Lots of clouds shading the sun this morning....actually when I got up it was sunny, but a big cloud just floated in and more seem to be clumping in. The lake is calm, and the birds are wild this morning. I've had an array of different birds clamoring for the food....three orioles out there at the same time waiting their turn to eat the jelly, and 2 hummingbirds that refuse to share with each other, and would rather chase the other a way than let them both eat at the same time. But the feeders are void of squirrels this morning....strange I haven't seen much of the squirrels since I've been here this week. I'm running low on food, will have to pick some up when I go to the farmers market this morning....note to self.
I was just getting out of bed this morning when the phone rang....Karen was watching Will get his hair cut...she said that all the gifts arrived on time, and Presley had one of them on today....they fit as well....so nothing had to be returned....yippee. They made a trip to the American Girl store, and Presley was able to buy something with her gift card....so all went well. They start school on Monday (can you believe that?) so they are getting ready for that this weekend.
Went to the funeral yesterday for Sandi's mom....a very nice service but very small. Jeannie Podzimek and I were the only cousins on Joe's side, and Sandi had one cousin on her mom's side. When you live out of state, and then get buried from a church that you never belonged to,in the middle of a work day, there are not many friends and neighbors that can come. But the family that did, it was great to see. Sandi and Joe's kids, Joe and Lynn and their spouses and Lynn's daughter, Sarah, all drove up from Georgia, and it was so nice to visit with them. I had never met Sarah, and she's a cute 11 year old, that was enjoying another cousin just her size. Don't think any of them will make it to the cabin, Joe and Kerry were leaving this morning, as they have to be back at work on Monday morning. I think the rest will leave tomorrow morning. I am looking forward to seeing all of them in October, when I go down to Georgia for Joe's 70th birthday party.
Not much planned for the day....other than the farmer's market this morning....I found out that I can get the pages to expand my scrapbook, and will get them when I go back to town, so maybe I will work on that again this afternoon. That's it for now, love and prayers, m
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