Friday, August 19, 2011

Rise and Shine

I don't have much time to lollygag this morning, as I will be going to Sandi's mom's funeral. I need to shower and leave the cabin by about 10:15. I stayed in bed till 8 a.m. and have eaten and installed updates on my computer already, so I guess I'm not going to have to rush too much.
Hope you saw the update I made to the blog yesterday afternoon. I was talking about Presley's birthday all week, shopping and mailing the present, and then when the actual day comes I forgot till I went into Facebook and saw that everyone else had remembered and sent her (through her mom) birthday wishes. I also forgot to mention the Holy Day of Obligation earlier in the not the one on Monday...the one on Tuesday, my dad's birthday....he would have been 97. Dad always celebrated 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after his I guess I'm within the bounds.
Phil did fish yesterday and stopped to visit twice. He had his friend Rick with him, and they caught their limit. One northern, one crappy and all the rest bass. They each caught a really big bass, Rick caught one that was almost 4 pounds and about 16 inches long, Phil's was just a bit smaller, maybe 2 1/2 -3 lbs. They left me only a few, but earlier in the day when they stopped, he brought a frozen bag that they had caught earlier this summer....just in case Joe and Sandi come for a fish fry. If not I get to eat them myself...which is never a problem.
Another sign of Fall, Bill our neighbor at the cabin, emailed with information on plowing the snow again this winter....we are all set for the same guy as last year and the same price....just hope it doesn't snow as much....or as often.
The landscaper says he'll start work on our yard by the first of September, and it will take about 4 weeks....a big job. Can't wait for that to be done, so we look as nice as our neighbors.
Nothing else to report....I better get that shower....Love and prayers, m

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