't able to we walked as fast as we could. But a lot of other people were still coming after we arrived. So it wasn't as bad as we thought....they didn't start without the mother of the bride. It was a very casual affair and only about 50 people gathered (mostly family). Beautiful wedding and then we all headed for a neighborhood coffee shop for the reception. The walls had been decorated with the pinwheels we made on Thursday night and pictures of the bride and groom. Then a ledge that ran along one wall had the vases of bouquets. Her dad did all the food, which was an array of appetizers. As one would get emptied another interesting tray would come out. There was a counter with about 6 or 8 big trays to choose from. Her friends helped with the serving and made sure the wine and beer flowed freely. Her friend Becka made the cake, and individual cheese cakes for dessert. They had a photo booth set up where everyone could go back and have wild pictures taken holding sticks with mustaches and bow ties and eye glasses on. Can't wait to see how they turn out. All in all it was a very beautiful, casual and Happy Day!
Today, Kathleen and Gary are hosting a brunch here and the bride and groom will open their gifts. Looking forward to another great day.
Love and prayers, m

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sunny Wedding Day

Kathleen and I had to rise early this morning, so we can go arrange flowers for the tables for the wedding. So I'm not really awake yet.
Yesterday, we shopped for more groceries, and then we prepared the salads for the dinner. First we cut up all the fruit and chopped fresh mint to put on it. We put it all in separate bags and mixed it when we got to the home where the party was. Then we chopped everything for the pasta salad. It was a Greek orzo salad....and did I mention we were expecting 40 guests. So we made this 4 quart kettle of orzo to start with, and then added 2 huge boxes of baby spinach torn up (this took the longest), 4 cups of fresh basil, chopped, 1 quart of olives cut in halves, cucumbers sliced very thin, grape tomatoes cut in half, feta cheese and pine nuts. Each thing we added made it harder to stir, and then we had to add a balsamic vinaigrette dressing and stir that. What a job that was, and it took us a couple of hours to accomplish. Then we had to pack everything up and take it to the home where the dinner was. Gary prepared brats and burgers on their grill, and we had brownies for dessert. Justin's mom took care of the beverages, and she made a huge sangria punch, and served beer, pop and water.
The guests started coming at 6:30 and soon the house was filled with family and close friends in town for the wedding. The place seemed to bubble with conversation and laughter. I think a good time was had by all.
Today the wedding is at 2 pm and till then we will be in preparation mode. But the sun will be shining and I'm sure we will have a great day of celebrating.
I'm holding up well, and loving all the company. Love and prayers, m

Friday, August 5, 2011

Another Sunny Day

I hear that this is unusual weather for Portland, but I guess the Son has something to do with that. Going to be nice again today, and tomorrow for the wedding looks even nicer.

Yesterday Kathleen and I went to the house where the dinner will be this evening. It is the people that Blair babysits for, and has since the children were very little, and they have volunteered their house for the night. The two children are in the wedding, and they are so cute and so excited. This house is on top of a mountain, (near the Pittock Mansion...if any of you know Portland, you know where I'm talking about) You walk in and look straight through to the most gorgeous view.
We also met Justin's mother, the first time for Kathleen and me. They had spoken on the phone many times, but never in person. They discussed final arrangements for the party and wedding. Sounds like everything is set.
We did some grocery shopping, and then headed back to the house we are all staying at. Played games all afternoon....a variety of dice and card games...including a new one that Eric gave to Gary for his birthday. Don't think I won anything all day, but really had fun trying.
Justin, Blair and her friend Allie, all came for dinner, and after dinner we all helped Blair make decorations for the reception. We made paper pinwheels, and they needed to be accordion pleated and then glued it took a variety of people the rest of the evening to complete a gazillion paper folds of beautiful paper and a lot of hot glue.
During the day Gary made two trips to the airport picking up his son and his mom. So the house if full now. Five bedrooms with someone in each!
Today we will prepare food for the party this evening and then we will be off to the mountain top to celebrate. Life is good....I'm feeling great...Love and prayers, m

