Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 1, Round 8

As most of you know....I hope this is the last....but am fully aware that Dr. Londer will have me continue chemo till I go to Mayo on the 20th of September....which could mean 2 more rounds....or 10 total. I have so many side effects from the targeted drug...but as Annie said at least they are not the kind that have me sitting at home vomiting...they are hair thinning, seriously dry skin (with cracking of skin on fingers and feet) itching and this hideous rash that come and goes mostly on my face. This is one of the worst times....I'm assuming it is a cumulative effect. My allergies have also been bothering me, with one eye that keeps watering and is red and itchy, and now is mattering. Okay none of that has kept me down, and I feel quite well and blessed considering I'm going through chemo, but I think it is waring me down mentally....being tied to treatment every week all summer. Maybe it's just that I was hoping that I wouldn't have to continue into 4 more rounds after the first 4, and partly that I know Dr. Londer will say "Why stop if it's working". I'm anticipating that is what he will say, and of course I'll do what he says....but maybe I can stop the targeted Drug for the next few weeks....I'm just afraid of how much more hair I'll lose and how much worse the rash and dry skin can get.
Okay, I'll stop complaining, and see what happens. But this is all getting old.
Judy is meeting me there this morning, and I'm bringing the cribbage board to try my luck at that again. Not that I'm feeling lucky.
I can use some extra strong prayers from all my spot removers today. Love and prayers, m

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