Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sunny Sunny Day!

We did get a lot of rain last evening, but no storms, and now the sun is shining brightly....and it's supposed to stay that way.
Got a note from Joe and Sandi yesterday that Sandi's mom died and they are coming to MN for the funeral. Don't have any other details but will let everyone know when I do. Also got a call from Aunt Loretta (she sounds good, and said Uncle John is doing well too) and talked to Kathleen as well. I did get my errands run before noon, but other than that, didn't do much constructive...the weeds are still in the garden. Later last evening I got a call from Jan Ranum and she has some coconut oil to offer my dry I'm going over before my infusion this morning and getting that....I also asked if she would put some on my back where I can't reach....she agreed....what a good angel she is.
Today, I have the infusion at 11 a.m., and then I will return home and get packed for the cabin. I plan on being there till Sunday....but funeral arrangements may change that. I have offered the cabin beds for Joe and Sandi's family, I hope they take me up on it. Don't know when they might arrive....Sandi said they were on their way yesterday morning....but don't know if they flew or are driving. Sandi's brother lives in St. Michael, so it's not far from the cabin.
Well must start moving, Love and prayers, m

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