Monday, August 1, 2011

Rain Again?

No sun although they say it's going to be in the 90's again today. So we'll have to wait for that to happen. The crawl is going across the bottom of the TV with Severe Thunderstorm warnings....looks like the cabin may get that too!
I accomplished all the tasks I had on the list for yesterday....finished making a gift, filled out and gathered a bunch of paper work that I need to fax off this morning. Yesterday I just gathered all the things I'm taking in one place, so today I need to actually put it in a suitcase. I may have to eliminate a few things, so we'll see how it fits.
I also have to go and get my infusion of Exturba after lunch, and this afternoon my new water heater will be installed. So it will be a busy day. I'm so excited about the trip. I haven't seen most of Kathleen's kids for a long time....and I've never actually met Laura, (Eric's wife). We are staying in a rented house with them, and will have a lot of time to visit and enjoy the preparation, parties and wedding all together.
Bill, Kim and Tommy stopped by yesterday afternoon on their way by on their bikes. They rode up to their new house (getting excited about moving) and then stopped to see me. I got to see a few more pictures of the new house, and it looks really nice.
Bill confirmed that he will pick me up tomorrow morning, so I'm all set. I may wait and write my blog at the airport, as I'll be there early. Till then, love and prayers, m

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