Monday, August 8, 2011

Last Day in Portland

Partly Cloudy, but still not bad!! Yesterday was a great day again....Kathleen and Gary hosted a brunch and gift opening for the bride and groom, and some of their friends that hadn't left town yet. It was a fun morning and into the afternoon, we ate and watched them open gifts, and exchanged pictures on our computers. Judith the mother of one of Blair's friends (Allie) had a card reader that had a USB cord on it, and I was able to upload mine from my camera to my computer too. I also put some of them on Facebook, so those of you that are my friends on FB can see them. I'll add a few here too.

We played cards and a new dice game called Dice Town that Eric gave to Gary for his birthday, and I won at Dice, but can't say I was that lucky at crisscross. Late (around 9:30 p.m.) Kathleen, Nate and I drove Blair and Justin to the airport as they left for their honeymoon in Honduras. Got home and we talked some and finally went to bed about 11 or so.

Today we are going back into downtown Portland and a great bakery/cafe for brunch and then to the Japanese gardens and maybe a art museum. Other than that it will be a pretty quiet day, Christopher (Gary's son) leaves at 5 to fly back to Utah, and both Ginny (Gary's mom) and I leave very early tomorrow morning.

I don't know if I'll be able to do the blog early tomorrow morning as I have to get up at 4 a.m. and leave by 4:30 for the car rental and airport. My plane now leaves at 6:15 a.m. ....not looking forward to that early morning stuff, and won't be getting up at 3:30 to may not be able to do that till later in the when I get home. Love and prayers, m

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