Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Good Morning Sunshine!

It never rained yesterday, but it was mostly cloudy all day, so waking this morning to bright sunshine is such a treat. Unfortunately I hear they think it will rain this evening. Hopefully it won't storm....just rain....not that we need it.
I came home around 2 p.m. yesterday....or I got to Coon Rapids around 2 p.m. and then I stopped at Riverdale and finished shopping for Presley's birthday present....that didn't take long, and then I stopped and got a few things for a recipe I had torn out of a magazine on Sunday when I was catching up on my reading. It sounded really good, I thought I only needed the ground chicken and bread crumbs to make the oriental chicken meat balls, but I ended up getting grapes on sale, some carrots and cucumbers and rice noodles which I added to the meal (not the grapes but the rest). It turned out okay, but I don't think I'd make it again. We'll see how the leftovers taste today.
Don't have big plans for today....have to get Presley's package in the mail, and then I think I'll pull some weeds out of my garden....some look like trees!...with all the rain they seem to be doing quite well.
Undressed to take a bath last night, and realized my back is covered with dry skin (really dry flaking in big pieces)....spots I can't reach with lotion. This last month I have been plagued with dry skin....cracking on heels and fingers....I can't seem to stay ahead of it with lotion. My face is also a big problem....I'm looking older and more wrinkled every day. Most of the lotions burn my face...so I had to find one that wouldn't....the pharmacist helped with that. I also have some special hand and foot cream they gave me a sample of that works pretty good for them as well. My hair seems to be thinning now too....but as far as side effects from the chemo and the other targeted drug they are infusing me with....I guess I'm doing pretty well if those are my only problems.
So enough complaining, I guess I better get dressed and start doing something constructive. Love and prayers, m

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