Wednesday, August 3, 2011

In Portland, OR and all is Well

I’m sorry I didn’t get back and update the blog yesterday, but it was quite a day. I got to the airport shortly after 8 a.m., and then sat around till about 9:30 at the gate I thought my plane left on, but the plane to Denver was leaving for another gate, so I decided I better check and see if that was my flight, even though it said it was leaving at 10:40 a.m. and I thought my flight left at 10:25….Surprise, Surprise, my flight left at 8:14 a.m. and I totally missed it. I was reading the original itinerary I got, and not the updated one with the time change on it. I printed boarding passes the night before….but still didn’t notice the time change….I wasn’t even looking for one either. So now I got to wait and see if I could get on the 10:40 flight to Denver flying stand-by….no luck….the flight was full, and there were 6 of us trying to get on it….so they finally booked all of us on other flights, and mine left MPLS at 2:00 p.m. and went to Denver and then another flight to Portland, and I arrived at 6:20 Pacific time….that’s really 8:20 Central time, so I left home at 7:30 a.m. and 14 hours later arrived in Portland….most of the time sitting in airports….not flying!!!
So I land, get my luggage which arrived much earlier in the day without me, and got the rental car and drove with the help on my GPS directly to the house Kathleen rented….and no one was home! I called Kathleen and Gary and they had been out shopping and were lost and their GPS was running out of power (a long story)….so I had to sit and wait….yet again…for them to find their way back before I could unload the car and go in. What a day!!!
Hopefully today will go a lot smoother. The reason I didn’t update the blog….wasn’t because I didn’t have time….the airport has WI-FI….but they charge you for it….and I refused to pay….so I had to do all my internet on the blackberry, and that is not conducive to my blog!!! So that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it!
Blair and Justin (the bride and groom) came over and we had dinner together, and then Kathleen and Blair went to the airport to pick up Laura, Eric and Nate, all whose flights game in about 11 p.m.
Don’t have big plans for the day…we’ll see what the day brings….I’m sure I’ll have lots of stories to tell you again tomorrow. Love and prayers, m

Just a little known info about Justin Hamel the groom: His family came from Quebec to MN and settled in the area that is now Hamel. Our grandparents, and some Aunts and Uncles once lived in Hamel....and one of his relatives, Dr. Arnold Hamel delivered me and Kathleen....and probably Bill, John and Phil too! All info from my small world file deep in my head!!

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