Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cool and Foggy

Doesn't look much better than yesterday, but the fog is a little brighter than the grey clouds of yesterday....but not much. I definitely have SAD (seasonal affected disorder) yesterday I never got dressed....stayed in my pjs all day. I did get a few things accomplished, but not many. When the sun isn't shining, I'm not either.
I did get my scrapbook done up to the landscaping, and that meant adding those pages I did last week and putting the scrapbook back together. I may add a page of the before landscaping today. I also did some cleaning...or removing of cobwebs along the high I wasn't totally a bum.
This afternoon Phil said he will be fishing and stop in, and Judy should arrive this I have reason to shower and get dressed even if the sun isn't shining.
I also am battling diarrhea the last 24 hours in spite of 4 Imodium yesterday and another 2 this morning. I don't know if it's something I ate...or if it's the new antibiotic. Hopefully the 2 Imodium I took this morning will finally take hold of it. Luckily with Constance and the bag....I don't have the urge to run to the bathroom with just comes out liquid and I have to empty more often. Okay enough potty talk....on to my face and hands. My rash is horrid, and I'm looking like a racoon....only dark red instead of black around the eyes. I even had a crack into my upper lip bleeding the other night, but I think the coconut oil has helped that. Three of my fingers were also bleeding night before last, and they were the pointer and thumbs that you use all the time, and so I put neosporin on them and then bandaids for the night...that seemed to help a bleeding yesterday. I'm guessing the bathroom cleaning I did on Sunday and Monday added to that problem.
I'm surprised that even though I didn't get that targeted drug last week that it is still causing such a horrid rash. Hopefully not having it again this week will help and by next week I will be looking normal (what ever that is!).
Okay, it's time to stop complaining and count my blessings, I'm at the cabin with all my birds and critters, and I'm in pretty good shape for the shape I'm in. Thanks to all of you, love and prayers, m

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