Monday, August 29, 2011

Sunshine and Blue Skies Welcome the Day

I was a wake a lot last night, so I stayed in bed till 8:45 this morning. Then I turned on my old computer (I left the new one at the cabin....I figured I could use the old one for one day) and it took 1/2 hour for it to even get me to the email. Then I got several messages on Facebook notifying me that Carol's (my sister-in-law) mom died early this morning. I then got a call from Carol to let me know too! Grandma Stripsky was 92, and as Carol says "Her everready battery wore out". It just happened this morning at 3 a.m., so no arrangements for the funeral have been made, and with half of the family in Florida, Carrie is working on making the arrangements. With the Holiday weekend coming they don't know if they should wait till after or do it before. I remember it was the same thing when my dad was the same time of the year, and we ended up having the funeral on Friday before the long weekend. Lot's of people gone at that time, and school starting and all is kinda hard to figure out when to do it. I'll let you know when they figure it out.
Came home yesterday afternoon, after cleaning the cabin and then got home and had to clean another bathroom so that made 3 bathrooms in one day, and I still have one to go...maybe do that before I leave today....maybe....okay I will. I did upload some pictures so I will add a few to this blog. One of the front of the boathouse that they finished on Friday, two of the birds, the red bellied woodpecker and one of the oriole at the feeder....and I will also add one of the sun shining through the clouds on Saturday afternoon.
Last night I went to Jim and Ann's for a going away party for Jack and Rae (his girlfriend). Lot's of great food, lots of fun conversations, and lots of great family pictures with Jack and Rae...At least I think they are great pictures, it was quite an ordeal trying to get everyone together at one time for a group picture...which actually never happened even though we took atleast 4 of them. Or I should say Ann took 4 of them. It was all pretty funny. They take Jack to Duluth on Thursday, and Ann is already missing him...wishing he could stay at home forever. But we all know that can't happen. They did such a great job raising him, they don't have to worry about him going off to college. Good Luck Jack!!
I have a few errands to run this morning before I go back to the cabin, but I'm not in a hurry, so will get back to the cabin later this afternoon, but then I get to stay till next Tuesday. I guess I'll bring clothes along, so I can leave from the cabin for the funeral if it's the end of this week. But am so looking forward to not having an infusion this body and skin is looking forward to it too!
Hope you enjoy the pictures. Love and prayers, m

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