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Sun is Shining in Portland

Beautiful morning here and so was yesterday....all day! I know that's hard for those who live in MN to believe, but I've actually had three days in a row without rain. It's supposed to be like this the whole time I'm here.
Yesterday, we had a lazy morning, and then headed downtown Portland to see what we could find. Went to the world famous VooDoo Donut shop....where we had to stand in line for about 1/2 hour to even buy one. They specialize in obscene shapes and similar names for about 20 or 30 different donuts...3 of us tried the bacon maple long john (I think they called it a Bacle Maple) anyway it was a large long john with maple frosting, with two big slices of bacon on was really good. A meal in itself. Others had an apple fritter, one filled with Bavarian creme (not their real names) and Nate picked one called the Dirty Something, and it had peanut butter, oreo cookie crumbles and chocolate frosting and anyway he ate two bites and decided that it was two sweet. I think he was the only one who didn't eat his except for those that had more than one and couldn't finish the second.
From there we strolled around town and did some shopping and an art gallery and ended up later in the afternoon at the Rock Bottom Brewery and played some cards and had a few beers (me not included...I still don't like beer) and some nacho's before we headed down to the river and strolled along it and then back to our cars. It was a fun day, but by the time we all got home, we were all exhausted and laid around and watched "So you think you can Dance" till it was time to go to bed.
Today, Kathleen and I are going to the home where the party will be on Friday night (sort of a grooms dinner)to check things out and make final arrangements, and Justin's mom is going to be there and that will be the first time Kathleen gets to meet her too! After that, Gary has to go to the airport to pick-up Christopher his son, and this evening, Blair, Justin and her friend Allie will all come and join us for dinner.
That's all I have to report...hope you are staying dry in Minnesota. Love and prayers, m

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

In Portland, OR and all is Well

I’m sorry I didn’t get back and update the blog yesterday, but it was quite a day. I got to the airport shortly after 8 a.m., and then sat around till about 9:30 at the gate I thought my plane left on, but the plane to Denver was leaving for another gate, so I decided I better check and see if that was my flight, even though it said it was leaving at 10:40 a.m. and I thought my flight left at 10:25….Surprise, Surprise, my flight left at 8:14 a.m. and I totally missed it. I was reading the original itinerary I got, and not the updated one with the time change on it. I printed boarding passes the night before….but still didn’t notice the time change….I wasn’t even looking for one either. So now I got to wait and see if I could get on the 10:40 flight to Denver flying stand-by….no luck….the flight was full, and there were 6 of us trying to get on it….so they finally booked all of us on other flights, and mine left MPLS at 2:00 p.m. and went to Denver and then another flight to Portland, and I arrived at 6:20 Pacific time….that’s really 8:20 Central time, so I left home at 7:30 a.m. and 14 hours later arrived in Portland….most of the time sitting in airports….not flying!!!
So I land, get my luggage which arrived much earlier in the day without me, and got the rental car and drove with the help on my GPS directly to the house Kathleen rented….and no one was home! I called Kathleen and Gary and they had been out shopping and were lost and their GPS was running out of power (a long story)….so I had to sit and wait….yet again…for them to find their way back before I could unload the car and go in. What a day!!!
Hopefully today will go a lot smoother. The reason I didn’t update the blog….wasn’t because I didn’t have time….the airport has WI-FI….but they charge you for it….and I refused to pay….so I had to do all my internet on the blackberry, and that is not conducive to my blog!!! So that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it!
Blair and Justin (the bride and groom) came over and we had dinner together, and then Kathleen and Blair went to the airport to pick up Laura, Eric and Nate, all whose flights game in about 11 p.m.
Don’t have big plans for the day…we’ll see what the day brings….I’m sure I’ll have lots of stories to tell you again tomorrow. Love and prayers, m

Just a little known info about Justin Hamel the groom: His family came from Quebec to MN and settled in the area that is now Hamel. Our grandparents, and some Aunts and Uncles once lived in Hamel....and one of his relatives, Dr. Arnold Hamel delivered me and Kathleen....and probably Bill, John and Phil too! All info from my small world file deep in my head!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Promise of Sun

They said the same thing yesterday, and I never saw it....rained almost all day....I don't know how long I've been collecting water in my rain guage, but I had 4 1/2 inches in it, when I checked last night.
Hopefully Portland will have nice dry weather like predicted for the next week. I am all packed and have taken my shower, eaten and all dressed and ready to go. Bill will be here in 20 minutes, and I can't wait to go.
I'll add to this at the airport. So come back and read later. m

Monday, August 1, 2011

Rain Again?

No sun although they say it's going to be in the 90's again today. So we'll have to wait for that to happen. The crawl is going across the bottom of the TV with Severe Thunderstorm warnings....looks like the cabin may get that too!
I accomplished all the tasks I had on the list for yesterday....finished making a gift, filled out and gathered a bunch of paper work that I need to fax off this morning. Yesterday I just gathered all the things I'm taking in one place, so today I need to actually put it in a suitcase. I may have to eliminate a few things, so we'll see how it fits.
I also have to go and get my infusion of Exturba after lunch, and this afternoon my new water heater will be installed. So it will be a busy day. I'm so excited about the trip. I haven't seen most of Kathleen's kids for a long time....and I've never actually met Laura, (Eric's wife). We are staying in a rented house with them, and will have a lot of time to visit and enjoy the preparation, parties and wedding all together.
Bill, Kim and Tommy stopped by yesterday afternoon on their way by on their bikes. They rode up to their new house (getting excited about moving) and then stopped to see me. I got to see a few more pictures of the new house, and it looks really nice.
Bill confirmed that he will pick me up tomorrow morning, so I'm all set. I may wait and write my blog at the airport, as I'll be there early. Till then, love and prayers, m